--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Imports a keyring into the database
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Anthony Towns <aj@erisian.com.au>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import daklib.database, daklib.logging
+import apt_pkg, pg
+import sys, os, email.Utils, re
+# Globals
+Cnf = None
+Options = None
+projectB = None
+Logger = None
+# These could possibly be daklib.db functions, and reused by
+# import-ldap-fingerprints
+def get_uid_info():
+ byname = {}
+ byid = {}
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT id, uid, name FROM uid")
+ for (id, uid, name) in q.getresult():
+ byname[uid] = (id, name)
+ byid[id] = (uid, name)
+ return (byname, byid)
+def get_fingerprint_info():
+ fins = {}
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT f.fingerprint, f.id, f.uid, f.keyring FROM fingerprint f")
+ for (fingerprint, fingerprint_id, uid, keyring) in q.getresult():
+ fins[fingerprint] = (uid, fingerprint_id, keyring)
+ return fins
+class Keyring:
+ gpg_invocation = "gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring %s" +\
+ " --with-colons --fingerprint --fingerprint"
+ keys = {}
+ def de_escape_str(self, str):
+ esclist = re.split(r'(\\x..)', str)
+ for x in range(1,len(esclist),2):
+ esclist[x] = "%c" % (int(esclist[x][2:],16))
+ return "".join(esclist)
+ def __init__(self, keyring):
+ k = os.popen(self.gpg_invocation % keyring, "r")
+ keys = self.keys
+ key = None
+ signingkey = False
+ for line in k.xreadlines():
+ field = line.split(":")
+ if field[0] == "pub":
+ key = field[4]
+ (name, addr) = email.Utils.parseaddr(field[9])
+ name = re.sub(r"\s*[(].*[)]", "", name)
+ if name == "" or addr == "" or "@" not in addr:
+ name = field[9]
+ addr = "invalid-uid"
+ name = self.de_escape_str(name)
+ keys[key] = {"email": addr}
+ if name != "": keys[key]["name"] = name
+ keys[key]["aliases"] = [name]
+ keys[key]["fingerprints"] = []
+ signingkey = True
+ elif key and field[0] == "sub" and len(field) >= 12:
+ signingkey = ("s" in field[11])
+ elif key and field[0] == "uid":
+ (name, addr) = email.Utils.parseaddr(field[9])
+ if name and name not in keys[key]["aliases"]:
+ keys[key]["aliases"].append(name)
+ elif signingkey and field[0] == "fpr":
+ keys[key]["fingerprints"].append(field[9])
+ def desired_users(self, format="%s"):
+ if not Options["Generate-Users"]:
+ return ({}, {})
+ byuid = {}
+ byname = {}
+ keys = self.keys
+ any_invalid = False
+ for x in keys.keys():
+ if keys[x]["email"] == "invalid-uid":
+ any_invalid = True
+ else:
+ uid = format % keys[x]["email"]
+ id = daklib.database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
+ byuid[id] = (uid, keys[x]["name"])
+ byname[uid] = (id, keys[x]["name"])
+ if any_invalid:
+ uid = format % "invalid-uid"
+ id = daklib.database.get_or_set_uid_id(uid)
+ byuid[id] = (uid, "ungeneratable user id")
+ byname[uid] = (id, "ungeneratable user id")
+ return (byname, byuid)
+def usage (exit_code=0):
+ print """Usage: dak import-keyring [OPTION]... [KEYRING]
+ -h, --help show this help and exit.
+ -U, --generate-users FMT generate uid entries from keyring as FMT"""
+ sys.exit(exit_code)
+def main():
+ global Cnf, projectB, Options
+ Cnf = daklib.utils.get_conf()
+ Arguments = [('h',"help","Import-Keyring::Options::Help"),
+ ('U',"generate-users","Import-Keyring::Options::Generate-Users", "HasArg"),
+ ]
+ for i in [ "help", "report-changes", "generate-users" ]:
+ if not Cnf.has_key("Import-Keyring::Options::%s" % (i)):
+ Cnf["Import-Keyring::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""
+ keyring_names = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv)
+ Options = Cnf.SubTree("Import-Keyring::Options")
+ if Options["Help"]:
+ usage()
+ uid_format = "%s"
+ if Options["Generate-Users"]:
+ uid_format = Options["Generate-Users"]
+ changes = [] # (uid, changes strings)
+ projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"]))
+ daklib.database.init(Cnf, projectB)
+ projectB.query("BEGIN WORK")
+ if len(keyring_names) != 1:
+ usage(1)
+ # Parse the keyring
+ keyringname = keyring_names[0]
+ keyring = Keyring(keyringname)
+ keyring_id = daklib.database.get_or_set_keyring_id(
+ keyringname.split("/")[-1])
+ # If we're generating uids, make sure we have entries in the uid
+ # table for every uid
+ (desuid_byname, desuid_byid) = keyring.desired_users(uid_format)
+ # Cache all the existing fingerprint and uid entries
+ db_fin_info = get_fingerprint_info()
+ (db_uid_byname, db_uid_byid) = get_uid_info()
+ # Update full names of uids
+ for id in desuid_byid.keys():
+ uid = (id, desuid_byid[id][0])
+ name = desuid_byid[id][1]
+ oname = db_uid_byid[id][1]
+ if name and oname != name:
+ changes.append((uid[1], "Full name: %s\n" % (name)))
+ projectB.query("UPDATE uid SET name = '%s' WHERE id = %s" %
+ (pg.escape_string(name), id))
+ # Work out what the fingerprint table should look like for the keys
+ # in this keyring
+ fpr = {}
+ for z in keyring.keys.keys():
+ id = db_uid_byname.get(uid_format % keyring.keys[z]["email"], [None])[0]
+ if id == None:
+ id = db_fin_info.get(keyring.keys[z]["fingerprints"][0], [None])[0]
+ for y in keyring.keys[z]["fingerprints"]:
+ fpr[y] = (id,keyring_id)
+ # For any keys that used to be in this keyring, disassociate them.
+ # We don't change the uid, leaving that to for historical info; if
+ # the id should change, it'll be set when importing another keyring
+ # or importing ldap fingerprints.
+ for f,(u,fid,kr) in db_fin_info.iteritems():
+ if kr != keyring_id: continue
+ if f in fpr: continue
+ changes.append((db_uid_byid.get(u, [None])[0], "Removed key: %s\n" % (f)))
+ projectB.query("UPDATE fingerprint SET keyring = NULL WHERE id = %d" % (fid))
+ # For the keys in this keyring, add/update any fingerprints that've
+ # changed.
+ for f in fpr:
+ newuid = fpr[f][0]
+ newuiduid = db_uid_byid.get(newuid, [None])[0]
+ (olduid, oldfid, oldkid) = db_fin_info.get(f, [-1,-1,-1])
+ if olduid == None: olduid = -1
+ if oldkid == None: oldkid = -1
+ if oldfid == -1:
+ changes.append((newuiduid, "Added key: %s\n" % (f)))
+ if newuid:
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO fingerprint (fingerprint, uid, keyring) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d)" % (f, newuid, keyring_id))
+ else:
+ projectB.query("INSERT INTO fingerprint (fingerprint, keyring) VALUES ('%s', %d)" % (f, keyring_id))
+ else:
+ if newuid and olduid != newuid:
+ if olduid != -1:
+ changes.append((newuiduid, "Linked key: %s (formerly belonging to %s)" % (f, db_uid_byid[olduid][0])))
+ else:
+ changes.append((newuiduid, "Linked key: %s (formerly unowned)\n" % (f)))
+ projectB.query("UPDATE fingerprint SET uid = %d WHERE id = %d" % (newuid, oldfid))
+ if oldkid != keyring_id:
+ projectB.query("UPDATE fingerprint SET keyring = %d WHERE id = %d" % (keyring_id, oldfid))
+ # All done!
+ projectB.query("COMMIT WORK")
+ changesd = {}
+ for (k, v) in changes:
+ if k not in changesd: changesd[k] = ""
+ changesd[k] += " " + v
+ keys = changesd.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for k in keys:
+ print "%s\n%s" % (k, changesd[k])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()