sub import {
my ( $class, @plugins ) = @_;
my $caller = caller(0);
+ my $frontend = 'Apache::MVC' if $ENV{MOD_PERL};
+ my $masonx;
+ if ( grep { /^MasonX$/ } @plugins )
+ {
+ $masonx++;
+ @plugins = grep { ! /^MasonX$/ } @plugins;
+ $frontend = 'MasonX::Maypole';
+ }
+ $frontend ||= 'CGI::Maypole';
+ $frontend->require or die "Loading $frontend frontend failed: $@";
+ push @ISA, $frontend;
my $autosetup=0;
my @plugin_modules;
foreach (@plugins) {
if (/^\-Setup$/) { $autosetup++; }
- elsif (/^\-Debug$/) {
+ elsif (/^\-Debug(\d*)$/) {
+ my $d = $1 || 1;
no strict 'refs';
- *{"$caller\::debug"} = sub { 1 };
- warn "Debugging enabled";
+ *{"$caller\::debug"} = sub { $d };
+ warn "Debugging (level $d) enabled for $caller";
elsif (/^-.*$/) { warn "Unknown flag: $_" }
else {
my $plugin = "Maypole::Plugin::$_";
if ($plugin->require) {
push @plugin_modules, "Maypole::Plugin::$_";
- warn "Loaded plugin: $plugin"
+ warn "Loaded plugin: $plugin for $caller"
if $caller->can('debug') && $caller->debug;
} else {
- warn qq(Loading plugin "$plugin" failed: )
+ die qq(Loading plugin "$plugin" for $caller failed: )
. $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR;
no strict 'refs';
push @{"${caller}::ISA"}, @plugin_modules, $class;
+ $caller->config->masonx({}) if $masonx;
$caller->setup() if $autosetup;
-if ( $ENV{MOD_PERL} ) {
- Apache::MVC->require or die "Loading Apache frontend failed: $@";
- push @ISA, 'Apache::MVC';
-else {
- CGI::Maypole->require or die "Loading CGI frontend failed: $@";
- push @ISA, 'CGI::Maypole';
=head1 NAME
use Maypole::Application qw(Config::YAML Loader -Setup -Debug);
+ use Maypole::Application qw(-Debug2 MasonX AutoUntaint);
-This is a universal frontend for mod_perl1, mod_perl2 and CGI.
+This is a universal frontend for mod_perl1, mod_perl2, HTML::Mason and CGI.
You can omit the Maypole::Plugin:: prefix from plugins.
So Maypole::Plugin::Config::YAML becomes Config::YAML.
use Maypole::Application;
sub debug { 1 }
+You can specify a higher debug level by saying C<-Debug2> etc.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sebastian Riedel, C<>