- my $required_cols = $config->{$table}{required_cols} || [];
+ my $required_cols = $config->{$table}{required_cols} || $self->required_columns;
my $ignored_cols = $config->{$table}{ignore_cols} || [];
($obj, my $fatal, my $creating) = $self->_do_update_or_create($r, $obj, $required_cols, $ignored_cols);
return $obj, $fatal, $creating;
-# split out from do_edit to be reported by Mp::P::Trace
-#sub _do_update_or_create {
-# my ($self, $r, $obj, $required_cols, $ignored_cols) = @_;
-# my $fatal;
-# my $creating = 0;
-# my $h = $self->Untainter->new( %{$r->params} );
-# # update or create
-# if ($obj) {
-# # We have something to edit
-# eval { $obj->update_from_cgi( $h => {
-# required => $required_cols,
-# ignore => $ignored_cols,
-# } );
-# $obj->update(); # pos fix for bug 17132 'autoupdate required by do_edit'
-# };
-# $fatal = $@;
-# } else {
-# eval {
-# $obj = $self->create_from_cgi( $h => {
-# required => $required_cols,
-# ignore => $ignored_cols,
-# } );
-# };
-# $fatal = $@;
-# $creating++;
-# }
-# return $obj, $fatal, $creating;
=head2 delete
Deprecated method that calls do_delete or a given classes delete method, please
# Thanks to dave baird -- form builder for these private functions
+# sub _column_info {
sub _column_info {
- my $self = shift;
- my $dbh = $self->db_Main;
- return $self->COLUMN_INFO if ref $self->COLUMN_INFO;
- my $meta; # The info we are after
- my ($catalog, $schema) = (undef, undef);
- # Dave is suspicious this (above undefs) could
- # break things if driver useses this info
- # '%' is a search pattern for columns - matches all columns
- if ( my $sth = $dbh->column_info( $catalog, $schema, $self->table, '%' ) )
- {
- $dbh->errstr && die "Error getting column info sth: " . $dbh->errstr;
- $self->COLUMN_INFO( $self->_hash_type_meta( $sth ) );
-# use Data::Dumper; warn "col info for typed is " . Dumper($self->COLUMN_INFO);
- }
- else
- {
- $self->COLUMN_INFO( $self->_hash_typeless_meta( ) );
-# use Data::Dumper; warn "col info TYPELESS is " . Dumper($self->COLUMN_INFO);
- }
- return $self->COLUMN_INFO;
+ my $self = shift;
+ warn "__column_info called by ", join (', ', caller), "\n";
+ my $dbh = $self->db_Main;
+ my $meta; # The info we are after
+ my ($catalog, $schema) = (undef, undef);
+ # Dave is suspicious this (above undefs) could
+ # break things if driver useses this info
+ my $original_metadata;
+ # '%' is a search pattern for columns - matches all columns
+ if ( my $sth = $dbh->column_info( $catalog, $schema, $self->table, '%' ) ) {
+ $dbh->errstr && die "Error getting column info sth: " . $dbh->errstr;
+ $self->COLUMN_INFO ($self->_hash_type_meta( $sth ));
+ } else {
+ $self->COLUMN_INFO ($self->_hash_typeless_meta( ));
+ }
+ return $self->COLUMN_INFO;
-sub _hash_type_meta
- my ($self, $sth) = @_;
- my $meta;
- while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref )
- {
- my ($col_meta, $col_name);
- foreach my $key ( keys %$row)
- {
- my $value = $row->{$key} || $row->{ uc $key };
- $col_meta->{$key} = $value;
- $col_name = $row->{COLUMN_NAME} || $row->{column_name};
- }
- $meta->{$col_name} = $col_meta;
+sub _hash_type_meta {
+ my ($self, $sth) = @_;
+ my $meta;
+ while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+ my $colname = $row->{COLUMN_NAME} || $row->{column_name};
+ # required / nullable
+ $meta->{$colname}{nullable} = $row->{NULLABLE};
+ $meta->{$colname}{required} = ($row->{NULLABLE} && $row->{NULLABLE} == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ # default
+ if (defined $row->{COLUMN_DEF}) {
+ my $default = $row->{COLUMN_DEF};
+ $default =~ s/['"]?(.*?)['"]?::.*$/$1/;
+ $meta->{$colname}{default} = $default;
+ }else {
+ $meta->{$colname}{default} = '';
- return $meta;
-# typeless db e.g. sqlite
-sub _hash_typeless_meta
- my ( $self ) = @_;
- $self->set_sql( fb_meta_dummy => 'SELECT * FROM __TABLE__ WHERE 1=0' )
- unless $self->can( 'sql_fb_meta_dummy' );
- my $sth = $self->sql_fb_meta_dummy;
- $sth->execute or die "Error executing column info: " . $sth->errstr;;
- # see 'Statement Handle Attributes' in the DBI docs for a list of available attributes
- my $cols = $sth->{NAME};
- my $types = $sth->{TYPE};
- # my $sizes = $sth->{PRECISION}; # empty
- # my $nulls = $sth->{NULLABLE}; # empty
- # we haven't actually fetched anything from the sth, so need to tell DBI we're not going to
- $sth->finish;
- my $order = 0;
- my $meta;
- foreach my $col ( @$cols )
- {
- my $col_meta;
- $col_meta->{NULLABLE} = 1;
- # in my limited testing, the columns are returned in the same order as they were defined in the schema
- $col_meta->{ORDINAL_POSITION} = $order++;
- # type_name is taken literally from the schema, but is not actually used by sqlite,
- # so it can be anything, e.g. varchar or varchar(xxx) or VARCHAR etc.
- my $type = shift( @$types );
- $type =~ /(\w+)\((\w+)\)/;
- $col_meta->{type} = $type;
- $col_meta->{TYPE_NAME} = $1;
- my $size = $2;
- $col_meta->{COLUMN_SIZE} = $size if $type =~ /(CHAR|INT)/i;
- $meta->{$col} = $col_meta;
+ # type
+ my $type = $row->{mysql_type_name} || $row->{type};
+ unless ($type) {
+ $type = $row->{TYPE_NAME};
+ if ($row->{COLUMN_SIZE}) {
+ $type .= "($row->{COLUMN_SIZE})";
+ }
- return $meta;
+ $type =~ s/['"]?(.*)['"]?::.*$/$1/;
+ # Bool if tinyint
+ if ($type and $type =~ /^tinyint/i and $row->{COLUMN_SIZE} == 1) {
+ $type = 'BOOL';
+ }
+ $meta->{$colname}{type} = $type;
+ # order
+ $meta->{$colname}{position} = $row->{ORDINAL_POSITION}
+ }
+ return $meta;
+# typeless db e.g. sqlite
+sub _hash_typeless_meta {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ $self->set_sql( fb_meta_dummy => 'SELECT * FROM __TABLE__ WHERE 1=0' )
+ unless $self->can( 'sql_fb_meta_dummy' );
+ my $sth = $self->sql_fb_meta_dummy;
+ $sth->execute or die "Error executing column info: " . $sth->errstr;;
+ # see 'Statement Handle Attributes' in the DBI docs for a list of available attributes
+ my $cols = $sth->{NAME};
+ my $types = $sth->{TYPE};
+ # my $sizes = $sth->{PRECISION}; # empty
+ # my $nulls = $sth->{NULLABLE}; # empty
+ # we haven't actually fetched anything from the sth, so need to tell DBI we're not going to
+ $sth->finish;
+ my $order = 0;
+ my $meta;
+ foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
+ my $col_meta;
+ $col_meta->{nullable} = 1;
+ $col_meta->{required} = 0;
+ $col_meta->{default} = '';
+ $col_meta->{position} = $order++;
+ # type_name is taken literally from the schema, but is not actually used by sqlite,
+ # so it can be anything, e.g. varchar or varchar(xxx) or VARCHAR etc.
+ my $type = shift( @$types );
+ $col_meta->{type} = ($type =~ /(\w+)\((\w+)\)/) ? $1 :$type ;
+ $meta->{$col} = $col_meta;
+ }
+ return $meta;
=head2 column_type
This returns the 'type' of this column (VARCHAR(20), BIGINT, etc.)
For now, it returns "BOOL" for tinyints.
-TODO :: TEST with enums and postgres
+TODO :: TEST with enums
sub column_type {
- my $class = shift;
- my $col = shift or die "Need a column for column_type";
- my $info = $class->_column_info->{$col} ||
- eval { $class->_isa_class($col)->_column_info($col) } ||
- return '';
- my $type = $info->{mysql_type_name} || $info->{type};
- unless ($type) {
- $type = $info->{TYPE_NAME};
- if ($info->{COLUMN_SIZE}) { $type .= "($info->{COLUMN_SIZE})"; }
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $colname = shift or die "Need a column for column_type";
+ $class->_column_info() unless (ref $class->COLUMN_INFO);
+ if ($class->_isa_class($colname)) {
+ return $class->_isa_class($colname)->column_type($colname);
+ }
+ unless ( $class->find_column($colname) ) {
+ warn "$colname is not a recognised column in this class ", ref $class || $class, "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $class->COLUMN_INFO->{$colname}{type};
+=head2 required_columns
+ Accessor to get/set required columns for forms, validation, etc.
+ Returns list of required columns. Accepts an array ref of column names.
+ $class->required_columns([qw/foo bar baz/]);
+ Allows you to specify the required columns for a class, over-riding any
+ assumptions and guesses made by Maypole.
+ Use this instead of $config->{$table}{required_cols}
+ Note : you need to setup the model class before calling this method.
+sub required_columns {
+ my ($class, $columns) = @_;
+ $class->_column_info() unless ref $class->COLUMN_INFO;
+ my $column_info = $class->COLUMN_INFO;
+ if ($columns) {
+ foreach my $colname ( @$columns ) {
+ if ($class->_isa_class($colname)) {
+ $class->_isa_class($colname)->COLUMN_INFO->{$colname}{required} = 1
+ unless ($class->_isa_class($colname)->column_required);
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ( $class->find_column($colname) ) {
+ warn "$colname is not a recognised column in this class ", ref $class || $class, "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $column_info->{required} = 1;
- # Bool if tinyint
- if ($type and $type =~ /^tinyint/i and $info->{COLUMN_SIZE} == 1) {
- $type = 'BOOL';
- }
- return $type;
+ $class->COLUMN_INFO($column_info);
+ }
+ return [ grep ($column_info->{$_}{required}, keys %{$column_info}) ] ;
+=head2 column_required
+ Returns true if a column is required
+ my $required = $class->column_required($column_name);
+ Columns can be required by the application but not the database, but not the other way around,
+ hence there is also a column_nullable method which will tell you if the column is nullable
+ within the database itself.
+sub column_required {
+ my ($class, $colname) = @_;
+ $colname or $class->_croak( "Need a column for column_nullable" );
+ $class->_column_info() unless ref $class->COLUMN_INFO;
+ if ($class->_isa_class($colname)) {
+ return $class->_isa_class($colname)->column_required($colname);
+ }
+ unless ( $class->find_column($colname) ) {
+ # handle non-existant columns
+ warn "$colname is not a recognised column in this class ", ref $class || $class, "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $class->COLUMN_INFO->{$colname}{required} || 0;
=head2 column_nullable
-Returns true if a column can be NULL and false if not.
+ Returns true if a column can be NULL within the underlying database and false if not.
+ my $nullable = $class->column_nullable($column_name);
+ Any columns that are not nullable will automatically be specified as required, you can
+ also specify nullable columns as required within your application.
+ It is recomended you use column_required rather than column_nullable within your
+ application, this method is more useful if extending the model or handling your own
+ validation.
sub column_nullable {
my $class = shift;
- my $col = shift or $class->_croak( "Need a column for column_nullable" );
- my $info = $class->_column_info->{$col} ||
- eval { $class->_isa_class($col)->_column_info($col) } ||
- return 1;
- return $info->{NULLABLE};
+ my $colname = shift or $class->_croak( "Need a column for column_nullable" );
+ $class->_column_info() unless ref $class->COLUMN_INFO;
+ if ($class->_isa_class($colname)) {
+ return $class->_isa_class($colname)->column_nullable($colname);
+ }
+ unless ( $class->find_column($colname) ) {
+ # handle non-existant columns
+ warn "$colname is not a recognised column in this class ", ref $class || $class, "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $class->COLUMN_INFO->{$colname}{nullable} || 0;
=head2 column_default
-Returns default value for column or the empyty string.
+Returns default value for column or the empty string.
Columns with NULL, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, or Zeros( 0000-00...) for dates and times
have '' returned.
sub column_default {
- my $class = shift;
- my $col = shift or $class->_croak( "Need a column for column_default");
- #return unless $class->find_column($col); # not a real column
- my $info = $class->_column_info->{$col} ||
- eval { $class->_isa_class($col)->_column_info($col) } ||
- return '';
- my $def = $info->{COLUMN_DEF};
- $def = '' unless defined $def; # is this good?
- return $def;
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $colname = shift or $class->_croak( "Need a column for column_default");
+ $class->_column_info() unless (ref $class->COLUMN_INFO);
+ if ($class->_isa_class($colname)) {
+ return $class->_isa_class($colname)->column_default($colname);
+ }
+ unless ( $class->find_column($colname) ) {
+ warn "$colname is not a recognised column in this class ", ref $class || $class, "\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $class->COLUMN_INFO->{$colname}{default};
=head2 get_classmetadata
$res{moniker} = $class->moniker;
$res{plural} = $class->plural_moniker;
$res{table} = $class->table;
- \%res;
+ $res{column_metadata} = (ref $class->COLUMN_INFO) ? $class->COLUMN_INFO : $class->_column_info() ;
+ return \%res;
sub to_field {
- my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
- if (ref $how) { $args = $how; $how = ''; }
- unless ($how) { $how = $args->{how} || ''; }
-#warn "In to_field field is $field how is $how. args ar e" . Dumper($args) . " \n";
- # Set sensible default value
- if ($field and not defined $args->{default}) {
- my $def = $self->column_default($field) ;
- # exclude defaults we don't want actually put as value for input
- if (defined $def) {
- $def = $def =~ /(^0000-00-00.*$|^0[0]*$|^0\.00$|CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|NULL)/i ? '' : $def ;
- $args->{default} = $def;
- }
- }
+ my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
+ if (ref $how) { $args = $how; $how = ''; }
+ unless ($how) { $how = $args->{how} || ''; }
+ #warn "In to_field field is $field how is $how. args ar e" . Dumper($args) . " \n";
+ # Set sensible default value
+ if ($field and not defined $args->{default}) {
+ my $def = $self->column_default($field) ;
+ # exclude defaults we don't want actually put as value for input
+ if (defined $def) {
+ $def = $def =~ /(^0000-00-00.*$|^0[0]*$|^0\.00$|CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|NULL)/i ? '' : $def ;
+ $args->{default} = $def;
+ }
+ }
- return $self->_field_from_how($field, $how, $args) ||
- $self->_field_from_relationship($field, $args) ||
- $self->_field_from_column($field, $args) ||
- $self->_to_textfield($field, $args);
+ return $self->_field_from_how($field, $how, $args) ||
+ $self->_field_from_relationship($field, $args) ||
+ $self->_field_from_column($field, $args) ||
+ $self->_to_textfield($field, $args);
sub search_inputs {
- my ($class, $args) = @_;
- $class = ref $class || $class;
- #my $accssr_class = { $class->accessor_classes };
- my %cgi;
- $args->{columns} ||= $class->can('search_columns') ?[$class->search_columns] : [$class->display_columns];
- foreach my $field ( @{ $args->{columns} } ) {
- my $base_args = {
- no_hidden_constraints => 1,
- column_nullable => 1, # empty option on select boxes
- value => '',
- };
- if ( ref $field eq "HASH" ) { # foreign search fields
- my ($accssr, $cols) = each %$field;
- $base_args->{columns} = $cols;
- unless ( @$cols ) {
- # default to search fields for related
- #$cols = $accssr_class->{$accssr}->search_columns;
- die ("$class search_fields error: Must specify at least one column to search in the foreign object named '$accssr'");
- }
- my $fcgi = $class->to_field($accssr, 'foreign_inputs', $base_args);
- # unset the default values for a select box
- foreach (keys %$fcgi) {
- my $el = $fcgi->{$_};
- if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
- $class->unselect_element($el);
- my ($first, @content) = $el->content_list;
- my @fc = $first->content_list;
- my $val = $first ? $first->attr('value') : undef;
- if ($first and (@fc > 0 or (defined $val and $val ne '')) ) { # something ( $first->attr('value') ne '' or
- #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
- # push an empty option on stactk
- $el->unshift_content(HTML::Element->new('option'));
- }
- }
+ my ($class, $args) = @_;
+ $class = ref $class || $class;
+ #my $accssr_class = { $class->accessor_classes };
+ my %cgi;
+ $args->{columns} ||= $class->can('search_columns') ?[$class->search_columns] : [$class->display_columns];
+ foreach my $field ( @{ $args->{columns} } ) {
+ my $base_args = {
+ no_hidden_constraints => 1,
+ column_nullable => 1, # empty option on select boxes
+ value => '',
+ };
+ if ( ref $field eq "HASH" ) { # foreign search fields
+ my ($accssr, $cols) = each %$field;
+ $base_args->{columns} = $cols;
+ unless ( @$cols ) {
+ # default to search fields for related
+ #$cols = $accssr_class->{$accssr}->search_columns;
+ die ("$class search_fields error: Must specify at least one column to search in the foreign object named '$accssr'");
+ }
+ my $fcgi = $class->to_field($accssr, 'foreign_inputs', $base_args);
+ # unset the default values for a select box
+ foreach (keys %$fcgi) {
+ my $el = $fcgi->{$_};
+ if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
+ $class->unselect_element($el);
+ my ($first, @content) = $el->content_list;
+ my @fc = $first->content_list;
+ my $val = $first ? $first->attr('value') : undef;
+ if ($first and (@fc > 0 or (defined $val and $val ne '')) ) { # something ( $first->attr('value') ne '' or
+ #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
+ # push an empty option on stactk
+ $el->unshift_content(HTML::Element->new('option'));
+ }
+ }
- }
- $cgi{$accssr} = $fcgi;
- delete $base_args->{columns};
- }
- else {
- $cgi{$field} = $class->to_field($field, $base_args); #{no_select => $args->{no_select}{$field} });
- my $el = $cgi{$field};
- if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
- $class->unselect_element($el);
- my ($first, @content) = $el->content_list;
- if ($first and $first->content_list) { # something
- #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
- # push an empty option on stactk
- $el->unshift_content(HTML::Element->new('option'));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return \%cgi;
+ }
+ $cgi{$accssr} = $fcgi;
+ delete $base_args->{columns};
+ } else {
+ $cgi{$field} = $class->to_field($field, $base_args); #{no_select => $args->{no_select}{$field} });
+ my $el = $cgi{$field};
+ if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
+ $class->unselect_element($el);
+ my ($first, @content) = $el->content_list;
+ if ($first and $first->content_list) { # something
+ #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
+ # push an empty option on stactk
+ $el->unshift_content(HTML::Element->new('option'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \%cgi;
sub _field_from_column {
- my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
- # this class and pk are default class and field at this point
- my $class = $args->{class} || $self;
- $class = ref $class || $class;
- $field ||= ($class->primary_columns)[0]; # TODO
- # Get column type
- unless ($args->{column_type}) {
- if ($class->can('column_type')) {
- $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
- }
- else {
- # Right, have some of this
- eval "package $class; Class::DBI::Plugin::Type->import()";
- $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
- }
- }
- my $type = $args->{column_type};
- return $self->_to_textfield($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^(VAR)?CHAR/i; #common type
- return $self->_to_textarea($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^(TEXT|BLOB)$/i;
- return $self->_to_enum_select($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^ENUM\((.*?)\)$/i;
- return $self->_to_bool_select($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^BOOL/i;
- return $self->_to_readonly($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^readonly$/i;
- return;
+ my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
+ # this class and pk are default class and field at this point
+ my $class = $args->{class} || $self;
+ $class = ref $class || $class;
+ $field ||= ($class->primary_columns)[0]; # TODO
+ # Get column type
+ unless ($args->{column_type}) {
+ if ($class->can('column_type')) {
+ $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
+ } else {
+ # Right, have some of this
+ eval "package $class; Class::DBI::Plugin::Type->import()";
+ $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
+ }
+ }
+ my $type = $args->{column_type};
+ return $self->_to_textfield($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^(VAR)?CHAR/i; #common type
+ return $self->_to_textarea($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^(TEXT|BLOB)$/i;
+ return $self->_to_enum_select($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^ENUM\((.*?)\)$/i;
+ return $self->_to_bool_select($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^BOOL/i;
+ return $self->_to_readonly($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^readonly$/i;
+ return;