You can run Memories through CGI or Apache's mod_perl: - The CGI script is /usr/lib/cgi-bin/memories.cgi. - Use of mod_perl is configured in /etc/memories/apache.conf, which by default uses the path /memories/. If you use mod_perl you must also enable mod_apreq. If both these modules are enabled for Apache 2 when Memories is installed or upgraded, Memories is added to the Apache configuration automatically. To do this later, run: ln -s ../../memories/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/memories In order to run Memories you will need to set up a database with the schema given in /usr/share/memories/memories.sql and grant the www-data user permission to delete, insert, select and update in all the tables in that schema. Currently only MySQL databases are supported. You can set up a suitable database with the following commands in the mysql client: mysql> create database memories; mysql> use memories mysql> source /usr/share/memories/memories.sql mysql> grant delete,insert,select,update on * to 'www-data'; mysql> quit The configuration file for Memories itself is /etc/memories/ You will almost certainly need to change the 'uri_base' and 'data_store_external' parameters in this to match your web site configuration. You will also need to change the 'dsn' parameter if the database name is not 'memories'. -- Ben Hutchings Tue, 21 Aug 2007 00:37:26 +0100