[%# =for doc Drinker C template displays drinker and from to drink beer. =cut #%] [% PROCESS macros %] [% INCLUDE header %] [% view_item(object); %] [%# Form to drink a pint. We made sure to only make inputs for pint. could do it # here like so. USE this = Class(classmetadata.name); classmetadata.cgi = this.to_field(pints); %] [%# =for doc The C template also displays a list of other objects related to the first one via C style relationships; this is done by calling the C method - see L - to return a list of has-many accessors. Next it calls each of those accessors, and displays the results in a table. #%]
Back to listing [% view_related(object); %] [% button(object, "edit"); button(object, "delete"); %] [% INCLUDE footer %]