use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir tmpdir);
use strict;
-our $VERSION = "1." . sprintf "%04d", q$Rev$ =~ /: (\d+)/;
+our $VERSION = 2.11;
sub template {
my ( $self, $r ) = @_;
COMPILE_DIR => '/var/tmp/mysite/templates',
} );
+ .....
+ [%# Template Toolkit directives and maypole macros go here %]
This is the default view class for Maypole; it uses the Template Toolkit to
+The Template Toolkit uses it's own mini language described in L<Template::Manual::Directives>.
+A simple example would be :
+=over 4
+re:[% subject %]
+Dear [% title %] [% surname %],
+Thank you for your letter dated [% %]. This is to
+confirm that we have received it and will respond with a more
+detailed response as soon as possible. In the mean time, we
+enclose more details of ...
+TT uses '[%' and '%]' (by default) to delimit directives within a template, and the simple directives
+above just display the value of variable named within those delimiters -- [% title %] will be replaced
+inline with the value of the 'title' variable passed in the 'stash' to the template when it is processed.
+You can access nested data through the dot ('.') operator, which will dereference array or hash elements,
+but can also be used to call methods on objects, i.e. '[% name.salutation("Dear %s,") %]'. The other main
+operator is underscore ('_'), which will concatonate strings or variables.
+The value returned by a directive replaces the directive inline when the template is processes, you can also
+SET a value which will not return anything, or CALL a method or operation which will also not return anything.
+You can specify expressions using the logical (and, or, not, ?:) and mathematic operators (+ - * / % mod div).
+=over 4
+[% template.title or default.title %]
+[% score * 100 %]
+[% order.nitems ? checkout( : 'no items' %]
+TT allows you to include or re-use templates through it's INCLUDE, PROCESS and INSERT directives, which
+are fairly self explainatory. You can also re-use parts of template with the BLOCK or MACRO directives.
+Conditional and Looping constructs are simple and powerful, and TT provides an inbuilt iterator and helper
+functions and classes that make life sweet.
+Conditional directives are IF, UNLESS, ELSIF, ELSE and behave as they would in perl :
+=over 4
+[% IF age < 10 %]
+ Hello [% name %], does your mother know you're using her AOL account?
+[% ELSIF age < 18 %]
+ Sorry, you're not old enough to enter (and too dumb to lie about your age)
+[% ELSE %]
+ Welcome [% name %].
+[% END %]
+[% UNLESS text_mode %] [% INCLUDE biglogo %] [% END %]
+Looping directives are FOREACH, LAST and BREAK.
+FOREACH loops through a HASH or ARRAY processing the enclosed block for each element.
+Looping through an array
+ [% FOREACH i = items %]
+ [% i %]
+ [% END %]
+Looping through a hash
+ [% FOREACH u IN users %]
+ * [% u.key %] : [% u.value %]
+ [% END %]
+Looping through an array of hashes
+ [% FOREACH user IN userlist %]
+ * [% %] [% %]
+ [% END %]
+The LAST and BREAK directive can be used to exit the loop.
+The FOREACH directive is implemented using the Template::Iterator module. A reference
+to the iterator object for a FOREACH directive is implicitly available in the 'loop' variable.
+The loop iterator object provides a selection of methods including size(), max(), first(), last(),
+count(), etc
+=over 4
+ [% FOREACH item IN [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ] -%]
+ [%- "<ul>\n" IF loop.first %]
+ <li>[% loop.count %]/[% loop.size %]: [% item %]
+ [%- "</ul>\n" IF loop.last %]
+ [% END %]
+See Template::Iterator for further details on looping and the Iterator.
+You might notice the minus ('-') operator in the example above, it is used to remove a newline
+before or after a directive so that you can layout the Template logic as above but the resulting
+output will look exactly how you require it.
+You will also frequently see comments and multi-line directives, # at the start of a directive
+marks it as a comment, i.e. '[%# this is a comment %]'. A multiline directive looks like :
+ [% do.this;
+ do.that;
+ do.the_other %]
+You can see that lines are terminated with a semi-colon (';') unless the delimter ('%]') closes the directive.
+For full details of the Template Toolkit see Template::Manual and Template::Manual::Directives, you can
+also check the website, mailing list or the Template Toolkit book published by O Reilly.
+The Template Toolkit has a popular and powerful selection of Plugins and Filters.
+TT Plugins provide additional functionality within Templates, from accessing CGI and
+databases directly, handling paging or simple integration with Class::DBI (for those
+rare occasions where you don't actually need Maypole). See L<Template::Manual::Plugins>.
+One plugin that is indispensible when using Maypole and the Template View is
+C<Template::Plugin::Class> -- This allows you to import and use any class installed
+within a template. For example :
+=over 4
+[% USE foo = Class('Foo') %]
+[% %]
+Would do the equivilent of 'use Foo; Foo->bar;' in perl. See L<Template::Plugin::Class>
+for details.
+TT Filters process strings or blocks within a template, allowing you to truncate,
+format, escape or encode trivially. A useful selection is included with Template Toolkit
+and they can also be found on CPAN or can be written easily.
+See L<Template::Manual::Filters>.
+TT Macros allow you to reuse small blocks of content, directives, etc. The MACRO directive
+allows you to define a directive or directive block which is then evaluated each time the
+macro is called. Macros can be passed named parameters when called.
+Once a MACRO is defined within a template or 'include'd template it can be used as if it
+were a native TT directive. Maypole provides a selection of powerful and useful macros
+in the templates/ directory of the package and these are used in the beerdb and default
+templates. See the MACRO section of the L<Template::Manual::Directives> documentation.
+Maypole provides a collection of useful and powerful macros...TO DO
+=head2 link
+=head2 other macros
+=head2 finish this documentation
=head1 AUTHOR