package Maypole::Model::CDBI::AsForm;
-#TODO --
-# TESTED and Works --
-# has_many select -- $obj->to_field($has_many_col); # select one form many
-# -- $class->to_field($has_many_col); # foreign inputs
-# $class->search_inputs; /
use Class::C3;
use strict;
_options_from_array _options_from_hash
-our $VERSION = '.96';
+our $VERSION = '.97';
=head1 NAME
sub to_cgi {
- my ($class, @columns) = @_; # pjs -- added columns arg
- my $args = {};
- if (not @columns) {
- @columns = $class->columns;
- # Eventually after stabalization, we could add display_columns
- #keys map { $_ => 1 } ($class->display_columns, $class->columns);
- }
- else {
- if ( ref $columns[-1] eq 'HASH' ) { $args = pop @columns; }
- }
- map { $_ => $class->to_field($_, $args->{$_}) } @columns;
+ my ($class, @columns) = @_;
+ my $args = {};
+ if (not @columns) {
+ @columns = $class->columns;
+ # Eventually after stabalization, we could add display_columns
+ #keys map { $_ => 1 } ($class->display_columns, $class->columns);
+ } else {
+ if ( ref $columns[-1] eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $args = pop @columns;
+ }
+ }
+ map { $_ => $class->to_field($_, $args->{$_}) } @columns;
=head2 to_field($field [, $how][, $args])
sub to_field {
my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
- print STDERR "---------------------------------\n";
- print STDERR "[to_field] self : $self\n";
- print STDERR "[to_field] args : field : $field , how : $how , args : $args\n";
- print STDERR "[to_field] caller : ", join(' ',caller), "\n";
if (ref $how) { $args = $how; $how = ''; }
unless ($how) { $how = $args->{how} || ''; }
#warn "In to_field field is $field how is $how. args ar e" . Dumper($args) . " \n";
$class = ref $class || $class;
#my $accssr_class = { $class->accessor_classes };
my %cgi;
$args->{columns} ||= $class->can('search_columns') ?[$class->search_columns] : [$class->display_columns];
foreach my $field ( @{ $args->{columns} } ) {
my $base_args = {
no_hidden_constraints => 1,
my $val = $first ? $first->attr('value') : undef;
if ($first and (@fc > 0 or (defined $val and $val ne '')) ) { # something ( $first->attr('value') ne '' or
- #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
# push an empty option on stactk
sub unselect_element {
- my ($self, $el) = @_;
- #unless (ref $el eq 'HTML::Element') {
- #$self->_croak ('Need an HTML::Element to unselect. You gave a ' . Dumper($el)); }
- if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
- foreach my $opt ($el->content_list) {
- $opt->attr('selected', undef) if $opt->attr('selected');
- }
- }
+ my ($self, $el) = @_;
+ if (ref $el && $el->can('tag') && $el->tag eq 'select') {
+ foreach my $opt ($el->content_list) {
+ $opt->attr('selected', undef) if $opt->attr('selected');
+ }
+ }
=head2 _field_from_how($field, $how,$args)
sub _field_from_how {
- my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
- return unless $how;
- $args ||= {};
- no strict 'refs';
- my $meth = "_to_$how";
- if (not $self->can($meth)) {
- warn "Class can not $meth";
- return;
- }
- return $self->$meth($field, $args);
+ my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
+ return unless $how;
+ $args ||= {};
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $meth = "_to_$how";
+ if (not $self->can($meth)) {
+ warn "Class can not $meth";
+ return;
+ }
+ return $self->$meth($field, $args);
=head2 _field_from_relationship($field, $args)
sub _field_from_relationship {
- my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
- return unless $field;
- my $rel_meta = $self->related_meta('r',$field) || return;
- my $rel_name = $rel_meta->{name};
- #my $meta = $self->meta_info;
- #grep{ defined $meta->{$_}{$field} } keys %$meta;
- my $fclass = $rel_meta->foreign_class;
- my $fclass_is_cdbi = $fclass ? $fclass->isa('Class::DBI') : 0;
- # maybe has_a select
- if ($rel_meta->{name} eq 'has_a' and $fclass_is_cdbi) {
- # This condictions allows for trumping of the has_a args
- if (not $rel_meta->{args}{no_select} and not $args->{no_select})
- {
- $args->{class} = $fclass;
- return $self->_to_select($field, $args);
- }
- return;
- }
- # maybe has many select
- if ($rel_meta->{name} eq 'has_many' and $fclass_is_cdbi and ref $self) {
- # This condictions allows for trumping of the has_a args
- if (not $rel_meta->{args}{no_select} and not $args->{no_select})
- {
- $args->{class} = $fclass;
- my @itms = $self->$field; # need list not iterator
- $args->{items} = \@itms;
- return $self->_to_select($field, $args);
- }
- return;
- }
- # maybe foreign inputs
- my %local_cols = map { $_ => 1 } $self->columns; # includes is_a cols
- if ($fclass_is_cdbi and (not $local_cols{$field} or $rel_name eq 'has_own'))
- {
- $args->{related_meta} = $rel_meta; # suspect faster to set these args
- return $self->_to_foreign_inputs($field, $args);
- }
- return;
+ my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
+ return unless $field;
+ my $rel_meta = $self->related_meta('r',$field) || return;
+ my $rel_name = $rel_meta->{name};
+ my $fclass = $rel_meta->foreign_class;
+ my $fclass_is_cdbi = $fclass ? $fclass->isa('Class::DBI') : 0;
+ # maybe has_a select
+ if ($rel_meta->{name} eq 'has_a' and $fclass_is_cdbi) {
+ # This condictions allows for trumping of the has_a args
+ if (not $rel_meta->{args}{no_select} and not $args->{no_select}) {
+ $args->{class} = $fclass;
+ return $self->_to_select($field, $args);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ # maybe has many select
+ if ($rel_meta->{name} eq 'has_many' and $fclass_is_cdbi and ref $self) {
+ # This condictions allows for trumping of the has_a args
+ if (not $rel_meta->{args}{no_select} and not $args->{no_select}) {
+ $args->{class} = $fclass;
+ my @itms = $self->$field; # need list not iterator
+ $args->{items} = \@itms;
+ return $self->_to_select($field, $args);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ # maybe foreign inputs
+ my %local_cols = map { $_ => 1 } $self->columns; # includes is_a cols
+ if ($fclass_is_cdbi and (not $local_cols{$field} or $rel_name eq 'has_own')) {
+ $args->{related_meta} = $rel_meta; # suspect faster to set these args
+ return $self->_to_foreign_inputs($field, $args);
+ }
+ return;
=head2 _field_from_column($field, $args)
sub _to_textarea {
- my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
- my $class = $args->{class} || $self;
- $class = ref $class || $class;
- $col ||= ($class->primary_columns)[0]; # TODO
- # pjs added default
- $args ||= {};
- my $val = $args->{value};
- unless (defined $val) {
- if (ref $self) {
- $val = $self->$col;
- }
- else {
- $val = $args->{default};
- $val = '' unless defined $val;
- }
- }
- my ($rows, $cols) = _box($val);
- $rows = $args->{rows} if $args->{rows};
- $cols = $args->{cols} if $args->{cols};;
- my $name = $args->{name} || $col;
- my $a =
- HTML::Element->new("textarea", name => $name, rows => $rows, cols => $cols);
- $a->push_content($val);
- $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
- $a;
+ my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
+ my $class = $args->{class} || $self;
+ $class = ref $class || $class;
+ $col ||= ($class->primary_columns)[0]; # TODO
+ # pjs added default
+ $args ||= {};
+ my $val = $args->{value};
+ unless (defined $val) {
+ if (ref $self) {
+ $val = $self->$col;
+ } else {
+ $val = $args->{default};
+ $val = '' unless defined $val;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($rows, $cols) = _box($val);
+ $rows = $args->{rows} if $args->{rows};
+ $cols = $args->{cols} if $args->{cols};;
+ my $name = $args->{name} || $col;
+ my $a =
+ HTML::Element->new("textarea", name => $name, rows => $rows, cols => $cols);
+ $a->push_content($val);
+ $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
+ $a;
sub _to_textfield {
- my ($self, $col, $args ) = @_;
- use Carp qw/confess/;
- confess "No col passed to _to_textfield" unless $col;
- $args ||= {};
- my $val = $args->{value};
- my $name = $args->{name} || $col;
- unless (defined $val) {
- if (ref $self) {
- # Case where column inflates.
- # Input would get stringification which could be not good.
- # as in the case of Time::Piece objects
- $val = $self->can($col) ? $self->$col : ''; # in case it is a virtual column
- if (ref $val) {
- if (my $meta = $self->related_meta('',$col)) {
- if (my $code = $meta->{args}{deflate4edit} || $meta->{args}{deflate} ) {
- $val = ref $code ? &$code($val) : $val->$code;
- }
- elsif ( $val->isa('Class::DBI') ) {
- $val = $val->id;
- }
- else {
- #warn "No deflate4edit code defined for $val of type " .
- #ref $val . ". Using the stringified value in textfield..";
- }
- }
- else {
- $val = $val->id if $val->isa("Class::DBI");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $val = $args->{default};
- $val = '' unless defined $val;
- }
- }
- my $a;
- # THIS If section is neccessary or you end up with "value" for a vaiue
- # if val is
- $val = '' unless defined $val;
- $a = HTML::Element->new("input", type => "text", name => $name, value =>$val);
- $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
- $a;
-# Old version
-#sub _to_select {
-# my ($self, $col, $hint) = @_;
-# my $fclass = $hint || $self->__hasa_rels->{$col}->[0];
-# my @objs = $fclass->retrieve_all;
-# my $a = HTML::Element->new("select", name => $col);
-# for (@objs) {
-# my $sel = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $_->id);
-# $sel->attr("selected" => "selected")
-# if ref $self
-# and eval { $_->id eq $self->$col->id };
-# $sel->push_content($_->stringify_self);
-# $a->push_content($sel);
-# }
-# $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
-# $a;
+ my ($self, $col, $args ) = @_;
+ use Carp qw/confess/;
+ confess "No col passed to _to_textfield" unless $col;
+ $args ||= {};
+ my $val = $args->{value};
+ my $name = $args->{name} || $col;
+ unless (defined $val) {
+ if (ref $self) {
+ # Case where column inflates.
+ # Input would get stringification which could be not good.
+ # as in the case of Time::Piece objects
+ $val = $self->can($col) ? $self->$col : ''; # in case it is a virtual column
+ if (ref $val) {
+ if (my $meta = $self->related_meta('',$col)) {
+ if (my $code = $meta->{args}{deflate4edit} || $meta->{args}{deflate} ) {
+ $val = ref $code ? &$code($val) : $val->$code;
+ } elsif ( $val->isa('Class::DBI') ) {
+ $val = $val->id;
+ } else {
+ #warn "No deflate4edit code defined for $val of type " .
+ #ref $val . ". Using the stringified value in textfield..";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $val = $val->id if $val->isa("Class::DBI");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $val = $args->{default};
+ $val = '' unless defined $val;
+ }
+ }
+ my $a;
+ # THIS If section is neccessary or you end up with "value" for a vaiue
+ # if val is
+ $val = '' unless defined $val;
+ $a = HTML::Element->new("input", type => "text", name => $name, value =>$val);
+ $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
+ $a;
=head2 recognized arguments
stringify => $stringify_coderef|$method_name
-# select box requirements
-# 1. a select box for objecs of a has_a related class -- DONE
=head2 1. a select box out of a has_a or has_many related class.
# For has_a the default behavior is to make a select box of every element in
# related class and you choose one.
elsif ($rel_meta = $self->related_meta('r:)', $col) ) {
$args->{class} = $rel_meta->{foreign_class};
# related objects pre selected if object
# "Has many" -- Issues:
# 1) want to select one or many from list if self is an object
# Thats about all we can do really,
$args->{order_by} ||= $rel_meta->{args}{order_by};
$args->{limit} ||= $rel_meta->{args}{limit};
- # We could say :Col is name and we are selecting out of class arg.
- # DIE for now
- #else {
- # die "Usage _to_select. $col not related to any class to select from. ";
- #}
# Set arguments
unless ( defined $args->{column_nullable} ) {
$args->{column_nullable} = $self->can('column_nullable') ?
# #############
# returns the intersection of list refs a and b
sub _list_intersect {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- my %isect; my %union;
- foreach my $e (@$a, @$b) { $union{$e}++ && $isect{$e}++ }
- return %isect;
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ my %isect; my %union;
+ foreach my $e (@$a, @$b) {
+ $union{$e}++ && $isect{$e}++;
+ }
+ return %isect;
# Get Items returns array of hashrefs
sub _select_items {
- my $args = shift;
- my $fclass = $args->{class};
- my @disp_cols = @{$args->{columns} || []};
- @disp_cols = $fclass->columns('SelectBox') unless @disp_cols;
- @disp_cols = $fclass->columns('Stringify')unless @disp_cols;
- @disp_cols = $fclass->_essential unless @disp_cols;
- unshift @disp_cols, $fclass->columns('Primary');
- #my %isect = _list_intersect(\@pks, \@disp_cols);
- #foreach (@pks) { push @sel_cols, $_ unless $isect{$_}; }
- #push @sel_cols, @disp_cols;
- #warn "in select items. args are : " . Dumper($args);
- my $distinct = '';
- if ($args->{'distinct'}) {
- $distinct = 'DISTINCT ';
- }
- my $sql = "SELECT $distinct" . join( ', ', @disp_cols) .
- " FROM " . $fclass->table;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $fclass = $args->{class};
+ my @disp_cols = @{$args->{columns} || []};
+ @disp_cols = $fclass->columns('SelectBox') unless @disp_cols;
+ @disp_cols = $fclass->columns('Stringify')unless @disp_cols;
+ @disp_cols = $fclass->_essential unless @disp_cols;
+ unshift @disp_cols, $fclass->columns('Primary');
+ #my %isect = _list_intersect(\@pks, \@disp_cols);
+ #foreach (@pks) { push @sel_cols, $_ unless $isect{$_}; }
+ #push @sel_cols, @disp_cols;
+ #warn "in select items. args are : " . Dumper($args);
+ my $distinct = '';
+ if ($args->{'distinct'}) {
+ $distinct = 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
- $sql .= " WHERE " . $args->{where} if $args->{where};
- $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $args->{order_by} if $args->{order_by};
- $sql .= " LIMIT " . $args->{limit} if $args->{limit};
- #warn "_select_items sql is : $sql";
+ my $sql = "SELECT $distinct" . join( ', ', @disp_cols) .
+ " FROM " . $fclass->table;
- my $sth = $fclass->db_Main->prepare($sql);
- $sth->execute;
- my @data;
- while ( my $d = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {push @data, $d};
- return \@data;
+ $sql .= " WHERE " . $args->{where} if $args->{where};
+ $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $args->{order_by} if $args->{order_by};
+ $sql .= " LIMIT " . $args->{limit} if $args->{limit};
+ #warn "_select_items sql is : $sql";
+ my $sth = $fclass->db_Main->prepare($sql);
+ $sth->execute;
+ my @data;
+ while ( my $d = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+ push @data, $d;
+ }
+ return \@data;
# Makes a readonly input box out of column's value
# No args makes object to readonly
sub _to_readonly {
- my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
- my $val = $args->{value};
- if (not defined $val ) { # object to readonly
- $self->_croak("AsForm: To readonly field called as class method without a value") unless ref $self;
- $val = $self->id;
- $col = $self->primary_column;
- }
- my $a = HTML::Element->new('input', 'type' => 'text', readonly => '1',
- 'name' => $col, 'value'=>$val);
- $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
- $a;
+ my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
+ my $val = $args->{value};
+ if (not defined $val ) { # object to readonly
+ $self->_croak("AsForm: To readonly field called as class method without a value") unless ref $self;
+ $val = $self->id;
+ $col = $self->primary_column;
+ }
+ my $a = HTML::Element->new('input', 'type' => 'text', readonly => '1',
+ 'name' => $col, 'value'=>$val);
+ $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
+ $a;
sub _to_enum_select {
- my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
- my $type = $args->{column_type};
- $type =~ /ENUM\((.*?)\)/i;
- (my $enum = $1) =~ s/'//g;
- my @enum_vals = split /\s*,\s*/, $enum;
- # determine which is pre selected --
- my $selected = eval { $self->$col };
- $selected = $args->{default} unless defined $selected;
- $selected = $enum_vals[0] unless defined $selected;
- my $a = HTML::Element->new("select", name => $col);
- for ( @enum_vals ) {
- my $sel = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $_);
- $sel->attr("selected" => "selected") if $_ eq $selected ;
- $sel->push_content($_);
- $a->push_content($sel);
- }
- $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
- $a;
+ my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
+ my $type = $args->{column_type};
+ $type =~ /ENUM\((.*?)\)/i;
+ (my $enum = $1) =~ s/'//g;
+ my @enum_vals = split /\s*,\s*/, $enum;
+ # determine which is pre selected
+ my $selected = eval { $self->$col };
+ $selected = $args->{default} unless defined $selected;
+ $selected = $enum_vals[0] unless defined $selected;
+ my $a = HTML::Element->new("select", name => $col);
+ for ( @enum_vals ) {
+ my $sel = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $_);
+ $sel->attr("selected" => "selected") if $_ eq $selected ;
+ $sel->push_content($_);
+ $a->push_content($sel);
+ }
+ $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
+ $a;
Returns a "No/Yes" select box for a boolean column type.
-# TCODO fix this mess with args
+# TODO fix this mess with args
sub _to_bool_select {
- my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
- my $type = $args->{column_type};
- my @bool_text = ('No', 'Yes');
- if ($type =~ /BOOL\((.+?)\)/i) {
- (my $bool = $1) =~ s/'//g;
- @bool_text = split /,/, $bool;
- }
+ my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
+ my $type = $args->{column_type};
+ my @bool_text = ('No', 'Yes');
+ if ($type =~ /BOOL\((.+?)\)/i) {
+ (my $bool = $1) =~ s/'//g;
+ @bool_text = split /,/, $bool;
+ }
- # get selected
- my $selected = $args->{value} if defined $args->{value};
- $selected = $args->{selected} unless defined $selected;
- $selected = ref $self ? eval {$self->$col;} : $args->{default}
- unless (defined $selected);
- my $a = HTML::Element->new("select", name => $col);
- if ($args->{column_nullable} || $args->{value} eq '') {
- my $null = HTML::Element->new("option");
- $null->attr('selected', 'selected') if $args->{value} eq '';
- $a->push_content( $null );
- }
- my ($opt0, $opt1) = ( HTML::Element->new("option", value => 0),
- HTML::Element->new("option", value => 1) );
- $opt0->push_content($bool_text[0]);
- $opt1->push_content($bool_text[1]);
- unless ($selected eq '') {
- $opt0->attr("selected" => "selected") if not $selected;
- $opt1->attr("selected" => "selected") if $selected;
- }
- $a->push_content($opt0, $opt1);
- $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
- $a;
+ # get selected
+ my $selected = $args->{value} if defined $args->{value};
+ $selected = $args->{selected} unless defined $selected;
+ $selected = ref $self ? eval {$self->$col;} : $args->{default}
+ unless (defined $selected);
+ my $a = HTML::Element->new("select", name => $col);
+ if ($args->{column_nullable} || $args->{value} eq '') {
+ my $null = HTML::Element->new("option");
+ $null->attr('selected', 'selected') if $args->{value} eq '';
+ $a->push_content( $null );
+ }
+ my ($opt0, $opt1) = ( HTML::Element->new("option", value => 0),
+ HTML::Element->new("option", value => 1) );
+ $opt0->push_content($bool_text[0]);
+ $opt1->push_content($bool_text[1]);
+ unless ($selected eq '') {
+ $opt0->attr("selected" => "selected") if not $selected;
+ $opt1->attr("selected" => "selected") if $selected;
+ }
+ $a->push_content($opt0, $opt1);
+ $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
+ $a;
=head2 _to_hidden($field, $args)
sub _to_hidden {
- my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
- $args ||= {};
- my ($name, $value) = ($args->{'name'}, $args->{value});
- $name = $field unless defined $name;
- if (! defined $name and !defined $value) { # check for objects
- my $obj = $args->{items}->[0] || $self;
- unless (ref $obj) { die "_to_hidden cannot determine a value. It was passed a value argument or items object or called with an object."; }
- $name = $obj->primary_column->name unless $name;
- $value = $obj->$name unless $value;
- }
+ my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ my ($name, $value) = ($args->{'name'}, $args->{value});
+ $name = $field unless defined $name;
+ if (! defined $name and !defined $value) { # check for objects
+ my $obj = $args->{items}->[0] || $self;
+ unless (ref $obj) {
+ die "_to_hidden cannot determine a value. It was passed a value argument or items object or called with an object.";
+ }
+ $name = $obj->primary_column->name unless $name;
+ $value = $obj->$name unless $value;
+ }
- return HTML::Element->new('input', 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'name' => $name, 'value'=>$value);
+ return HTML::Element->new('input', 'type' => 'hidden',
+ 'name' => $name, 'value'=>$value);
=head2 _to_link_hidden($col, $args)
sub _to_link_hidden {
- my ($self, $accessor, $args) = @_;
- my $r = eval {$self->controller} || $args->{r} || '';
- my $uri = $args->{uri} || '';
- use Data::Dumper;
- $self->_croak("_to_link_hidden cant get uri. No Maypole Request class (\$r) or uri arg. Need one or other.")
- unless $r;
- my ($obj, $name);
- if (ref $self) { # hidding linking self
- $obj = $self;
- $name = $args->{name} || $obj->primary_column->name;
- }
- elsif ($obj = $args->{items}->[0]) {
- $name = $args->{name} || $accessor || $obj->primary_column->name;
- # TODO use meta data above maybe
- }
- else { # hiding linking related object with id in args
- $obj = $self->related_class($r, $accessor)->retrieve($args->{id});
- $name = $args->{name} || $accessor ; #$obj->primary_column->name;
- # TODO use meta data above maybe
- }
- $self->_croak("_to_link_hidden has no object") unless ref $obj;
- my $href = $uri || $r->config->{uri_base} . "/". $obj->table."/view/".$obj->id;
- my $a = HTML::Element->new('a', 'href' => $href);
- $a->push_content("$obj");
- $a->push_content($self->to_field('blahfooey', 'hidden', {name => $name, value => $obj->id} ));
- $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
- $a;
+ my ($self, $accessor, $args) = @_;
+ my $r = eval {$self->controller} || $args->{r} || '';
+ my $uri = $args->{uri} || '';
+ $self->_croak("_to_link_hidden cant get uri. No Maypole Request class (\$r) or uri arg. Need one or other.")
+ unless $r;
+ my ($obj, $name);
+ if (ref $self) { # hidding linking self
+ $obj = $self;
+ $name = $args->{name} || $obj->primary_column->name;
+ } elsif ($obj = $args->{items}->[0]) {
+ $name = $args->{name} || $accessor || $obj->primary_column->name;
+ # TODO use meta data above maybe
+ } else { # hiding linking related object with id in args
+ $obj = $self->related_class($r, $accessor)->retrieve($args->{id});
+ $name = $args->{name} || $accessor ; #$obj->primary_column->name;
+ # TODO use meta data above maybe
+ }
+ $self->_croak("_to_link_hidden has no object") unless ref $obj;
+ my $href = $uri || $r->config->{uri_base} . "/". $obj->table."/view/".$obj->id;
+ my $a = HTML::Element->new('a', 'href' => $href);
+ $a->push_content("$obj");
+ $a->push_content($self->to_field('blahfooey', 'hidden', {name => $name, value => $obj->id} ));
+ $OLD_STYLE && return $a->as_HTML;
+ return $a;
=head2 _to_foreign_inputs
sub _to_foreign_inputs {
- my ($self, $accssr, $args) = @_;
- my $rel_meta = $args->{related_meta} || $self->related_meta('r',$accssr);
- my $fields = $args->{columns};
- if (!$rel_meta) {
- $self->_croak( "No relationship for accessor $accssr");
- }
+ my ($self, $accssr, $args) = @_;
+ my $rel_meta = $args->{related_meta} || $self->related_meta('r',$accssr);
+ my $fields = $args->{columns};
+ if (!$rel_meta) {
+ $self->_croak( "No relationship for accessor $accssr");
+ }
- my $rel_type = $rel_meta->{name};
- my $classORobj = ref $self && ref $self->$accssr ? $self->$accssr : $rel_meta->{foreign_class};
+ my $rel_type = $rel_meta->{name};
+ my $classORobj = ref $self && ref $self->$accssr ? $self->$accssr : $rel_meta->{foreign_class};
- unless ($fields) {
- $fields = $classORobj->can('display_columns') ?
- [$classORobj->display_columns] : [$classORobj->columns];
- }
+ unless ($fields) {
+ $fields = $classORobj->can('display_columns') ?
+ [$classORobj->display_columns] : [$classORobj->columns];
+ }
- # Ignore our fkey in them to prevent infinite recursion
- my $me = eval {$rel_meta->{args}{foreign_key}} ||
- eval {$rel_meta->{args}{foreign_column}}
- || ''; # what uses foreign_column has_many or might_have
- my $constrained = $rel_meta->{args}{constraint};
- my %inputs;
- foreach ( @$fields ) {
- next if $constrained->{$_} || ($_ eq $me); # don't display constrained
- $inputs{$_} = $classORobj->to_field($_);
- }
+ # Ignore our fkey in them to prevent infinite recursion
+ my $me = eval {$rel_meta->{args}{foreign_key}} ||
+ eval {$rel_meta->{args}{foreign_column}}
+ || ''; # what uses foreign_column has_many or might_have
+ my $constrained = $rel_meta->{args}{constraint};
+ my %inputs;
+ foreach ( @$fields ) {
+ next if $constrained->{$_} || ($_ eq $me); # don't display constrained
+ $inputs{$_} = $classORobj->to_field($_);
+ }
- # Make hidden inputs for constrained columns unless we are editing object
- # TODO -- is this right thing to do?
- unless (ref $classORobj || $args->{no_hidden_constraints}) {
- $inputs{$_} = $classORobj->to_field('blahfooey', 'hidden',
- {name => $_, value => $constrained->{$_}} )
- foreach ( keys %$constrained );
- }
- $self->_rename_foreign_input($accssr, \%inputs);
- return \%inputs;
+ # Make hidden inputs for constrained columns unless we are editing object
+ # TODO -- is this right thing to do?
+ unless (ref $classORobj || $args->{no_hidden_constraints}) {
+ foreach ( keys %$constrained ) {
+ $inputs{$_} = $classORobj->to_field('blahfooey', 'hidden',
+ { name => $_, value => $constrained->{$_}} );
+ }
+ }
+ $self->_rename_foreign_input($accssr, \%inputs);
+ return \%inputs;
Array ref of objects -- same as Object
Arrays of data -- uses the 0th element in each
Hashes of data -- uses key named 'id'
sub _hash_selected {
- my ($args) = shift;
- my $selected = $args->{value} || $args->{selected};
- #warn "**** SELECTED is $selected ****";
- my $type = ref $selected;
- return $selected unless $selected and $type ne 'HASH';
- #warn "Selected dump : " . Dumper($selected);
- # Single Object
- if ($type and $type ne 'ARRAY') {
- my $id = $selected->id;
- $id =~ s/^0*//;
- return {$id => 1};
- }
- # Single Scalar id
- elsif (not $type) {
- return { $selected => 1};
- }
+ my ($args) = shift;
+ my $selected = $args->{value} || $args->{selected};
+ my $type = ref $selected;
+ return $selected unless $selected and $type ne 'HASH';
+ # Single Object
+ if ($type and $type ne 'ARRAY') {
+ my $id = $selected->id;
+ $id =~ s/^0*//;
+ return {$id => 1};
+ }
+ # Single Scalar id
+ elsif (not $type) {
+ return { $selected => 1};
+ }
- # Array of objs, arrays, hashes, or just scalalrs.
- elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
- my %hashed;
- my $ltype = ref $selected->[0];
- # Objects
- if ($ltype and $ltype ne 'ARRAY') {
- %hashed = map { $_->id => 1 } @$selected;
- }
- # Arrays of data with id first
- elsif ($ltype and $ltype eq 'ARRAY') {
- %hashed = map { $_->[0] => 1 } @$selected;
- }
- # Hashes using pk or id key
- elsif ($ltype and $ltype eq 'HASH') {
- my $pk = $args->{class}->primary_column || 'id';
- %hashed = map { $_->{$pk} => 1 } @$selected;
- }
- # Just Scalars
- else {
- %hashed = map { $_ => 1 } @$selected;
- }
- return \%hashed;
- }
- else { warn "AsForm Could not hash the selected argument: $selected"; }
+ # Array of objs, arrays, hashes, or just scalalrs.
+ elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my %hashed;
+ my $ltype = ref $selected->[0];
+ # Objects
+ if ($ltype and $ltype ne 'ARRAY') {
+ %hashed = map { $_->id => 1 } @$selected;
+ }
+ # Arrays of data with id first
+ elsif ($ltype and $ltype eq 'ARRAY') {
+ %hashed = map { $_->[0] => 1 } @$selected;
+ }
+ # Hashes using pk or id key
+ elsif ($ltype and $ltype eq 'HASH') {
+ my $pk = $args->{class}->primary_column || 'id';
+ %hashed = map { $_->{$pk} => 1 } @$selected;
+ }
+ # Just Scalars
+ else {
+ %hashed = map { $_ => 1 } @$selected;
+ }
+ return \%hashed;
+ } else {
+ warn "AsForm Could not hash the selected argument: $selected";
+ }
+ return;
sub _select_guts {
my ($self, $col, $args) = @_; #$nullable, $selected_id, $values) = @_;
- #$args->{stringify} ||= 'stringify_selectbox';
$args->{selected} = _hash_selected($args) if defined $args->{selected};
my $name = $args->{name} || $col;
my $a = HTML::Element->new('select', name => $name);
my $type = ref $items;
my $proto = eval { ref $items->[0]; } || "";
my $optgroups = $args->{optgroups} || '';
# Array of hashes, one for each optgroup
if ($optgroups) {
my $i = 0;
- }
+ }
# Single Hash
elsif ($type eq 'HASH') {
$a->push_content($self->_options_from_hash($items, $args));
sub _options_from_objects {
my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
- my $stringify = $args->{stringify} || $self->stringify_column;
+ my $stringify = $args->{stringify};
my @res;
- for (@$items) {
- my $id = $_->id;
+ for my $object (@$items) {
+ $stringify ||= $object->stringify_column;
+ my $id = $object->id;
my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $id);
$id =~ s/^0*//; # leading zeros no good in hash key
$opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$id};
- my $content = $stringify ? $_->$stringify : "$_";
+ my $content = $stringify ? $object->$stringify : "$object";
push @res, $opt;
sub _options_from_arrays {
- my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
- my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
- my @res;
- my $class = $args->{class} || '';
- my $stringify = $args->{stringify} || $self->stringify_column;
- for my $item (@$items) {
- my @pks; # for future multiple key support
- push @pks, shift @$item foreach $class->columns('Primary');
- my $id = $pks[0];
- $id =~ s/^0+//; # In case zerofill is on .
- my $val = defined $id ? $id : '';
- my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value =>$val);
- $opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$id};
- my $content = ($class and $stringify and $class->can($stringify)) ?
- $class->$stringify($_) :
- join( '/', map { $_ if $_; }@{$item} );
- $opt->push_content( $content );
- push @res, $opt;
- }
- return @res;
+ my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
+ my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
+ my @res;
+ my $class = $args->{class} || '';
+ my $stringify = $args->{stringify} || $self->stringify_column;
+ for my $item (@$items) {
+ my @pks; # for future multiple key support
+ push @pks, shift @$item foreach $class->columns('Primary');
+ my $id = $pks[0];
+ $id =~ s/^0+//; # In case zerofill is on .
+ my $val = defined $id ? $id : '';
+ my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value =>$val);
+ $opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$id};
+ my $content = ($class and $stringify and $class->can($stringify)) ?
+ $class->$stringify($_) :
+ join( '/', map { $_ if $_; }@{$item} );
+ $opt->push_content( $content );
+ push @res, $opt;
+ }
+ return @res;
sub _options_from_array {
- my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
- my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
- my @res;
- for (@$items) {
- my $val = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
- my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $val);
- #$opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected =~/^$id$/;
- $opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$_};
- $opt->push_content( $_ );
- push @res, $opt;
- }
- return @res;
+ my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
+ my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
+ my @res;
+ for (@$items) {
+ my $val = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+ my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $val);
+ #$opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected =~/^$id$/;
+ $opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$_};
+ $opt->push_content( $_ );
+ push @res, $opt;
+ }
+ return @res;
sub _options_from_hash {
- my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
- my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
- my @res;
- my @values = values %$items;
- # hash Key is the option content and the hash value is option value
- for (sort keys %$items) {
- my $val = defined $items->{$_} ? $items->{$_} : '';
- my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $val);
- #$opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected =~/^$id$/;
- $opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$items->{$_}};
- $opt->push_content( $_ );
- push @res, $opt;
- }
- return @res;
+ my ($self, $items, $args) = @_;
+ my $selected = $args->{selected} || {};
+ my @res;
+ my @values = values %$items;
+ # hash Key is the option content and the hash value is option value
+ for (sort keys %$items) {
+ my $val = defined $items->{$_} ? $items->{$_} : '';
+ my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $val);
+ $opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$items->{$_}};
+ $opt->push_content( $_ );
+ push @res, $opt;
+ }
+ return @res;
return @res;
-# TODO -- Maybe
-#sub _to_select_or_create {
-# my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
-# $args->{name} ||= $col;
-# my $select = $self->to_field($col, 'select', $args);
-# $args->{name} = "create_" . $args->{name};
-# my $create = $self->to_field($col, 'foreign_inputs', $args);
-# $create->{'__select_or_create__'} =
-# $self->to_field('__select_or_create__',{ name => '__select_or_create__' , value => 1 } );
-# return ($select, $create);
=head2 _to_checkbox
# TODO -- make this general radio butons
sub _to_radio {
- my ($self, $col) = @_;
- my $value = ref $self && $self->$col || '';
- my $nullable = eval {self->column_nullable($col)} || 0;
- my $a = HTML::Element->new("span");
- my $ry = HTML::Element->new("input", type=> "radio", name=>$col, value=>'Y' );
- my $rn = HTML::Element->new("input", type=> "radio", name=>$col, value=>'N' );
- my $ru = HTML::Element->new("input", type=> "radio", name=>$col, value=>'' ) if $nullable;
- $ry->push_content('Yes'); $rn->push_content('No');
- $ru->push_content('n/a') if $nullable;
- if ($value eq 'Y') { $ry->attr("checked" => 'true') }
- elsif ($value eq 'N') { $rn->attr("checked" => 'true') }
- elsif ($nullable) { $ru->attr("checked" => 'true') }
- $a->push_content($ry, $rn);
- $a->push_content($ru) if $nullable;
- return $a;
+ my ($self, $col) = @_;
+ my $value = ref $self && $self->$col || '';
+ my $nullable = eval {self->column_nullable($col)} || 0;
+ my $a = HTML::Element->new("span");
+ my $ry = HTML::Element->new("input", type=> "radio", name=>$col, value=>'Y' );
+ my $rn = HTML::Element->new("input", type=> "radio", name=>$col, value=>'N' );
+ my $ru = HTML::Element->new("input", type=> "radio", name=>$col, value=>'' ) if $nullable;
+ $ry->push_content('Yes'); $rn->push_content('No');
+ $ru->push_content('n/a') if $nullable;
+ if ($value eq 'Y') {
+ $ry->attr("checked" => 'true');
+ } elsif ($value eq 'N') {
+ $rn->attr("checked" => 'true');
+ } elsif ($nullable) {
+ $ru->attr("checked" => 'true');
+ }
+ $a->push_content($ry, $rn);
+ $a->push_content($ru) if $nullable;
+ return $a;
sub _rename_foreign_input {
- my ($self, $accssr, $element) = @_;
- my $del = $self->foreign_input_delimiter;
- if ( ref $element ne 'HASH' ) {
- # my $new_name = $accssr . "__AF__" . $input->attr('name');
- $element->attr( name => $accssr . $del . $element->attr('name'));
- }
- else {
- $self->_rename_foreign_input($accssr, $element->{$_})
- foreach (keys %$element);
- }
+ my ($self, $accssr, $element) = @_;
+ my $del = $self->foreign_input_delimiter;
+ if ( ref $element ne 'HASH' ) {
+ # my $new_name = $accssr . "__AF__" . $input->attr('name');
+ $element->attr( name => $accssr . $del . $element->attr('name'));
+ } else {
+ $self->_rename_foreign_input($accssr, $element->{$_})
+ foreach (keys %$element);
+ }
=head2 foreign_input_delimiter
-sub _box
- my ($min_rows, $max_rows, $min_cols, $max_cols) = (2 => 50, 20 => 100);
- my $text = shift;
- if ($text) {
- my @rows = split /^/, $text;
- my $cols = $min_cols;
- my $chars = 0;
- for (@rows) {
- my $len = length $_;
- $chars += $len;
- $cols = $len if $len > $cols;
- $cols = $max_cols if $cols > $max_cols;
- }
- my $rows = @rows;
- $rows = int($chars/$cols) + 1 if $chars/$cols > $rows;
- $rows = $min_rows if $rows < $min_rows;
- $rows = $max_rows if $rows > $max_rows;
- ($rows, $cols)
+sub _box {
+ my ($min_rows, $max_rows, $min_cols, $max_cols) = (2 => 50, 20 => 100);
+ my $text = shift;
+ if ($text) {
+ my @rows = split /^/, $text;
+ my $cols = $min_cols;
+ my $chars = 0;
+ for (@rows) {
+ my $len = length $_;
+ $chars += $len;
+ $cols = $len if $len > $cols;
+ $cols = $max_cols if $cols > $max_cols;
- else { ($min_rows, $min_cols) }
+ my $rows = @rows;
+ $rows = int($chars/$cols) + 1 if $chars/$cols > $rows;
+ $rows = $min_rows if $rows < $min_rows;
+ $rows = $max_rows if $rows > $max_rows;
+ ($rows, $cols)
+ } else {
+ ($min_rows, $min_cols);
+ }
=head1 TODO
- Documenting
Testing - lots
- chekbox generalization
+ checkbox generalization
radio generalization
- select work
Make link_hidden use standard make_url stuff when it gets in Maypole
How do you tell AF --" I want a has_many select box for this every time so,
when you call "to_field($this_hasmany)" you get a select box
=head1 BUGS and QUERIES
Please direct all correspondence regarding this module to:
- Maypole list.
+ Maypole list.