2007-02-08 Ryan Murray <rmurray@debian.org>
+ * config/debian/cron.daily: track when we have the accepted lock
+ and clean it up on exit if we have it. Take/check the
+ cron.unchecked lock just before traping to cleanup on exit.
+ Remove potato override handling. Remove any dangling symlinks in
+ /srv/incoming.d.o/buildd. Clean up apt-ftparchive's databases.
* config/debian/apt.conf: change default compression scheme for
both Sources and Packages to gzip and bzip2 rather than
uncompressed and gzip (Packages) and gzip (Sources). Use old
cleanup() {
rm -f "$NOTICE"
rm -f "$LOCKCU"
+ if [ "$lockac" -eq "1" ]; then
+ rm -f "$LOCKAC"
+ fi
+lockfile -l 3600 $LOCKCU
trap cleanup 0
rm -f "$NOTICE"
-lockfile -l 3600 $LOCKCU
cat > "$NOTICE" <<EOF
Packages are currently being installed and indices rebuilt.
Maintenance is automatic, starting at 13:52 US Central time, and
TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
lockfile $LOCKAC
cd $accepted
rm -f REPORT
dak process-accepted -pa *.changes | tee REPORT | \
dak check-overrides
rm -f $LOCKAC
symlinks -d -r $ftpdir
#cat $extoverridedir/task | perl -ne 'print if /^\S+\sTask\s\S+(,\s*\S+)*$/;' > override.sid.extra.main
-rm -f override.potato.all3 override.sid.all3
-for i in main contrib non-free; do cat override.potato.$i >> override.potato.all3; done
+rm -f override.sid.all3
for i in main contrib non-free main.debian-installer; do cat override.sid.$i >> override.sid.all3; done
TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
# Needs to be rebuilt, as files have moved. Due to unaccepts, we need to
# update this before wanna-build is updated.
psql projectb -A -t -q -c "SELECT filename FROM queue_build WHERE suite = 5 AND queue = 0 AND in_queue = true AND filename ~ 'd(sc|eb)$'" > $dbdir/dists/unstable_accepted.list
+symlinks -d /srv/incoming.debian.org/buildd > /dev/null
apt-ftparchive generate apt.conf.buildd
TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
R --slave --vanilla < $base/misc/ftpstats.R
TS=$(($TS+1)); echo Archive maintenance timestamp $TS: $(date +%X)
+# Clean up apt-ftparchive's databases
+cd $configdir
+apt-ftparchive -q clean apt.conf