-=head3 make_path( %args or \%args or @args )
-This is the counterpart to C<Maypole::parse_path>. It generates a path to use
-in links, form actions etc. To implement your own path scheme, just override
-this method and C<parse_path>.
- %args = ( table => $table,
- action => $action,
- additional => $additional, # optional - generally an object ID
- );
- \%args = as above, but a ref
- @args = ( $table, $action, $additional ); # $additional is optional
-C<id> can be used as an alternative key to C<additional>.
-C<$additional> can be a string, an arrayref, or a hashref. An arrayref is
-expanded into extra path elements, whereas a hashref is translated into a query
sub make_path
return $uri->as_string;
-=head3 make_uri( @segments )
-Make a L<URI> object given table, action etc. Automatically adds
-the C<uri_base>.
-If the final element in C<@segments> is a hash ref, C<make_uri> will render it
-as a query string.
sub make_uri
my ($r, @segments) = @_;
Parses the request path and sets the C<args>, C<action> and C<table>
+=head3 make_path( %args or \%args or @args )
+This is the counterpart to C<parse_path>. It generates a path to use
+in links, form actions etc. To implement your own path scheme, just override
+this method and C<parse_path>.
+ %args = ( table => $table,
+ action => $action,
+ additional => $additional, # optional - generally an object ID
+ );
+ \%args = as above, but a ref
+ @args = ( $table, $action, $additional ); # $additional is optional
+C<id> can be used as an alternative key to C<additional>.
+C<$additional> can be a string, an arrayref, or a hashref. An arrayref is
+expanded into extra path elements, whereas a hashref is translated into a query
+=head3 make_uri( @segments )
+Make a L<URI> object given table, action etc. Automatically adds
+the C<uri_base>.
+If the final element in C<@segments> is a hash ref, C<make_uri> will render it
+as a query string.
=head3 table
The table part of the Maypole request path