$self->{path} = $self->{ar}->uri;
my $loc = $self->{ar}->location;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
- $self->{path} =~ s/^$loc?\///;
+ $self->{path} =~ s/^($loc)?\///;
$self->{path} ||= "frontpage";
my @pi = split /\//, $self->{path};
shift @pi while @pi and !$pi[0];
use Apache::Constants ":common";
use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = "1.0";
+our $VERSION = "1.1";
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata($_) for qw( config init_done view_object );
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors ( qw( ar params query objects model_class
args action template ));
} else {
# Otherwise, it's just a plain template.
+ $r->call_authenticate; # No harm in it
delete $r->{model_class};
$r->{path} =~ s{/}{}; # De-absolutify
my $self = shift;
my $config = $self->config;
$config->{ok_tables} = {map {$_ => 1} @{$config->{display_tables}}};
- warn "We don't have that table ($self->{table})"
- unless $config->{ok_tables}{$self->{table}};
+ #warn "We don't have that table ($self->{table})"
+ # unless $config->{ok_tables}{$self->{table}};
return DECLINED() unless exists $config->{ok_tables}{$self->{table}};
# Does the action method exist?
my $cv = $self->model_class->can($self->{action});
- warn "We don't have that action ($self->{action})" unless $cv;
+ #warn "We don't have that action ($self->{action})" unless $cv;
return DECLINED() unless $cv;
# Is it exported?
$self->{method_attribs} = join " ", attributes::get($cv);
- do { warn "$self->{action} not exported";
+ do { # warn "$self->{action} not exported";
return DECLINED()
} unless $self->{method_attribs} =~ /\bExported\b/i;
return OK();
package ProductDatabase;
- use base 'Maypole';
+ use base 'Apache::MVC';
ProductDatabase->config->{uri_base} = "http://your.site/catalogue/";
ProductDatabase::Product->has_a("category" => ProductDatabase::Category);