# -- $class->to_field($has_many_col); # foreign inputs
# $class->search_inputs; /
+use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw/cluck/;
our $OLD_STYLE = 0;
+# pjs -- Added new methods to @EXPORT
our @EXPORT =
to_cgi to_field make_element_foreign search_inputs unselect_element
_options_from_objects _options_from_arrays _options_from_hashes
_options_from_scalars _to_select_or_create
+our @EXPORTOK =
+ qw(
+ );
-our $VERSION = '.09';
+our $VERSION = '.10';
=head1 NAME
- # Example of has_many select
- package Job;
- __PACKAGE__->has_a('job_employer' => 'Employer');
- __PACKAGE__->has_a('contact' => 'Contact')
+# Example of has_many select
+package Job;
+__PACKAGE__->has_a('job_employer' => 'Employer');
+__PACKAGE__->has_a('contact' => 'Contact')
- package Contact;
- __PACKAGE__->has_a('cont_employer' => 'Employer');
- __PACKAGE__->has_many('jobs' => 'Job',
+package Contact;
+__PACKAGE__->has_a('cont_employer' => 'Employer');
+__PACKAGE__->has_many('jobs' => 'Job',
{ join => { job_employer => 'cont_employer' },
constraint => { 'finshed' => 0 },
order_by => "created ASC",
- );
- package Employer;
- __PACKAGE__->has_many('jobs' => 'Job',);
- __PACKAGE__->has_many('contacts' => 'Contact',
+package Employer;
+__PACKAGE__->has_many('jobs' => 'Job',);
+__PACKAGE__->has_many('contacts' => 'Contact',
order_by => 'name DESC',
- );
- # Choose some jobs to add to a contact (has multiple attribute).
- my $job_sel = Contact->to_field('jobs'); # Uses constraint and order by
+ # Choose some jobs to add to a contact (has multiple attribute).
+ my $job_sel = Contact->to_field('jobs'); # Uses constraint and order by
- # Choose a job from $contact->jobs
- my $job_sel = $contact->to_field('jobs');
+ # Choose a job from $contact->jobs
+ my $job_sel = $contact->to_field('jobs');
Tell AsForm not to make hidden inputs for relationship constraints. It does
this sometimes when making foreign inputs .
=head2 to_cgi
$self->to_cgi([@columns, $args]);
sub to_cgi {
my ($class, @columns) = @_; # pjs -- added columns arg
- my $args = ref $columns[-1] ? pop @columns : {};
- use Data::Dumper;
- warn "Args are " . Dumper($args);
- @columns = $class->columns unless (@columns);
+ my $args = {};
+ if (not @columns) {
+ @columns = $class->columns;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( ref $columns[-1] eq 'HASH' ) { $args = pop @columns; }
+ }
map { $_ => $class->to_field($_, $args->{$_}) } @columns;
sub to_field {
- my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
- if (ref $how) { $args = $how; }
- unless ($how) { $how = $args->{how} || ''; }
- return $self->_field_from_how($field, $how, $args) ||
- $self->_field_from_relationship($field, $args) ||
- $self->_field_from_column($field, $args) ||
- $self->_to_textfield($field, $args);
+ my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
+ if (ref $how) { $args = $how; $how = ''; }
+ unless ($how) { $how = $args->{how} || ''; }
+#warn "In to_field field is $field how is $how. args ar e" . Dumper($args) . " \n";
+ #if (ref $field) { $args = $field; $field = '' }
+ #use Data::Dumper;
+ #warn "args to_field are $field, . " . Dumper($how) . " , " . Dumper($args);
+ return $self->_field_from_how($field, $how, $args) ||
+ $self->_field_from_relationship($field, $args) ||
+ $self->_field_from_column($field, $args) ||
+ $self->_to_textfield($field, $args);
=head2 search_inputs
sub search_inputs {
my ($class, $args) = @_;
- warn "In new Search Inputs";
$class = ref $class || $class;
#my $accssr_class = { $class->accessor_classes };
my %cgi;
# unset the default values for a select box
foreach (keys %$fcgi) {
- #$class->unselect_element($fcgi->{$_});
+ my $el = $fcgi->{$_};
+ if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
+ $class->unselect_element($el);
+ my ($first, @content) = $el->content_list;
+ my @fc = $first->content_list;
+ my $val = $first ? $first->attr('value') : undef;
+ if ($first and (@fc > 0 or (defined $val and $val ne '')) ) { # something ( $first->attr('value') ne '' or
+ #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
+ # push an empty option on stactk
+ $el->unshift_content(HTML::Element->new('option'));
+ }
+ }
$cgi{$accssr} = $fcgi;
delete $base_args->{columns};
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
$cgi{$field} = $class->to_field($field, $base_args); #{no_select => $args->{no_select}{$field} });
- #$class->unselect_element($cgi{$field});
+ my $el = $cgi{$field};
+ if ($el->tag eq 'select') {
+ $class->unselect_element($el);
+ my ($first, @content) = $el->content_list;
+ if ($first and $first->content_list) { # something
+ #(defined $first->attr('value') or $first->attr('value') ne ''))
+ # push an empty option on stactk
+ $el->unshift_content(HTML::Element->new('option'));
+ }
+ }
return \%cgi;
sub _field_from_how {
my ($self, $field, $how, $args) = @_;
- if (ref $how) { $args = $how; $how = undef; }
+ #if (ref $how) { $args = $how; $how = undef; }
+#warn "In filed from how . filed is $field how is $how. args ar e" . Dumper($args) . " \n";
return unless $how;
$args ||= {};
no strict 'refs';
sub _field_from_relationship {
my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
+#warn "In filed from rel . filed is $field \n";
return unless $field;
my $rel_meta = $self->related_meta('r',$field) || return;
my $rel_name = $rel_meta->{name};
=head2 _field_from_column($field, $args)
Returns an input based on the column's characteristics, namely type, or nothing.
sub _field_from_column {
- my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
- return unless $field;
- my $class = ref $self || $self;
- # Get column type
- unless ($args->{column_type}) {
- if ($class->can('column_type')) {
- $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
- } else {
- # Right, have some of this
- eval "package $class; Class::DBI::Plugin::Type->import()";
- $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
+ my ($self, $field, $args) = @_;
+ return unless $field;
+ my $class = ref $self || $self;
+ #warn "Class is $class\n";
+ # Get column type
+ unless ($args->{column_type}) {
+ $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
+ if ($class->can('column_type')) {
+ $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
+ }
+ else {
+ # Right, have some of this
+ eval "package $class; Class::DBI::Plugin::Type->import()";
+ $args->{column_type} = $class->column_type($field);
+ }
- }
- my $type = $args->{column_type};
- return $self->_to_textfield($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /(VAR)?CHAR/i; #common type
- return $self->_to_textarea($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^(TEXT|BLOB)$/i;
- return $self->_to_enum_select($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^ENUM\((.*?)\)$/i;
- return $self->_to_bool_select($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^BOOL/i;
- return $self->_to_readonly($field, $args)
- if $type and $type =~ /^readonly$/i;
- return;
+ my $type = $args->{column_type};
+ return $self->_to_textfield($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /(VAR)?CHAR/i; #common type
+ return $self->_to_textarea($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^(TEXT|BLOB)$/i;
+ return $self->_to_enum_select($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^ENUM\((.*?)\)$/i;
+ return $self->_to_bool_select($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^BOOL/i;
+ return $self->_to_readonly($field, $args)
+ if $type and $type =~ /^readonly$/i;
+ return;
#foreach (@pks) { push @sel_cols, $_ unless $isect{$_}; }
#push @sel_cols, @disp_cols;
- warn "in select items. args are : " . Dumper($args);
+ #warn "in select items. args are : " . Dumper($args);
my $distinct = '';
if ($args->{'distinct'}) {
$distinct = 'DISTINCT ';
$sql .= " WHERE " . $args->{where} if $args->{where};
$sql .= " ORDER BY " . $args->{order_by} if $args->{order_by};
$sql .= " LIMIT " . $args->{limit} if $args->{limit};
-warn "_select_items sql is : $sql";
+#warn "_select_items sql is : $sql";
return $fclass->db_Main->selectall_arrayref($sql);
sub _to_enum_select {
- my ($self, $col, $type) = @_;
+ my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
+ my $type = $args->{column_type};
$type =~ /ENUM\((.*?)\)/i;
(my $enum = $1) =~ s/'//g;
my @enum_vals = split /\s*,\s*/, $enum;
$selected = eval{$self->column_default($col)} unless defined $selected;
$selected = $enum_vals[0] unless defined $selected;
my $a = HTML::Element->new("select", name => $col);
for ( @enum_vals ) {
my $sel = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $_);
# TCODO fix this mess with args
sub _to_bool_select {
my ($self, $col, $args) = @_;
- warn "In to_bool select";
+ #warn "In to_bool select\n";
my $type = $args->{column_type};
my @bool_text = ('No', 'Yes');
if ($type =~ /BOOL\((.+?)\)/i) {
my ($args) = shift;
my $selected = $args->{value} || $args->{selected};
return $selected unless $selected and ref $selected ne 'HASH';
- warn "Selected dump : " . Dumper($selected);
+ #warn "Selected dump : " . Dumper($selected);
my $type = ref $selected;
# Single Object
if ($type and $type ne 'ARRAY') {
return \%hashed;
else { warn "AsForm Could not hash the selected argument: $selected"; }
-=head2 _select_guts
+=head2 _select_guts
Internal api method to make the actual select box form elements.
Array of CDBI objects.
Array of scalars ,
Array or Array refs with cols from class.
$id =~ ~ s/^0+//; # In case zerofill is on .
my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $id );
$opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$id};
my $content = ($class and $stringify and $class->can($stringify)) ?
$class->$stringify($_) :
join( '/', map { $_ if $_; }@{$item} );
my $val = $_->{$pk};
my $opt = HTML::Element->new("option", value => $val );
$opt->attr(selected => "selected") if $selected->{$val};
- my $content = ($fclass and $stringify and $fclass->can($stringify)) ?
- $fclass->$stringify($_) : join(' ', @$_);
+ my $content = $fclass and $stringify and $fclass->can($stringify) ?
+ $fclass->$stringify($_) :
+ join(' ', @$_);
$opt->push_content( $content );
push @res, $opt;
my $create = $self->to_field($col, 'foreign_inputs', $args);
$create->{'__select_or_create__'} =
$self->to_field('__select_or_create__',{ name => '__select_or_create__' , value => 1 } );
return ($select, $create);
# checkboxes: if no data in hand (ie called as class method), replace
# with a radio button, in order to allow this field to be left
-=head1 CHANGES
+=head1 CHANGES
Maypole Developers
=head1 AUTHORS
-Peter Speltz, Aaron Trevena
+Peter Speltz, Aaron Trevena
=head1 BUGS and QUERIES
Please direct all correspondence regarding this module to:
- Maypole list.
+ Maypole list.
-Copyright 2003-2004 by Simon Cozens and Tony Bowden
-Copyright 2005-2006 by Aaron Trevena and Peter Speltz
+Copyright 2003-2004 by Simon Cozens / Tony Bowden
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
L<Class::DBI>, L<Class::DBI::FromCGI>, L<HTML::Element>.