--- /dev/null
+Revision history for Perl extension Apache::MVC.
+0.01 Thu Jan 8 15:50:17 2004
+ - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
+ -AX -b 5.6.0 -n Apache::MVC
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+use 5.006;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+ NAME => 'Apache::MVC',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'MVC.pm', # finds $VERSION
+ PREREQ_PM => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+ ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+ (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'MVC.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+ AUTHOR => 'Simon Cozens <simon@nonet>') : ()),
--- /dev/null
+Apache/MVC version 0.01
+The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on
+how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for
+example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information
+that should be provided before the module is installed.
+A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the
+README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the
+archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a
+good idea to provide version information here so that people can
+decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading.
+To install this module type the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+ blah blah blah
+Put the correct copyright and licence information here.
+Copyright (C) 2004 Simon Cozens
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
--- /dev/null
+package Apache::MVC;
+use base qw(Class::Accessor Class::Data::Inheritable);
+use attributes ();
+use Class::DBI::Loader;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(qw( _config init_done view_object ));
+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors ( qw( config ar params objects model_class args ));
+# This is really dirty.
+sub config {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (ref $self) { return $self->_config_accessor(@_) }
+ return $self->_config(@_);
+sub set_database {
+ my ($calling_class, $dsn) = @_;
+ $calling_class = ref $calling_class if ref $calling_class;
+ $calling_class->config->{dsn} = $dsn;
+ $calling_class->config->{loader} = Class::DBI::Loader->new(
+ namespace => $calling_class,
+ dsn => $dsn
+ );
+sub init {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $config = $class->config;
+ $config->{model} ||= "Apache::MVC::Model::CDBI";
+ $config->{view} ||= "Apache::MVC::View::TT";
+ $config->{classes} = [ $class->config->{loader}->classes ];
+ $config->{display_tables} ||= [ $class->config->{loader}->tables ];
+ for my $class (@{$config->{classes}}) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ push @{$class."::ISA"}, $class->config->{model};
+ }
+ $class->view_object($class->config->{view}->new);
+sub class_of {
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
+ return $self->config->{loader}->_table2class($table);
+sub handler {
+ # See Apache::MVC::Workflow before trying to understand this.
+ my $class = (caller(0))[0];
+ $class->init unless $class->init_done;
+ my $r = bless { config => $class->config }, $class;
+ $r->get_request();
+ $r->parse_location();
+ $r->model_class($r->class_of($r->{table}));
+ my $status = $r->is_applicable;
+ return $status unless $status == 200;
+ $status = $r->call_authenticate;
+ return $status unless $status == 200;
+ $r->find_objects();
+ $r->additional_data();
+ $r->class->process($r);
+sub get_request {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require Apache; require Apache::Request;
+ $self->{ar} = Apache::Request->new(Apache->request);
+sub parse_location {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @pi = split /\//, $self->{ar}->uri();
+ shift @pi while @pi and !$pi[0];
+ $self->{table} = shift @pi;
+ $self->{action} = shift @pi;
+ $self->{args} = \@pi;
+sub is_applicable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require Apache::Constants;
+ Apache::Constants->import(":common");
+ my $config = $self->config;
+ my %ok = map {$_ => 1} @{$config->{displaying_tables}};
+ return DECLINED() unless exists $ok{$self->{table}};
+ # Does the action method exist?
+ my $cv = $self->model_class->can($self->{action});
+ return DECLINED() unless $cv;
+ # Is it exported?
+ my $attribs = join " ", attributes::get($cv);
+ return DECLINED() unless $attribs =~ /\b(Exported|Class|Single|Multiple)\b/i;
+ return OK();
+sub authenticate { return 200 }
--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+Apache::MVC::Workflow - Describes the progress of a request through Apache::MVC
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ config $h
+ |
+ Apache::MVC $r
+ Apache::Request |
+ +---- $r->get_request ---+
+ $ar |
+ |
+ $r->parse_location
+ |
+ $r->is_applicable
+ |
+ BeerDB::Beer $r->call_authenticate
+ ->authenticate ------------+------------ $r->authenticate
+ |
+ $r->find_objects
+ |
+ $r->additional_data
+ |
+ $r->model_class->process($r)
+An application based on C<Apache::MVC> will provide an Apache handler,
+and eventually deliver a page. This document explains how that happens,
+and how to influence it. We'll use the C<BeerDB> project as our example.
+=head2 Initialize class
+When the first request comes in, the class will call its own
+C<init> method. This creates a new view object, sets up inheritance
+relationships between the model classes and their parent, and so on.
+=head2 Construction
+Once we have initialized, the handler obtains the configuration for your
+class, and puts it into a new object. We'll call this a request
+I<object> for the purposes of this document; it will be a new C<BeerDB>
+=head2 Getting the request
+Next, the handler calls C<get_request> on the new object to have it
+store a copy of the C<Apache::Request>. Of course, if you're not using
+Apache, you might want to subclass this method to return something that
+looks like an C<Apache::Request> object, and possibly also subclass the
+next stage too to get more control over what methods are called on your
+C<A::R>-lookalike. C<get_request> is expected to put the object in the
+C<ar> slot of the request object.
+=head2 Handling the URL
+Typically, the details of the request will be passed in the URL. This is
+done with the C<parse_location> method, which is expected to populate
+several slots of the request object. First, C<table> and C<action>
+should be populated with the name of the table and the action parts of
+the URL. Any other arguments should be placed in a listref in the
+C<args> slot, and GET and POST parameters should be arranged into a hash
+and placed in the C<params> slot.
+Some people may not like the idea of passing everything around in the
+URL; this is the method to override for you. Of course, you'll also need
+to provide your own default templates to construct links using your
+preferred format.
+=head2 Is this an applicable URL?
+Next, the C<is_applicable> method works out if this is actually
+something that C<Apache::MVC> should care about - whether the class
+exists in the application, whether it supports the given action, and so
+on. This should return an Apache status code; C<OK> if the request
+should proceed, C<DECLINED> if it should be passed on to the default
+handlers, or whatever other codes for permissions problems.
+=head2 Are we allowed to do this?
+We then look for an appropriate C<authenticate> method to call; first
+it will try Calling the C<authenticate> method of the model class, or,
+if that does not exist, the C<authenticate> method on itself. By
+default, this allows access to everyone for everything. Similarly, this
+should return an Apache status code.
+=head2 Find the appropriate objects
+The C<find_objects> method is called to populate the C<objects> slot of
+the request object with the appropriate objects from the model class.
+This takes the right number of arguments off the C<args> slot by
+examining the attributes of the method in question. Read more about this
+in L<Apache::MVC::Model::Default>.
+=head2 Add any additional data to the request
+The open-ended C<additional_data> method allows any additional fiddling
+with the request object before it is despatched.
+=head2 Ask model to take over
+The C<process> method of the model class is called with the request
+object, and is expected to perform any actions it needs, and then
+despatch control to the view.
--- /dev/null
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 1.t'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 1 };
+use Apache::MVC;
+ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
+# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.