# Display information about package(s) (suite, version, etc.)
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# $Id: madison,v 1.11 2001-09-27 01:23:41 troup Exp $
+# $Id: madison,v 1.12 2001-11-04 22:35:11 troup Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
if Options["Help"]:
- if packages == []:
+ if not packages:
utils.fubar("need at least one package name as an argument.");
projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]));
db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
if Options.get("Suite"):
- con_suites = "AND (";
- wrong_suites = 0;
- suites = string.split(Options["Suite"]);
- for suite in suites:
+ suite_ids_list = [];
+ for suite in string.split(Options["Suite"]):
suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite);
if suite_id == -1:
utils.warn("suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
- wrong_suites = wrong_suites + 1;
- con_suites = con_suites + "su.id = %s OR " % (suite_id);
- if wrong_suites >= len(suites):
+ suite_ids_list.append(suite_id);
+ if suite_ids_list:
+ con_suites = "AND su.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, suite_ids_list), ", ");
+ else:
utils.fubar("No correct suite given.");
- con_suites = con_suites[:-3] + ")";
con_suites = "";
if Options.get("Architecture"):
- con_architectures = "AND (";
+ arch_ids_list = [];
check_source = 0;
- wrong_architectures = 0;
- architectures = string.split(Options["Architecture"]);
- for architecture in architectures:
+ for architecture in string.split(Options["Architecture"]):
if architecture == "source":
check_source = 1;
architecture_id = db_access.get_architecture_id(architecture);
if architecture_id == -1:
utils.warn("architecture '%s' not recognised." % (architecture));
- wrong_architectures = wrong_architectures + 1;
- con_architectures = con_architectures + "a.id = %s OR " % (architecture_id);
- if wrong_architectures >= len(architectures):
- utils.fubar("No correct architecture given");
- con_architectures = con_architectures[:-3] + ")";
+ arch_ids_list.append(architecture_id);
+ if arch_ids_list:
+ con_architectures = "AND a.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, arch_ids_list), ", ");
+ else:
+ utils.fubar("No correct architecture given.");
con_architectures = "";
check_source = 1;
+ results = 0;
for package in packages:
q = projectB.query("SELECT b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, su.suite_name, m.name FROM binaries b, architecture a, suite su, bin_associations ba, maintainer m WHERE b.package = '%s' AND a.id = b.architecture AND su.id = ba.suite AND b.id = ba.bin AND b.maintainer = m.id %s %s" % (package, con_suites, con_architectures));
ql = q.getresult();
q = projectB.query("SELECT s.source, s.version, 'source', su.suite_name, m.name FROM source s, suite su, src_associations sa, maintainer m WHERE s.source = '%s' AND su.id = sa.suite AND s.id = sa.source AND s.maintainer = m.id %s" % (package, con_suites));
d = {};
- if not ql:
- sys.exit(1);
for i in ql:
+ results = results + 1;
package = i[0];
version = i[1];
architecture = i[2];
count = count + 1;
+ if not results:
+ sys.exit(1);
if __name__ == '__main__':
# General purpose package removal tool for ftpmaster
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 James Troup <james@nocrew.org>
-# $Id: melanie,v 1.17 2001-09-27 01:23:41 troup Exp $
+# $Id: melanie,v 1.18 2001-11-04 22:35:11 troup Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
db_access.init(Cnf, projectB);
# Sanity check options
- if arguments == []:
+ if not arguments:
utils.fubar("need at least one package name as an argument.");
if Options["Architecture"] and Options["Source-Only"]:
utils.fubar("can't use -a/--architecutre and -S/--source-only options simultaneously.");
# 2) the keyword 'package' - cc's $arch@packages.debian.org for every argument
# 3) contains a '@' - assumed to be an email address, used unmofidied
- carbon_copy = ""
+ carbon_copy = [];
for copy_to in string.split(Options.get("Carbon-Copy")):
if utils.str_isnum(copy_to):
- carbon_copy = carbon_copy + copy_to + "@" + Cnf["Dinstall::BugServer"] + ", "
+ carbon_copy.append(copy_to + "@" + Cnf["Dinstall::BugServer"]);
elif copy_to == 'package':
for package in arguments:
- carbon_copy = carbon_copy + package + "@" + Cnf["Dinstall::PackagesServer"] + ", "
+ carbon_copy.append(package + "@" + Cnf["Dinstall::PackagesServer"]);
elif '@' in copy_to:
- carbon_copy = carbon_copy + copy_to + ", "
+ carbon_copy.append(copy_to);
utils.fubar("Invalid -C/--carbon-copy argument '%s'; not a bug number, 'package' or email address." % (copy_to));
- # Make it a real email header
- if carbon_copy != "":
- carbon_copy = "Cc: " + carbon_copy[:-2] + '\n'
packages = {};
if Options["Binary-Only"]:
field = "b.package";
field = "s.source";
- con_packages = "AND (";
+ quoted_packages_list = []
for package in arguments:
- con_packages = con_packages + "%s = '%s' OR " % (field, package)
+ quoted_packages_list.append("'%s'" % package)
packages[package] = "";
- con_packages = con_packages[:-3] + ")"
- suites_list = "";
+ con_packages = "AND %s IN (%s)" % (field, string.join(quoted_packages_list, ", "));
+ suites = [];
suite_ids_list = [];
- con_suites = "AND (";
for suite in string.split(Options["Suite"]):
if not Options["No-Action"] and suite == "stable":
if suite_id == -1:
utils.warn("suite '%s' not recognised." % (suite));
- con_suites = con_suites + "su.id = %s OR " % (suite_id)
- suites_list = suites_list + suite + ", "
- suite_ids_list.append(suite_id);
- con_suites = con_suites[:-3] + ")"
- suites_list = suites_list[:-2];
+ suites.append(suite);
+ suite_ids_list.append(suite_id);
+ if suite_ids_list:
+ suites_list = string.join(suites, ", ")
+ con_suites = "AND su.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, suite_ids_list), ", ");
+ else:
+ utils.fubar("No correct suite given.");
if Options["Component"]:
- con_components = "AND (";
- over_con_components = "AND (";
+ components_ids_list = [];
for component in string.split(Options["Component"]):
component_id = db_access.get_component_id(component);
if component_id == -1:
utils.warn("component '%s' not recognised." % (component));
- con_components = con_components + "c.id = %s OR " % (component_id);
- over_con_components = over_con_components + "component = %s OR " % (component_id);
- con_components = con_components[:-3] + ")"
- over_con_components = over_con_components[:-3] + ")";
+ components_ids_list.append(component_id);
+ con_components = "AND c.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, components_ids_list), ", ");
+ over_con_components = "AND component IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, components_ids_list), ", ");
con_components = "";
over_con_components = "";
if Options["Architecture"]:
- con_architectures = "AND (";
+ arch_ids_list = [];
for architecture in string.split(Options["Architecture"]):
architecture_id = db_access.get_architecture_id(architecture);
if architecture_id == -1:
utils.warn("architecture '%s' not recognised." % (architecture));
- con_architectures = con_architectures + "a.id = %s OR " % (architecture_id)
- con_architectures = con_architectures[:-3] + ")"
+ arch_ids_list.append(architecture_id);
+ if arch_ids_list:
+ con_architectures = "AND a.id IN (%s)" % string.join(map(str, arch_ids_list), ", ");
+ else:
+ utils.fubar("No correct architecture given");
con_architectures = "";
q = projectB.query("SELECT l.path, f.filename, b.package, b.version, a.arch_string, b.id, b.maintainer FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba, architecture a, suite su, files f, location l, component c WHERE ba.bin = b.id AND ba.suite = su.id AND b.architecture = a.id AND b.file = f.id AND f.location = l.id AND l.component = c.id %s %s %s AND b.package = '%s'" % (con_suites, con_components, con_architectures, package));
for i in q.getresult():
filename = string.join(i[:2], '/');
- control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(utils.open_file(filename,"r")))
+ control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(utils.open_file(filename)))
source = control.Find("Source", control.Find("Package"));
source = re_strip_source_version.sub('', source);
if source_packages.has_key(source):
result = os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename))
if result != 0:
utils.fubar ("vi invocation failed for `%s'!" % (temp_filename), result)
- file = utils.open_file(temp_filename, 'r');
+ file = utils.open_file(temp_filename);
for line in file.readlines():
Options["Reason"] = Options["Reason"] + line;
d[package] = {};
if not d[package].has_key(version):
d[package][version] = [];
- d[package][version].append(architecture);
+ if architecture not in d[package][version]:
+ d[package][version].append(architecture);
- maintainer_list = "Maintainer: "
+ maintainer_list = [];
for maintainer_id in maintainers.keys():
- maintainer_list = maintainer_list + db_access.get_maintainer(maintainer_id) + ", ";
- maintainer_list = maintainer_list[:-2];
+ maintainer_list.append(db_access.get_maintainer(maintainer_id));
summary = "";
packages = d.keys();
versions = d[package].keys();
for version in versions:
- summary = summary + "%10s | %10s | " % (package, version);
- for architecture in d[package][version]:
- summary = "%s%s, " % (summary, architecture);
- summary = summary[:-2] + '\n';
+ summary = summary + "%10s | %10s | %s\n" % (package, version, string.join(d[package][version], ", "));
print "Will remove the following packages from %s:" % (suites_list);
print summary
- print maintainer_list
+ print "Maintainer: %s" % string.join(maintainer_list, ", ")
if Options["Done"]:
print "Will also close bugs: "+Options["Done"];
if carbon_copy:
- print "Will also "+carbon_copy[:-1]
+ print "Will also send CCs to:" + string.join(carbon_copy, ", ")
print "------------------- Reason -------------------"
print Options["Reason"];
Subst = {};
Subst["__MELANIE_ADDRESS__"] = Cnf["Melanie::MyEmailAddress"];
Subst["__BUG_SERVER__"] = Cnf["Dinstall::BugServer"];
- bcc = "";
+ bcc = [];
if Cnf.Find("Dinstall::Bcc") != "":
- bcc = bcc + Cnf["Dinstall::Bcc"] + ", ";
+ bcc.append(Cnf["Dinstall::Bcc"]);
if Cnf.Find("Melanie::Bcc") != "":
- bcc = bcc + Cnf["Melanie::Bcc"] + ", ";
- if bcc == "":
- bcc = "X-Filler: 42" + ", ";
+ bcc.append(Cnf["Melanie::Bcc"]);
+ if bcc:
+ Subst["__BCC__"] = "Bcc: " + string.join(bcc, ", ");
- bcc = "Bcc: " + bcc;
- Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc[:-2];
- Subst["__CC__"] = "X-Melanie: $Revision: 1.17 $\n" + carbon_copy[:-1];
+ Subst["__BCC__"] = "X-Filler: 42";
+ Subst["__CC__"] = "X-Melanie: $Revision: 1.18 $";
+ if carbon_copy:
+ Subst["__CC__"] = Subst["__CC__"] + "\nCc: " + string.join(carbon_copy, ", ");
Subst["__SUITE_LIST__"] = suites_list;
Subst["__SUMMARY__"] = summary;
Subst["__ADMIN_ADDRESS__"] = Cnf["Dinstall::MyAdminAddress"];