def sg_compare (a, b):
a = a[1]
b = b[1]
- """Sort by have note, time of oldest upload."""
+ """Sort by have note, source already in database, time of oldest upload."""
# Sort by have note
a_note_state = a["note_state"]
b_note_state = b["note_state"]
return -1
elif a_note_state > b_note_state:
return 1
+ # Sort by source already in database (descending)
+ source_in_database = cmp(a["source_in_database"], b["source_in_database"])
+ if source_in_database:
+ return -source_in_database
# Sort by time of oldest upload
return cmp(a["oldest"], b["oldest"])
# Determine oldest time and have note status for each source group
for source in per_source.keys():
+ q = projectB.query("SELECT 1 FROM source WHERE source = '%s'" % source)
+ ql = q.getresult()
+ per_source[source]["source_in_database"] = len(ql)>0
source_list = per_source[source]["list"]
first = source_list[0]
oldest = os.stat(first["filename"])[stat.ST_MTIME]