#!/bin/sh # # @(#)nhfsgraph.sh 1.3 89/07/07 Copyright (c) 1989, Legato Systems, Inc. # # See DISCLAIMER file for restrictions # # # Usage: nhfsgraph ... # # Produce a PostScript graph of nhfsstone numbers. # Graphfile is a file with number pairs in plot(5) format derived # from runs of nhfsstone at different loads (see "nhfsrun" and "nhfsnums" # scripts. # # If you want something other than PostScript output replace "psplot" # with "plot". See plot(1) for more details. # LABEL="x=Load (calls/sec) y=Response (msec/call)" cat $* \ | graph -b -u .1 -h 1.2 -g 2 -l "$LABEL" -x 10 80 10 | psplot