For information about current developments and future releases, see:
-2.12 22 June 2007
+2.12 22 June 2007
+SVN revision 573
+API additions and enhancements :
+Bug Fixes :
Fixed some db_colinfo test bugs
Fixed typo in edit form template
- Inheritence simpler and nicer and less hacked
- add_model_superclass method moves @ISA munging into the model
- new Class::DBI::DFV based model
- new test to check everything compiles
- Model inheritance re-organised
- New config method : additional, for stashing additional info, especially from additional_data method
- new warn method in maypole/request class/object, over-ridden by Apache::MVC, etc or own driver
- AsForm fixes to stringification _to_select
- new build_form_elements attribute for Maypole request and Maypole::Config, set it to 0 to avoid building cgi form if you don't need it
+ AsForm fixes to stringification _to_select
made DFV and FromCGI warn instead of die on unexpected cgi params
- added CGI params to TT error template
small improvements to some factory templates
fix to path handling in mod_perl and CGI when location ends in /
fixed template path ordering so i.e. /tablename/list is used before /list when provided with a tablename
fixed template path with array refs
fix to template being reset from path in plain templates (i.e. where no model), may affect those relying on the bug ( bug 23722 )
- added search_columns method to base cdbi model class, provides display_columns unless over-ridden
fix to display_line macro in factory templates (bug 22920)
fix to correct problem with LocationMatch and regex based Location directives in apache config.
- change to view::base to only call display_columns, stringify_columns, to_cgi if model class can
- changed template path to only look for custom, factory, etc on first/only path provided
fix to redirect_request
Fixed typo in _do_update_or_create (bug 26495)
+API additions and enhancements :
+ new Class::DBI::DFV based model
+ New config method : additional, for stashing additional info, especially from additional_data method
+ new warn method in maypole/request class/object, over-ridden by Apache::MVC, etc or own driver
+ new build_form_elements attribute for Maypole request and Maypole::Config, set it to 0 to avoid building cgi form if you don't need it
+ added CGI params to TT error template
+ improvements to factory templates
+ added search_columns method to base cdbi model class, provides display_columns unless over-ridden
added new hook - preprocess_location
added new attribute to Maypole::Config - request_options
improved pager template macro
+Internal additions and enhancements :
+ Inheritence simpler and nicer and less hacked
+ add_model_superclass method moves @ISA munging into the model
+ new test to check everything compiles
+ Model inheritance re-organised
2.111 Mon 30 April 2007
- forked - see 2.111 changelog
#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!! It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
name: Maypole
-version: 2.11_pre5
+version: 2.12
version_from: lib/
installdirs: site
URI::QueryParam: 0
distribution_type: module
-generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.30
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 addnew
-This is the interface to adding a new instance of an object. (or a new
-row in the database, if you want to look at it that way) It displays a
-form containing a list of HTML components for each of the columns in the
-<div id="addnew">
-<form method="post" action="[% base %]/[% classmetadata.table %]/do_edit/">
- <fieldset>
-<legend>Add a new [% classmetadata.moniker %]</legend>
- [% FOR col = classmetadata.columns %]
- [% NEXT IF col == "id" %]
- <label><span class="field">[% classmetadata.colnames.$col %]</span>
- [%
- SET elem = classmetadata.cgi.$col.clone;
- IF request.action == 'do_edit';
- IF elem.tag == "textarea";
- elem = elem.push_content(request.param(col));
- elem.attr("value", request.param(col));
- END;
- END;
- elem.as_XML; %]
- </label>
- [% IF errors.$col %]
- <span class="error">[% errors.$col | html %]</span>
- [% END %]
- [% END; %]
- <input type="submit" name="create" value="create" />
- <input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="[% request.make_random_id %]" />
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 edit
-This is the edit page. It edits the passed-in object, by displaying a
-form similar to L<addnew> but with the current values filled in.
-[% PROCESS macros %]
-[% INCLUDE header %]
-[% INCLUDE title %]
-[% IF request.action == 'edit' %]
-[% INCLUDE navbar %]
-[% END %]
-[% IF object %]
-<div id="title">Edit a [% classmetadata.moniker %]</div>
-<form action="[% base %]/[% item.table %]/do_edit/[% %]" method="post">
-<legend>Edit [% %]</legend>
- [% FOR col = classmetadata.columns;
- NEXT IF col == "id" OR col == classmetadata.table _ "_id";
- '<label><span class="field">';
- classmetadata.colnames.$col || col | ucfirst | replace('_',' '); ":</span>";
- object.to_field(col).as_XML;
- "</label>";
- IF errors.$col;
- '<span class="error">'; errors.$col;'</span>';
- END;
- END %]
- <input type="submit" name="edit" value="edit"/>
- <input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="[% request.make_random_id %]">
- </fieldset></form>
-[% ELSE %]
-<div id="addnew">
-<form method="post" action="[% base %]/[% classmetadata.table %]/do_edit/">
-<legend>Add a new [% classmetadata.moniker %]</legend>
- [% FOR col = classmetadata.columns %]
- [% NEXT IF col == "id" %]
- <label><span class="field">[% classmetadata.colnames.$col %]</span>
- [%
- SET elem = classmetadata.cgi.$col.clone;
- IF request.action == 'do_edit';
- IF elem.tag == "textarea";
- elem = elem.push_content(request.param(col));
- elem.attr("value", request.param(col));
- END;
- END;
- elem.as_XML; %]
- </label>
- [% IF errors.$col %]
- <span class="error">[% errors.$col | html %]</span>
- [% END %]
- [% END; %]
- <input type="submit" name="create" value="create" />
- <input type="hidden" name="__form_id" value="[% request.make_random_id %]" />
-[% END %]
-[% INCLUDE footer %]
+++ /dev/null
- </div>
- </body>
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 frontpage
-This is the frontpage for your Maypole application.
-It shows a list of all tables it is allowed to display.
-[% INCLUDE header %]
-<div id="title">
- [% config.application_name || "A poorly configured Maypole application" %]
-<div id="frontpage_list">
-[% FOR table = config.display_tables %]
- <li>
- <a href="[% base %]/[%table%]/list">List by [%table %]</a>
- </li>
-[% END %]
-[% INCLUDE maypole %]
-[% INCLUDE footer %]
+++ /dev/null
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="">
- <head>
- <title>
- [%
- title || config.application_name ||
- "A poorly configured Maypole application"
- %]
- </title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=[% request.document_encoding %]" />
- <base href="[% config.uri_base%]"/>
- <link title="Maypole" href="[% config.uri_base %]/maypole.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
- </head>
- <body>
- <div class="content">
+++ /dev/null
-[% PROCESS macros %]
-[% INCLUDE header %]
-[% INCLUDE title %]
-[% IF search %]
- <div id="title">Search results</div>
-[% ELSE %]
- <div id="title">Listing of all [% classmetadata.plural %]</div>
-[% END %]
-[% INCLUDE navbar %]
-<div class="list">
- <table id="matrix">
- <tr>
- [% FOR col = classmetadata.list_columns.list;
- NEXT IF col == "id" OR col == classmetadata.table _ "_id";
- "<th>";
- SET additional = "?order=" _ col;
- SET additional = additional _ "&page=" _ pager.current_page
- IF pager;
- SET additional = additional _ "&o2=desc"
- IF col == request.params.order and request.params.o2 != "desc";
- SET action = "list";
- FOR name = classmetadata.columns.list;
- IF request.query.$name;
- SET additional =
- additional _ "&" _ name _ "=" _
- request.params.$name;
- SET action = "search";
- END;
- END;
- USE model_obj = Class request.model_class;
- IF model_obj.find_column(col);
- link(classmetadata.table, action, additional,
- classmetadata.colnames.$col);
- IF col == request.params.order;
- IF request.params.o2 != "desc";
- "↓";
- "↑";
- END;
- END;
- classmetadata.colnames.$col || col FILTER ucfirst;
- END;
- "</th>";
- END %]
- <th id="actionth">Actions</th>
- </tr>
- [% SET count = 0;
- FOR item = objects;
- SET count = count + 1;
- "<tr";
- ' class="alternate"' IF count % 2;
- ">";
- display_line(item);
- "</tr>";
- END %]
- </table>
-[% INCLUDE pager %]
-[% INCLUDE addnew %]
-[% INCLUDE search_form %]
-[% INCLUDE footer %]
+++ /dev/null
-[% PROCESS macros %]
-[% INCLUDE header %]
-[% INCLUDE title %]
-[% user_field = config.auth.user_field || "user" %]
- <div id="title">You need to log in</div>
- <div id="login">
- [% IF login_error %]
- <div class="error"> [% login_error | html %] </div>
- [% END %]
- <form method="post" action="[% base %]/[% request.path %]">
- <fieldset>
- <legend>Login</legend>
- <label>
- <span class="field">Username:</span>
- <input name="[% user_field %]" type="text" value="[% cgi_params.$user_field | html %]" />
- </label>
- <label>
- <span class="field">Password:</span>
- <input name="password" type="password" value="[% cgi_params.passwrd | html %]"/>
- </label>
- <input type="submit" name="login" value="Submit"/>
- </fieldset>
- </form>
- </div>
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 MACROS
-These are some default macros which are used by various templates in the
-=head2 link
-This creates an <A HREF="..."> to a command in the Apache::MVC system by
-catenating the base URL, table, command, and any arguments.
-MACRO link(table, command, additional, label) BLOCK;
- SET lnk = base _ "/" _ table _ "/" _ command _ "/" _ additional;
- lnk = lnk | uri | html;
- '<a href="' _ lnk _ '">';
- label | html;
- "</a>";
-=head2 maybe_link_view
-C<maybe_link_view> takes something returned from the database - either
-some ordinary data, or an object in a related class expanded by a
-has-a relationship. If it is an object, it constructs a link to the view
-command for that object. Otherwise, it just displays the data.
-MACRO maybe_link_view(object) BLOCK;
- IF object.isa('Maypole::Model::Base');
- link(object.table, "view",'/'), object);
- object | html ;
- END;
-=head2 display_line
-C<display_line> is used in the list template to display a row from the
-database, by iterating over the columns and displaying the data for each
-column. It misses out the C<id> column by default, and magically
-URLifies columns called C<url>. This may be considered too much magic
-for some.
-[% MACRO display_line(item) BLOCK;
- FOR col = classmetadata.list_columns;
- NEXT IF col == "id" OR col == classmetadata.table _ "_id";
- col_obj = item.find_column(col);
- "<td>";
- IF col == "url" AND item.url;
- '<a href="'; item.url | html ; '"> '; item.url; '</a>';
- ELSIF col == classmetadata.stringify_column;
- maybe_link_view(item);
- ELSIF col_obj; # its a real column
- accessor = item.accessor_name_for(col_obj) ||
- item.accessor_name(col_obj); # deprecated in cdbi
- maybe_link_view(item.$accessor);
- item.$col;
- END;
- "</td>";
- END;
- '<td class="actions">';
- button(item, "edit");
- button(item, "delete");
- "</td>";
-END %]
-=head2 button
-This is a generic button, which performs an action on an object.
-[% MACRO button(obj, action) BLOCK; %]
-[% IF obj.is_public(action) %]
-<form class="actionform" action="[% base %]/[% obj.table %]/[% action %]/[%'/') %]" method="post">
-<div class="field"><input class="actionbutton" type="submit" value="[% action %]" /></div></form>
-[% END %]
-[% END %]
-=head2 view_related
-This takes an object, and looks up the C<related_accessors>; this should
-give a list of accessors that can be called to get a list of related
-objects. It then displays a title for that accessor, (i.e. "Beers" for a
-brewery) calls the accesor, and displays a list of the results.
-MACRO view_related(object) BLOCK;
- FOR accessor = classmetadata.related_accessors.list;
- "<div id=\"subtitle\">"; accessor | ucfirst; "</div>\n";
- "<ul id=\"vlist\">";
- FOR thing = object.$accessor;
- "<li>"; maybe_link_view(thing); "</li>\n";
- END;
- "</ul>";
- END;
-MACRO test_xxxx(myblock) BLOCK;
- FOR col = classmetadata.columns;
- NEXT IF col == "id";
- myblock;
- END;
-=head2 view_item
-This takes an object and and displays its properties in a table.
-[% MACRO view_item(item) BLOCK; %]
- [% SET string = classmetadata.stringify_column %]
- <div id="title"> [% item.$string | html %]</div>
- [% INCLUDE navbar %]
- <table class="view">
- <tr>
- <td class="field">[% classmetadata.colnames.$string %]</td>
- <td>[% item.$string | html %]</td>
- </tr>
- [% FOR col = classmetadata.columns.list;
- NEXT IF col == "id" OR col == string OR col == classmetadata.table _ "_id";;
- NEXT UNLESS item.$col;
- %]
-=for doc
-It gets the displayable form of a column's name from the hash returned
-from the C<column_names> method:
- <tr>
- <td class="field">[% classmetadata.colnames.$col ||
- col | ucfirst | replace('_',' '); %]</td>
- <td>
- [% IF col == "url" && item.url; # Possibly too much magic.
- '<a href="'; item.url | html ; '"> '; item.url; '</a>';
- ELSIF item.$col.size > 1; # has_many column
- FOR thing IN item.$col;
- maybe_link_view(thing);", ";
- END;
- maybe_link_view(item.$col);
- END; %]
-This tests whether or not the returned value is an object, and if so,
-creates a link to a page viewing that object; if not, it just displays
-the text as normal. The object is linked using its stringified name;
-by default this calls the C<name> method, or returns the object's ID
-if there is no C<name> method or other stringification method defined.
- </td>
- </tr>
- [% END; %]
- </table>
-[% END %]
+++ /dev/null
-<!-- boxes -->
-<div style='position:absolute;top:220px;left:130px;border-bottom-width:260px;border-right-width:370px;' class='deco1'> </div>
-<div style='position:absolute;top:260px;left:190px;border-bottom-width:170px;border-right-width:530px;' class='deco2'> </div>
-<div style='position:absolute;top:240px;left:220px;border-bottom-width:340px;border-right-width:440px;' class='deco4'> </div>
-<div style='position:absolute;top:160px;left:330px;border-bottom-width:160px;border-right-width:280px;' class='deco1'> </div>
-<div style='position:absolute;top:190px;left:290px;border-bottom-width:430px;border-right-width:130px;' class='deco2'> </div>
-<!-- end of boxes -->
+++ /dev/null
-html {
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- padding-left: 0px;
- padding-bottom: 0px;
- margin: 0px;
- padding-top: 0px
-body {
- font-family: sans-serif;
- padding-right: 0px;
- padding-left: 0px;
- padding-bottom: 0px;
- margin: 0px; padding-top: 0px;
- background-color: #fff;
-#frontpage_list {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 5;
- padding: 0px 100px 0px 0px;
- margin:0 0.5%;
- margin-bottom:1em;
- margin-top: 1em;
- background-color: #fff;
-#frontpage_list a:hover {
- background-color: #d0d8e4;
-#frontpage_list ul {
- list-style-type: square;
-.content {
- padding: 12px;
- margin-top: 1px;
- margin-bottom:0px;
- margin-left: 15px;
- margin-right: 15px;
- border-color: #000000;
- border-top: 0px;
- border-bottom: 0px;
- border-left: 1px;
- border-right: 1px;
-A {
- text-decoration: none;
- color:#225
-A:hover {
- text-decoration: underline;
- color:#222
-#title {
- z-index: 6;
- width: 100%;
- height: 18px;
- margin-top: 10px;
- font-size: 90%;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #ddf;
- text-align: left;
-#subtitle {
- postion: absolute;
- z-index: 6;
- padding: 10px;
- margin-top: 2em;
- height: 18px;
- text-align: left;
- background-color: #fff;
-input[type=text] {
- height: 16px;
- width: 136px;
- font-family: sans-serif;
- font-size: 11px;
- color: #2E415A;
- padding: 0px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
-input[type=submit] {
- height: 18px;
- width: 60px;
- font-family: sans-serif;
- font-size: 11px;
- border: 1px outset;
- background-color: #fff;
- padding: 0px 0px 2px 0px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
-input:hover[type=submit] {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #7d95b5;
-textarea {
- width: 136px;
- font-family: sans-serif;
- font-size: 11px;
- color: #2E415A;
- padding: 0px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
-select {
- height: 16px;
- width: 140px;
- font-family: sans-serif;
- font-size: 12px;
- color: #202020;
- padding: 0px;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
-.deco1 {
- font-size: 0px;
- z-index:1;
- border:0px;
- border-style:solid;
- border-color:#4d6d99;
- background-color:#4d6d99;
-.deco2 {
- z-index:2;
- border:0px;
- border-style:solid;
- border-color:#627ea5;
- background-color:#627ea5;
-.deco3 {
- z-index:3;
- border:0px;
- border-style:solid;
- border-color:#7d95b5;
- background-color:#7d95b5;
-.deco4 {
- z-index:4;
- border:0px;
- border-style:solid;
- border-color:#d0d8e4;
- background-color:#d0d8e4;
-table {
- border: 0px solid;
- background-color: #ffffff;
-#matrix { width: 100%; }
-#matrix th {
- background-color: #b5cadc;
- border: 1px solid #778;
- font: bold 12px Verdana, sans-serif;
-#matrix #actionth {
- width: 1px;
- padding: 0em 1em 0em 1em;
-#matrix tr.alternate { background-color:#e3eaf0; }
-#matrix tr:hover { background-color: #b5cadc; }
-#matrix td { font: 12px Verdana, sans-serif; }
-#navlist {
- padding: 3px 0;
- margin-left: 0;
- margin-top:3em;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #778;
- font: bold 12px Verdana, sans-serif;
-#navlist li {
- list-style: none;
- margin: 0;
- display: inline;
-#navlist li a {
- padding: 3px 0.5em;
- margin-left: 3px;
- border: 1px solid #778;
- border-bottom: none;
- background: #b5cadc;
- text-decoration: none;
-#navlist li a:link { color: #448; }
-#navlist li a:visited { color: #667; }
-#navlist li a:hover {
- color: #000;
- background: #eef;
- border-top: 4px solid #7d95b5;
- border-color: #227;
-#navlist #active a {
- background: white;
- border-bottom: 1px solid white;
- border-top: 4px solid;
-td { font: 12px Verdana, sans-serif; }
-fieldset {
- margin-top: 1em;
- padding: 1em;
- background-color: #f3f6f8;
- font:80%/1 sans-serif;
- border:1px solid #ddd;
-legend {
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
- background-color: #fff;
- border:1px solid #aaa;
- font-size:90%;
- text-align:right;
-label {
- display:block;
-label.error {
- border-color: red;
- border-width: 1px;
-label .field {
- float:left;
- width:25%;
- margin-right:0.5em;
- padding-top:0.2em;
- text-align:right;
- font-weight:bold;
-#vlist {
- padding: 0 1px 1px;
- margin-left: 0;
- font: bold 12px Verdana, sans-serif;
- background: gray;
- width: 13em;
-#vlist li {
- list-style: none;
- margin: 0;
- border-top: 1px solid gray;
- text-align: left;
-#vlist li a {
- display: block;
- padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 0.75em;
- border-left: 1em solid #7d95b5;
- background: #d0d8e4;
- text-decoration: none;
-#vlist li a:hover {
- border-color: #227;
-.view .field {
- background-color: #f3f6f8;
- border-left: 1px solid #7695b5;
- border-top: 1px solid #7695b5;
- padding: 1px 10px 0px 2px;
-#addnew {
- width: 50%;
- float: left;
-#search {
- width: 50%;
- float:right;
-.error { color: #d00; }
-.action {
- border: 1px outset #7d95b5;
- style:block;
-.action:hover {
- color: #fff;
- text-decoration: none;
- background-color: #7d95b5;
-.actionform {
- display: inline;
-.actionbutton {
- height: 16px;
- width: 40px;
- font-family: sans-serif;
- font-size: 10px;
- border: 1px outset;
- background-color: #fff;
- margin-bottom: 0px;
-.actionbutton:hover {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #7d95b5;
-.actions {
- white-space: nowrap;
-.field {
- display:inline;
-#login { width: 400px; }
-#login input[type=text] { width: 150px; }
-#login input[type=password] { width: 150px; }
-.pager {
- font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- text-align: center;
- border: solid 1px #e2e2e2;
- border-left: 0;
- border-right: 0;
- padding-top: 10px;
- padding-bottom: 10px;
- margin: 0px;
- background-color: #f3f6f8;
-.pager a {
- padding: 2px 6px;
- border: solid 1px #ddd;
- background: #fff;
- text-decoration: none;
-.pager a:visited {
- padding: 2px 6px;
- border: solid 1px #ddd;
- background: #fff;
- text-decoration: none;
-.pager .current-page {
- padding: 2px 6px;
- font-weight: bold;
- vertical-align: top;
-.pager a:hover {
- color: #fff;
- background: #7d95b5;
- border-color: #036;
- text-decoration: none;
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 navbar
-This is a navigation bar to go across the page. (Or down the side, or
-whatetver you want to do with it.) It displays all the tables which are
-accessible, with a link to the list page for each one.
-[% PROCESS macros %]
-<div id="navcontainer">
-<ul id="navlist">
- FOR table = config.display_tables;
- '<li '; 'id="active"' IF table == classmetadata.table; '>';
- # Hack
- link(table, "list", "", table);
- '</li>';
- END;
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 pager
-This controls the pager display at the bottom (by default) of the list
-and search views. It expects a C<pager> template argument which responds
-to the L<Data::Page> interface.
-IF pager AND pager.first_page != pager.last_page;
-<p class="pager">Pages:
- UNLESS pager_action;
- SET pager_action = request.action;
- END;
- SET begin_page = pager.current_page - 10;
- IF begin_page < 1;
- SET begin_page = pager.first_page;
- END;
- SET end_page = pager.current_page + 10;
- IF pager.last_page < end_page;
- SET end_page = pager.last_page;
- END;
- FOREACH num = [begin_page .. end_page];
- IF num == pager.current_page;
- "<span class='current-page'>"; num; "</span>";
- SET label = num;
- SET args = "?page=" _ num;
- SET args = args _ "&order=" _ request.params.order
- IF request.params.order;
- SET args = args _ "&o2=desc"
- IF request.params.o2 == "desc";
- FOR col = classmetadata.columns.list;
- IF request.params.$col;
- SET args = args _ "&" _ col _ "=" _ request.params.$col;
- SET action = "search";
- END;
- END;
- link(classmetadata.table, pager_action, args, label);
- END;
- END;
-[% END %]
+++ /dev/null
-<div id="search">
-<form method="get" action="[% base %]/[% classmetadata.moniker %]/search/">
- [% FOR col = classmetadata.columns;
- NEXT IF col == "id" OR col == classmetadata.table _ "_id";
- %]
- <label>
- <span class="field">[% classmetadata.colnames.$col; %]</span>
- [% SET element = classmetadata.cgi.$col;
- IF element.tag == "select";
- USE element_maker = Class("HTML::Element");
- SET element = element.unshift_content(
-"option", value," "));
- END;
- element.as_XML; %]
- </label>
- [% END; %]
- <input type="submit" name="search" value="search"/>
- </fieldset>
+++ /dev/null
-<div id="search">
-<form method="get" action="[% base %]/[% classmetadata.table %]/search/">
- [% INCLUDE display_search_inputs; %]
- <input type="submit" name="search" value="search"/>
+++ /dev/null
- <a href="[% base %]/frontpage">[% config.application_name %]</a>
+++ /dev/null
-=for doc
-The C<view> template takes some objects (usually just one) from
-C<objects> and displays the object's properties in a table.
-[% PROCESS macros %]
-[% INCLUDE header %]
-[% view_item(object); %]
-=for doc
-The C<view> template also displays a list of other objects related to the first
-one via C<has_many> style relationships; this is done by calling the
-C<related_accessors> method - see L<Model/related_accessors> - to return
-a list of has-many accessors. Next it calls each of those accessors, and
-displays the results in a table.
- <br /><a href="[%base%]/[%object.table%]/list">Back to listing</a>
-[% view_related(object); %]
- button(object, "edit");
- button(object, "delete");
-[% INCLUDE footer %]
use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev$ =~ /: (\d+)/;
+our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev: 570 $ =~ /: (\d+)/;
# Public accessors.
use constant DECLINED => -1;
use constant ERROR => 500;
-our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev$ =~ /: (\d+)/;
+our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev: 483 $ =~ /: (\d+)/;
use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev$ =~ /: (\d+)/;
+our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev: 376 $ =~ /: (\d+)/;
sub get {
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 NAME\r
-Maypole::Manual::Terminology - common terms\r
-=head1 VERSION\r
-This version written for Maypole 2.11\r
-For the avoidance of confusion, the following terms are defined. We'll try and \r
-ensure the Maypole docs stick to these usages.\r
-=over 4\r
-=item driver\r
-The custom package written to set up a Maypole application. This is the package \r
-that has the C<use Maypole::Application> statement. If you're not using \r
-L<Maypole::Application> to set up your app (not recommended for newbies, but \r
-common enough), the driver class will directly inherit from one of Maypole's \r
-frontend classes. \r
-=item controller\r
-Occasionally this term is used in place of C<driver>.\r
-See the entry below (MVC) for the main usage of the term C<controller> within \r
-Maypole. \r
-=item application\r
-Sometimes this is used to refer to the driver, or the driver plus configuration\r
-data, but this term is best reserved to refer to the complete application, i.e.\r
-driver, plugins, templates, model, config, the whole shebang.\r
-=item frontend\r
-An adapter class that allows Maypole to work in a number of different server \r
-environments. The currently available frontends are:\r
- Frontend Distribution Environment\r
- ==============================================\r
- CGI::Maypole Maypole CGI\r
- Apache::MVC Maypole Apache/mod_perl or Apache2/mod_perl2\r
- MasonX::Maypole MasonX::Maypole Apache/mod_perl with Mason\r
- \r
-The driver class inherits from the appropriate frontend, which inherits from \r
- \r
-=item backend\r
-Confusingly, sometimes you'll see the frontend referred to as the backend. It \r
-depends on your point of view.\r
-Also confusingly, the Maypole model (e.g. L<Maypole::Model::CDBI>) is sometimes\r
-referred to as the backend.\r
-You'll just need to pay attention to context. In general, it's probably best to \r
-avoid using this term altogether. \r
-=item request\r
-The Maypole request object. This contains all data sent in the request\r
-(including headers, cookies, CGI parameters), and accumulates data to be sent in\r
-the response (headers and content). It also provides access to the configuration\r
-object, and stores the information parsed out of the URL (action, table, args\r
-etc.). Plugins often add methods and further data members to the request object. \r
-=item workflow\r
-The sequence of events when a browser sends a request to a Maypole \r
-application. \r
-You will also often see this referred to as the C<request> (distinct from the \r
-request object).\r
-=item Exported method\r
-A method in a Maypole model class that is labelled with the C<Exported> \r
-attribute. These methods are mapped to part of the request URI. So requesting \r
-a path will result in a particular method being called on a particular model \r
-=item action\r
-An Exported method.\r
-Note: this is not the action attribute of a form, although the form's action URI\r
-will generally include a Maypole action component. For instance, a form might\r
-submit to the following URL: C<[% $base %]/beer/drink/5>. The form action is the\r
-URL, whereas the Maypole action is the C<drink> method on the C<BeerDB::Beer>\r
-object with an ID of 5.\r
-=item command\r
-In some of the standard factory templates, an C<action> is referred to as a \r
-=item template\r
-A file used to generate HTML for part or all of a web page. Maypole currently \r
-supports Template Toolkit and Mason as templating languages, but others could \r
-be added easily. Of course, a template doesn't have to generate only HTML.\r
-=head2 MVC and Maypole\r
-=head3 MVC - Model-View-Controller\r
-A pattern describing separation of concerns in a complex application. The \r
-C<model> represents the domain or business logic. The C<view> represents the \r
-user interface. The C<controller> mediates the interaction between the two. \r
-Opinions vary between how closely Maypole adheres to this pattern. \r
-Here's one opinion:\r
-=over 4 \r
-=item view\r
-This is represented in Maypole by the view class (L<Maypole::View::TT>, \r
-L<Maypole::View::Mason>, or L<MasonX::Maypole::View>), and by the templates. \r
-=item controller\r
-An abstract concept in Maypole, i.e. there is no specific controller class. \r
-The main sequence of events that occur during the processing of a request is\r
-controlled by methods in C<>. Thus, the controller logic is in the\r
-same class as the request object. This may seem a bit strange, but in practice\r
-it works well.\r
-More detailed events within the processing of a request are actually handled by \r
-methods in the Maypole 'model'. For instance, switching from one template to \r
-another - the "Template Switcheroo" referred to in L<Maypole::Manual::Cookbook>. \r
-Be aware that occasionally authors refer to the C<controller> when they are\r
-describing the C<driver>.\r
-=item model\r
-In Maypole, the 'model' is the set of classes representing individual tables in\r
-the database. Tables are related to each other in a more or less complex way.\r
-Each table class inherits from a Maypole model class, such as\r
-L<Maypole::Model::CDBI> or L<Maypole::Model::CDBI::Plain>.\r
-The functionality provided by the Maypole model class is more accurately\r
-described as a Presentation Model (see below). In complex Maypole applications,\r
-it is good practise to separate the domain model (the 'heart' of the\r
-application) into a separate class hierarchy (see\r
-The distinction is relatively unimportant when using Maypole in 'default' mode - \r
-i.e. using L<Maypole::Model::CDBI>, and allowing Maypole to autogenerate the \r
-'model' classes straight out of the database. \r
-However, in many applications, a more complex domain model is required, or may\r
-already exist. In this case, the Maypole model is more clearly seen as a layer\r
-that sits on top of the domain model, mediating access to it from the web UI, \r
-via the controller.\r
-This conceptualisation helps developers maintain a separation between the\r
-Maypole model classes (presentation model), and the domain model. Without this\r
-distinction, developers may add domain-specific code to the Maypole model\r
-classes. To a certain extent, in simple applications, this is fine. But if you\r
-find yourself adding lots of non-Exported methods to your Maypole model classes,\r
-and these methods are not there to directly support Exported methods, consider\r
-whether you could separate out the domain model into a separate hierarchy of\r
-classes - see L<Maypole::Manual::Inheritance>.\r
-Otherwise, the 'model' classes may develop into two quite uncoupled code bases,\r
-but which co-exist in the same files. They will interact through a relatively\r
-small number of methods. These methods should in fact become the public API of\r
-the domain model, which should be moved to a separate class hierarchy. At some\r
-point, the convenience of dropping new methods into the 'shared' classes will be\r
-outweighed by the heuristic advantage of separating different layers into\r
-separate class hierarchies.\r
-=head3 Presentation Model\r
-This pattern more accurately describes the role of the Maypole model.\r
-Martin Fowler describes I<Presentation Model> in L<Separting presentation logic\r
-from the View|>\r
-and L<Presentation\r
-The user sends an event (e.g. an HTTP request) to the Controller. The Controller\r
-translates the request into a method call on the Presentation Model. The\r
-Presentation Model interacts with the underlying Domain Model, and stores the\r
-results in a bunch of variables, which I<represent the new state of the View>\r
-(that's why it's a Presentation Model, not a Domain Model). The View then\r
-queries the Presentation Model to retrieve these new values. In Maypole, this is\r
-the role of the C<vars()> method on L<Maypole::View::Base>, which transmits the\r
-new values to the templates.\r
-=head1 AUTHOR\r
-David Baird, C<< <> >>\r
-Copyright 2005 David Baird, All Rights Reserved.\r
-This text is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\r
-under the same terms as the Perl documentation itself.\r
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use Test::More;
-use lib 'examples'; # Where BeerDB should live
- eval { require BeerDB };
- Test::More->import( skip_all =>
- "SQLite not working or BeerDB module could not be loaded: $@"
- ) if $@;
- plan tests =>21;
-use Maypole::CLI qw(BeerDB);
-use Maypole::Constants;
-$ENV{MAYPOLE_TEMPLATES} = "t/templates";
-isa_ok( (bless {},"BeerDB") , "Maypole");
-# Test create missing required
-like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit?name=&¬es=Healthy Brew"), qr/name' => 'This field is required/, "Required fields necessary to create ");
-# Test create with all required
-like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit?name=Samuel Smiths&¬es=Healthy Brew"), qr/^# view/, "Created a brewery");
-($brewery,@other) = BeerDB::Brewery->search(name=>'Samuel Smiths');
-SKIP: {
- skip "Could not create and retrieve Brewery", 8 unless $brewery;
- like(eval {$brewery->name}, qr/Samuel Smiths/, "Retrieved Brewery, $brewery, we just created");
- #-------- Test updating printable fields ------------------
- # TEST clearing out required printable column
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit/".$brewery->id."?name="), qr/name' => 'This field is required/, "Required printable field can not be cleared on update");
- # Test cgi update errors hanging around from last request
- unlike(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit/".$brewery->id), qr/name' => 'This field is required/, "cgi_update_errors did not persist");
- # Test update no columns
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit/".$brewery->id), qr/^# view/, "Updated no columns");
- # Test only updating one non required column
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit/".$brewery->id."?notes="), qr/^# view/, "Updated a single non required column");
- # TEST empty input for non required printable
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/brewery/do_edit/".$brewery->id."?notes=&name=Sammy Smiths"), qr/^# view/, "Updated brewery" );
- # TEST update actually cleared out a printable field
- $val = $brewery->notes ;
- if ($val eq '') { $val = undef };
- is($val, undef, "Verified non required printable field was cleared");
- # TEST update did not change a field not in parameter list
- is($brewery->url, '', "A field not in parameter list is not updated.");
-#----------------- Test other types of fields --------------
-$style = BeerDB::Style->insert({name => 'Stout', notes => 'Rich, dark, creamy, mmmmmm.'});
-# TEST create with integer, date, printable fields
-like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/beer/do_edit?name=Oatmeal Stout&brewery=".$brewery->id."&style=".$style->id."&score=5¬es=Healthy Brew&price=5.00&tasted=2000-12-01"), qr/^# view/, "Created a beer with date, integer and printable fields");
-($beer, @other) = BeerDB::Beer->search(name=>'Oatmeal Stout');
-SKIP: {
- skip "Could not create and retrieve Beer", 7 unless $beer;
- # TEST wiping out an integer field
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/beer/do_edit/".$beer->id."?name=Oatmeal Stout&brewery=".$brewery->id."&style=".$style->id."&score=¬es=Healthy Brew&price=5.00"), qr/^# view/, "Updated a beer");
- # TEST update actually cleared out a the integer field
- $val = $beer->score ;
- if ($val eq '') { $val = undef };
- is($val, undef, "Verified non required integer field was cleared");
- # TEST invalid integer field
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/beer/do_edit/".$beer->id."?name=Oatmeal Stout&brewery=".$brewery->id."&style=Stout&price=5.00"), qr/style' => 'Please provide a valid value/, "Integer field invalid");
- # TEST update with empty date field
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/beer/do_edit/".$beer->id."?name=Oatmeal Stout&brewery=".$brewery->id."&style=".$style->id."&tasted=¬es=Healthy Brew&price=5.00"), qr/^# view/, "Updated a beer");
- # TEST update actually cleared out a date field
- $tasted = $beer->tasted ;
- if ($tasted eq '') { $tasted = undef };
- is($tasted, undef, "Verified non required date field was cleared.");
- # TEST invalid date
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/beer/do_edit/".$beer->id."?name=Oatmeal Stout&brewery=".$brewery->id."&style=".$style->id."&tasted=baddate¬es=Healthy Brew&price=5.00"), qr/tasted' => 'Please provide a valid value/, "Date field invalid");
- # TEST negative value allowed for required field
- like(BeerDB->call_url("http://localhost/beerdb/beer/do_edit/".$beer->id."?name=Oatmeal Stout&brewery=".$brewery->id."&price=-5.00"), qr/^# view/, "Negative values allowed for required field");
- # TEST negative value actually got stored
- like($beer->price, qr/-5(\.00)?/, "Negative value for required field stored in database")
-$beer_id = $beer->id;
-# TEST delete
-$beer = BeerDB::Beer->retrieve($beer_id);
-is($beer, undef, "Deleted Beer");
+++ /dev/null
-# edit
- USE dumper;
-"# errors dump";
- dumper.dump(errors);
-"# parameters dump";
- dumper.dump(request.params);
-# End errors dump
+++ /dev/null
-2.12/3.0 wishlist\r
-Not for inclusion in the MANIFEST. \r
-Fix factory roots, document and explain behaviour\r
-send_output() should return a status code\r
-Move template test out of process() and into handler_guts() - maybe\r
-Fix bug 14570 - returning error codes breaks CGI::Maypole\r
-Write Maypole::Manual::Exceptions\r
-Test and refactor external_redirect()\r
-Fix Mp::P::USC. \r
-Better plugin architecture, for models and bits of models. \r
-Investigate problems reported with adopt() - rt 15598\r
-Re-implement Maypole::Cache as Maypole::Plugin::Cache, probably using \r
- start_request_hook, and not overriding handler_guts()\r
-Handle repeat form submissions.\r
-Implement internal_redirect().\r
-Build a more sophisticated app for testing. \r
-Move class_of() to the controller - need to do this to support multiple models \r
- - maybe\r
-Multiple model support - URLs like /$base/$model/$table/$action/$id.\r
-Refactor M-P-USC and M-P-Session into M-P-User, M-P-Session, and M-P-Cookie\r
-Encapsulate all request data in HTTP::Request object, and all response data \r
-in HTTP::Response object\r
-Look at HTTP::Body\r
-Easier file uploads - look at incorporating Mp::P::Upload\r
-Add email handling - like Rails - via model plugins. \r
-An e-commerce model plugin would be nice - or proof of concept - maybe look \r
-at Handel. \r
-Add validation layer(s), or just an API\r
-killer apps: SVN model; mitiki; Pet Shop; adventure builder \r
-Multiple views - HTML, text-only, PDF, SOAP, XML - use request data to switch\r
-to an alternate view_object - switch via a factory method.\r
-Maybe rename the model to PModel (Presentation Model)?\r