--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+Maypole::Manual::Plugins - the Maypole Plugin API
+=head1 VERSION
+This version written for Maypole 2.10
+Plugins occupy the C<Maypole::Plugin::*> namespace on CPAN. At time of writing, there are 16 plugin modules
+available - see http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Maypole%3A%3APlugin&mode=module
+Plugins are loaded into a Maypole application by L<Maypole::Application>. For instance, to add L<HTML::QuickTable>
+support to the BeerDB example application:
+ package BeerDB;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Maypole::Application( 'QuickTable' );
+Note that the leading C<Maypole::Plugin::*> is omitted.
+For some plugins, that's it. You probably have a bunch of new methods available on your Maypole request objects -
+see the documentation for the plugin.
+For others, you will need to set configuration variables or customise other
+parts of the application. For instance, to add sessions to your application, you can use L<Maypole::Plugin::Session>:
+ package BeerDB;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use Maypole::Application( 'Session' );
+That's all, if you're willing to stick with the defaults (L<Apache::Session::File> backend, session and lock files in C</tmp/sessions> and C</tmp/sessionlock>). Otherwise, you need to supply some configuration:
+ __PACKAGE__->config->session( { class => "Apache::Session::Flex",
+ args => {
+ Store => 'DB_File',
+ Lock => 'Null',
+ Generate => 'MD5',
+ Serialize => 'Storable'
+ }
+ } );
+The plugin module is responsible for adding slots to L<Maypole::Config>, in this case, the C<session> accessor.
+=head2 Modifying the Maypole request object
+Plugins are inserted into the C<@ISA> of the Maypole request object. So method calls on the request object will
+first search the plugin classes, before looking in L<Maypole>. Methods defined in the plugin are
+therefore directly available on the request. That also goes for methods inherited by the plugin. I'm not aware
+of any plugins that currently inherit from another package, but there's no reason not to.
+Note that if you need simple accessor methods on the request, you can add them by saying
+ Maypole->mk_accessors( qw/ fee fi fo / );
+at the start of your plugin. Under mod_perl, you've just added these accessors to B<all> Maypole applications
+on the server, even ones that do not use this plugin. You could instead make the call inside the C<setup> method:
+ $r->mk_accessors( qw/ fee fi fo / );
+Now the accessors are only added to applications that use this plugin.
+=head2 Initialisation with C<setup>
+After loading plugins via L<Maypole::Application>, setting configuration variables in calls to
+C<< __PACKAGE__->config->foo( 'bar' ) >>, and optionally defining custom request methods, your
+application should call its C<setup> method, generally including arguments for the database connection:
+ __PACKAGE__->setup( $dsn, $user, $pass, @more_args );
+All of these arguments will be passed to the C<setup_database> method of the model class.
+C<Maypole::setup()> is responsible for loading the model class, calling the C<setup_database> method
+on the model class, and making each table class in the application inherit from the model. It is therefore
+recommended that you call C<setup> B<after> setting up all your configuration options.
+Plugins can intercept the call to C<setup> to carry out their own initialisation, as long as they propagate
+the call up through the hierarchy. A common idiom for this is:
+ Maypole::Plugin::Foo;
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use NEXT;
+ sub setup
+ {
+ my $r = shift;
+ $r->NEXT::DISTINCT::setup(@_);
+ # Foo initialisation goes here
+ my $option = $r->config->foo_option;
+ # do something with $option
+ }
+L<NEXT> is a replacement for the built-in C<SUPER> syntax. C<SUPER> dispatches a call to the superclass
+of the current package - B<but> it determines the superclass at compile time. At that time, the superclass
+is something like C<main::>. L<NEXT> does the superclass lookup at runtime, after L<Maypole::Application> has
+inserted the plugin into the request class's inheritance chain.
+The C<DISTINCT> modifier ensures each plugin's C<setup> method is only called once, and protects against
+diamond inheritance. This may or may not be an issue in your app - and if you always use the C<DISTINCT>
+syntax, it won't be.
+Notice that the C<setup> call is re-dispatched before running the plugin's own initialisation code. This
+allows C<Maypole::setup()> to set up the database, model, and table classes, before your plugin starts tweaking
+You can use the C<setup> method to load modules into the request class namespace. L<Maypole::Plugin::I18N> has:
+ sub setup {
+ my $r = shift;
+ $r->NEXT::DISTINCT::setup(@_);
+ require Locale::Maketext::Simple;
+ import Locale::Maketext::Simple
+ Class => $r,
+ Export => '_loc',
+ Path => $r->config->lexicon;
+Now the application namespace has a C<_loc> function (exported by L<Locale::Maketext::Simple>), (plus C<lang> and
+C<maketext> methods inherited from L<Maypole::Plugin::I18N>).
+=head3 More initialisation with C<init>
+L<Maypole> also defines an C<init> method. It
+pulls the name of the view class from the config, loads it, instantiates an object in the view class, and
+sets this in the C<view_object> config slot.
+In CGI applications, C<init> is called at the start of every request.
+Under mod_perl, this method will only ever be called once per server child, at the start of the first request after
+server startup. If instead, you call this method in your application module (after the call to C<setup>),
+then the code loaded by this call will be shared by all child servers.
+See B<Hacking the view> for a plugin that uses C<init>.
+=head2 Adding configuration
+The configuration object can be retrieved from the Maypole request object (C<< $r->config >>) or as a class method
+on the application (e.g. C<< BeerDB->config >>).
+If your plugin needs some custom configuration settings, you can add methods to the config object by
+ Maypole::Config->mk_accessors( qw/ foo bar baz / );
+at the start of your plugin. In the application, after the C<Maypole::Application> call, these methods will
+be available on the config object.
+=head2 Modifying the Maypole model
+=over 4
+=item Replacing the model
+To load a different model, set C<< __PACKAGE__->config->model( 'Custom::Model' ) >> in the application
+before calling C<setup>. You could instead set C<< $r->config->model >> before re-dispatching the C<setup> call,
+but this is going to confuse and annoy your users.
+=item Hacking the model
+B<CAVEAT>: the way I do this just seems dirty, so there must be a Better Way.
+L<Maypole::Plugin::FormBuilder> (part of the L<Maypole::FormBuilder> distribution), in its C<setup> method,
+loads a custom pager class into the model by saying
+ eval "package $model; use $pager";
+Yuk. Note that under mod_perl, you have just forced B<every> application using C<$model> to also use C<$pager>.
+C<Maypole::Plugin::AutoUntaint::setup()> loads an extra method into the model by saying
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"$model\::auto_untaint"} = \&Class::DBI::Plugin::AutoUntaint::auto_untaint;
+Yuk again. And again, under mod_perl, now every application using C<$model> has an C<auto_untaint> method
+added to its model.
+Same plugin, next line has
+ eval "package $model; use Class::DBI::Plugin::Type";
+Same yuk, same mod_perl caveat.
+=head2 Modifying the Maypole view
+=over 4
+=item Replacing the view
+Again, just specify a different view in the application configuration.
+=item Hacking the view
+L<Maypole::Plugin::FormBuilder> intercepts the C<init> call to override the C<vars> method in the view class.
+First it re-dispatches the C<init> call, which will set up either a default view class and object, or those
+configured in the application. Then it builds a new view class on-the-fly, and makes this new class inherit from
+L<Maypole::FormBuilder::View> and from the original view class. Finally it replaces the C<view> and C<view_object>
+in the application's config object.
+ sub init
+ {
+ my ( $class ) = @_;
+ my $config = $class->config;
+ $class->NEXT::DISTINCT::init;
+ my $old_view = $class->config->view ||
+ die "Please configure a view in $class before calling init()";
+ my $virtual_view = "$class\::__::View";
+ eval <<VIEW;
+ package $virtual_view;
+ use base qw( Maypole::FormBuilder::View $old_view );
+ die $@ if $@;
+ $config->view( $virtual_view );
+ $class->view_object( $virtual_view->new );
+ }
+There really must be a Better Way.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+David Baird, C<< <cpan@riverside-cms.co.uk> >>
+Copyright 2005 David Baird, All Rights Reserved.
+This text is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as the Perl documentation itself.