+++ /dev/null
-package Apache::MVC::Model::Base;
-our %remember;
-sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { $remember{$_[1]} = $_[2]; () }
-sub FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES { $remember{$_[1]} }
-sub view :Exported { }
-sub edit :Exported { }
-sub process {
- my ($class, $r) = @_;
- $r->template( my $method = $r->action );
- $r->objects([ $class->retrieve(shift @{$r->{args}}) ]);
- $class->$method($r);
-=head1 NAME
-Apache::MVC::Model::Base - Base class for model classes
-Anyone subclassing this for a different database abstraction mechanism
-needs to provide the following methods:
-=head2 do_edit
-If there is an object in C<$r-E<gt>objects>, then it should be edited
-with the parameters in C<$r-E<gt>params>; otherwise, a new object should
-be created with those parameters, and put back into C<$r-E<gt>objects>.
-The template should be changed to C<view>, or C<edit> if there were any
-errors. A hash of errors will be passed to the template.
-sub do_edit { die "This is an abstract method" }
-=head2 retrieve
-This turns an ID into an object of the appropriate class.
-=head2 adopt
-This is called on an model class representing a table and allows the
-master model class to do any set-up required.
-=head2 related
-This can go either in the master model class or in the individual
-classes, and returns a list of has-many accessors. A brewery has many
-beers, so C<BeerDB::Brewery> needs to return C<beers>.
-=head2 columns
-This is a list of the columns in a table.
-=head2 table
-This is the name of the table.
-=head2 Commands
-=item list
-The C<list> method should fill C<< $r-> objects >> with all of the
-objects in the class. You may want to page this using C<Data::Page> or
-sub list :Exported { die "This is an abstract method" };
-Also, see the exported commands in C<Apache::MVC::Model::CDBI>.
-=head1 Other overrides
-Additionally, individual derived model classes may want to override the
-following methods:
-=head2 column_names
-Return a hash mapping column names with human-readable equivalents.
-sub column_names { my $class = shift; map { $_ => ucfirst $_ } $class->columns }
-=head2 description
-A description of the class to be passed to the template.
-sub description { "A poorly defined class" }
+++ /dev/null
-package Apache::MVC::Model::CDBI;
-use base qw(Apache::MVC::Model::Base Class::DBI);
-use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number qw(to_PL);
-use Class::DBI::AsForm;
-use Class::DBI::FromCGI;
-use Class::DBI::AbstractSearch;
-use Class::DBI::Plugin::RetrieveAll;
-use Class::DBI::Pager;
-use CGI::Untaint;
-use strict;
-=head1 NAME
-Apache::MVC::Model::CDBI - Model class based on Class::DBI
-This is a master model class which uses C<Class::DBI> to do all the hard
-work of fetching rows and representing them as objects. It is a good
-model to copy if you're replacing it with other database abstraction
-sub related {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- # Has-many methods; XXX this is a hack
- map {to_PL($_)}
- grep { exists $r->{config}{ok_tables}{$_} }
- map {$_->table}
- keys %{shift->__hasa_list || {}}
-sub do_edit :Exported {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- my $h = CGI::Untaint->new(%{$r->{params}});
- my ($obj) = @{$r->objects};
- if ($obj) {
- # We have something to edit
- $obj->update_from_cgi($h);
- warn "Updating an object ($obj) with ".Dumper($h); use Data::Dumper;
- } else {
- $obj = $self->create_from_cgi($h);
- }
- if (my %errors = $obj->cgi_update_errors) {
- # Set it up as it was:
- warn "There were errors: ".Dumper(\%errors)."\n";
- $r->{template_args}{cgi_params} = $r->{params};
- $r->{template_args}{errors} = \%errors;
- $r->{template} = "edit";
- } else {
- $r->{template} = "view";
- }
- $r->objects([ $obj ]);
-sub delete :Exported {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- $_->SUPER::delete for @{ $r->objects };
- $r->objects([ $self->retrieve_all ]);
- $r->{template} = "list";
-sub adopt {
- my ($self, $child) = @_;
- $child->autoupdate(1);
- $child->columns( Stringify => qw/ name / );
-sub search :Exported {
- return shift->SUPER::search(@_) if caller eq "Class::DBI"; # oops
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- my %fields = map {$_ => 1 } $self->columns;
- my $oper = "like"; # For now
- use Carp; Carp::confess("Urgh") unless ref $r;
- my %params = %{$r->{params}};
- my %values = map { $_ => {$oper, $params{$_} } }
- grep { $params{$_} and $fields{$_} } keys %params;
- $r->objects([ %values ? $self->search_where(%values) : $self->retrieve_all ]);
- $r->template("list");
- $r->{template_args}{search} = 1;
-sub list :Exported {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- my %ok_columns = map {$_ => 1} $self->columns;
- if ( my $rows = $r->config->{rows_per_page}) {
- $self = $self->pager($rows, $r->query->{page});
- $r->{template_args}{pager} = $self;
- }
- my $order;
- if ($order = $r->query->{order} and $ok_columns{$order}) {
- $r->objects([ $self->retrieve_all_sorted_by( $order.
- ($r->query->{o2} eq "desc" && " DESC")
- )]);
- } else {
- $r->objects([ $self->retrieve_all ]);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package Apache::MVC::View::TT;
-use Apache::Constants;
-use Lingua::EN::Inflect;
-use Template;
-use File::Spec;
-use UNIVERSAL::moniker;
-use strict;
-sub new { bless {}, shift } # Not worth having
-sub _tt {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- my $root = $r->{ar}->document_root . "/". $r->{ar}->location;
- warn "Root was $root";
- Template->new({ INCLUDE_PATH => [
- $root,
- ($r->model_class && File::Spec->catdir($root, $r->model_class->moniker)),
- File::Spec->catdir($root, "custom"),
- File::Spec->catdir($root, "factory")
- ]});
-sub _args {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- my $class = $r->model_class;
- my %args = (
- request => $r,
- objects => $r->objects,
- base => $r->config->{uri_base},
- config => $r->config
- # ...
- ) ;
- if ($class) {
- $args{classmetadata} = {
- name => $class,
- columns => [ $class->columns ],
- colnames => { $class->column_names },
- related_accessors => [ $class->related($r) ],
- moniker => $class->moniker,
- plural => $class->plural_moniker,
- cgi => { $class->to_cgi },
- description => $class->description
- };
- # User-friendliness facility for custom template writers.
- if (@{$r->objects || []} > 1) {
- $args{$r->model_class->plural_moniker} = $r->objects;
- } else {
- ($args{$r->model_class->moniker}) = @{$r->objects};
- }
- }
- # Overrides
- %args = (%args, %{$r->{template_args}||{}});
- %args;
-sub process {
- my ($self, $r) = @_;
- my $template = $self->_tt($r);
- my $output;
- $template->process($r->template, { $self->_args($r) }, \$output)
- || return $self->error($r, $template->error);
- $r->{ar}->content_type("text/html");
- $r->{ar}->headers_out->set("Content-Length" => length $output);
- $r->{ar}->send_http_header;
- $r->{ar}->print($output);
- return 200;
-sub error {
- my ($self, $r, $error) = @_;
- warn $error;
- if ($error =~ /not found$/) { return DECLINED }
- $r->{ar}->send_http_header("text/plain");
- $r->{ar}->print($error);
- exit;
+++ /dev/null
-=head1 NAME
-Apache::MVC::Workflow - Describes the progress of a request through Apache::MVC
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- config $h
- |
- Apache::MVC $r
- Apache::Request |
- +---- $r->get_request ---+
- $ar |
- |
- $r->parse_location
- |
- $r->is_applicable
- |
- BeerDB::Beer $r->call_authenticate
- ->authenticate ------------+------------ $r->authenticate
- |
- $r->additional_data
- |
- $r->model_class->process($r)
- |
- $r->view_object->process($r)
-An application based on C<Apache::MVC> will provide an Apache handler,
-and eventually deliver a page. This document explains how that happens,
-and how to influence it. We'll use the C<BeerDB> project as our example.
-=head2 Initialize class
-When the first request comes in, the class will call its own
-C<init> method. This creates a new view object, sets up inheritance
-relationships between the model classes and their parent, and so on.
-=head2 Construction
-Once we have initialized, the handler obtains the configuration for your
-class, and puts it into a new object. We'll call this a request
-I<object> for the purposes of this document; it will be a new C<BeerDB>
-=head2 Getting the request
-Next, the handler calls C<get_request> on the new object to have it
-store a copy of the C<Apache::Request>. Of course, if you're not using
-Apache, you might want to subclass this method to return something that
-looks like an C<Apache::Request> object, and possibly also subclass the
-next stage too to get more control over what methods are called on your
-C<A::R>-lookalike. C<get_request> is expected to put the object in the
-C<ar> slot of the request object.
-=head2 Handling the URL
-Typically, the details of the request will be passed in the URL. This is
-done with the C<parse_location> method, which is expected to populate
-several slots of the request object. First, C<table> and C<action>
-should be populated with the name of the table and the action parts of
-the URL. Any other arguments should be placed in a listref in the
-C<args> slot, and GET and POST parameters should be arranged into a hash
-and placed in the C<query> and C<params> slots, respectively.
-Some people may not like the idea of passing everything around in the
-URL; this is the method to override for you. Of course, you'll also need
-to provide your own default templates to construct links using your
-preferred format.
-=head2 Is this an applicable URL?
-Next, the C<is_applicable> method works out if this is actually
-something that C<Apache::MVC> should care about - whether the class
-exists in the application, whether it supports the given action, and so
-on. The action is "supported" if it exists in the model class (or its
-ancestors) and is marked with the C<:Exported> attribute; this stops web
-users from firing off random subroutines in your code.
-This should return an Apache status code; C<OK> if the request should
-proceed, C<DECLINED> if it should be passed on to the default handlers,
-or whatever other codes for permissions problems.
-=head2 Are we allowed to do this?
-We then look for an appropriate C<authenticate> method to call; first
-it will try calling the C<authenticate> method of the model class, or,
-if that does not exist, the C<authenticate> method on itself. By
-default, this allows access to everyone for everything. Similarly, this
-should return an Apache status code.
-=head2 Add any additional data to the request
-The open-ended C<additional_data> method allows any additional fiddling
-with the request object before it is despatched. Specifically, it allows
-you to add to the C<template_args> slot, which is a hash of arguments to
-be added to the template.
-=head2 Ask model for widget set
-Asking the model class to C<process> the current request allows it to do
-any work it needs for the given command, and populate the C<objects> and
-C<template> slots of the request.
-=head2 Ask view to process template
-Now the view class has its C<process> method called, finds the
-appropriate templates, passes the C<objects> and any additional data to
-the template, and pushes the output to the web server.
-We will go into more detail about these last two phases.
-=head1 Model class processing
-The model's C<process> method is usually a thin wrapper around the
-action that we have selected. It sets the template name to the name of
-the action, fills C<objects> with an object of that class whose ID comes
-from the URL arguments if there is one. For instance, C</beer/foo/12>
-will do the moral equivalent of
- $r->objects([ BeerDB::Beer->retrieve(12) ]);
-Then it calls the right method: in this case, the C<foo> method with
-the request object. This method will usually do any actions which are
-required, including modifying the list of objects to be passed to the
-template, or the name of the template to be called.
-=head1 Template class processing
-Finally, the template processor is handed the objects, the template
-name, and various other bits and pieces, and tries to find the right
-template. It does this by looking first for C</beer/foo>: that is, a
-specific template appropriate to the class. Next, it looks at
-C</custom/foo>, a local modification, before looking for
-C</factory/foo>, one of the default templates that came with
-=head2 Default template arguments
-The following things are passed to the Template Toolkit template by
-=over 3
-=item request
-The whole C<Apache::MVC> request object, for people getting really dirty
-with the templates.
-=item objects
-The objects handed to us by the model.
-=item base
-The base URL of the application.
-=item config
-The whole configuration hash for the application.
-=item classmetadata
-A hash consisting of:
-C<name> - The name of the model class for the request: e.g. C<BeerDB::Beer>.
-C<columns> - The names of the columns in this class.
-C<colnames> - A hash mapping between the database's idea of a column
-name and a human-readable equivalent. (C<abv> should be mapped to
-C<A.B.V.>, perhaps.)
-C<related_accessors> - A list of accessors which are not exactly fields
-in the table but are related by a has-many relationship. For instance,
-breweries have many beers, so C<beers> would appear in the list.
-C<moniker> - The human-readable name for the class: C<beer>.
-C<plural> - The same, only plural: C<beers>.
-C<cgi> - A hash mapping columns and C<HTML::Element> objects
-representing a form field for editing that column.
-C<description> - (Perhaps) a user-supplied description of the class.
-Additionally, depending on the number of objects, there will be an alias
-for the C<objects> slot with the name of the moniker or plural moniker.
-That sounds a bit tricky, but what it means is that if you look at
-C</beer/view/4> then C<beer> will be populated with a C<BeerDB::Beer>
-object with ID 4. On the other hand, if you look at C</beer/list> you
-can get all the beers in C<beers> as well as in C<objects>.