+nfs-utils (1:1.0.7-11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * When creating statd user, create it with a home directory of /nonexistant;
+ it doesn't really require a home directory. (Closes: #365514, #365721)
+ * Fix the signal number for USR1 (actually, use the name instead) in
+ nhfsrun. (Closes: #365657)
+ -- Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse@debian.org> Wed, 3 May 2006 19:51:17 +0200
nfs-utils (1:1.0.7-10) unstable; urgency=low
* Intermediate 1.0.7 release, waiting for librpcsecgss to be uploaded into
update-rc.d nfs-common defaults 21 79 >/dev/null
if ! getent passwd statd >/dev/null; then
- adduser --system statd
+ adduser --system --home /nonexistent --no-create-home statd
if [ "$2" = "" ] || dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1.0.7-10; then
chown statd /var/lib/nfs/sm \