# Prefer XULRunner to the old Mozilla
ifeq ($(shell pkg-config --exists xulrunner-gtkmozembed && echo yes),yes)
- mozilla := xulrunner
+ moz_name := xulrunner
+ moz_pc := xulrunner-gtkmozembed
- mozilla := mozilla
+ moz_name := mozilla
+ moz_pc := mozilla-gtkmozembed
-moz_prefix := $(shell pkg-config --variable=prefix $(mozilla)-gtkmozembed)
-moz_include_dir := $(moz_prefix)/include/$(mozilla)
-moz_lib_dir := $(moz_prefix)/lib/$(mozilla)
+moz_prefix := $(shell pkg-config --variable=prefix $(moz_pc))
+moz_include_dir := $(shell pkg-config --variable=includedir $(moz_pc))
+moz_lib_dir := $(moz_prefix)/lib/$(moz_name)
-moz_version := \
- $(shell sed 's/\#define MOZILLA_VERSION "\(.*\)"/\1/; t; d' \
- < $(moz_include_dir)/mozilla-config.h)
+moz_version := $(shell pkg-config --modversion $(moz_pc))
moz_version_major := $(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(moz_version)))
moz_version_minor := $(word 2,$(subst ., ,$(moz_version)))
-moz_version_patchlevel := $(word 3,$(subst ., ,$(moz_version)))
CFLAGS := -ansi -Wall -Wunused -Wno-unused-parameter
CXXFLAGS := -ansi -Wall -Wunused
-LDFLAGS := -lpthread \
- $(shell pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4 $(mozilla)-gtkmozembed) \
+LDFLAGS := -lpthread \
+ $(shell pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4 $(moz_pc)) \
-Wl,-rpath -Wl,$(moz_lib_dir) -lexpat
ifdef NDEBUG
.objs/browser_widget.% .objs/child_iterator.% .objs/link_iterator.% \
.objs/null_prompt_service.% .objs/style_sheets.% .objs/videolink.% \
.objs/xpcom_support.% \
- : CPPFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(mozilla)-gtkmozembed)
+ : CPPFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(moz_pc))
# Non-virtual destructors are fine in XPCOM interface classes since
# instances are only ever called by the Release function which is virtual.
.objs/browser_widget.% .objs/child_iterator.% .objs/link_iterator.% \
necko uconv webshell widget) \
-DMOZ_VERSION_MAJOR=$(moz_version_major) \
- -DMOZ_VERSION_MINOR=$(moz_version_minor) \
- -DMOZ_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL=$(moz_version_patchlevel)
+ -DMOZ_VERSION_MINOR=$(moz_version_minor)
.objs/%.d : .objs/.created
touch $@