maypole (2.11+2.111-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version - Includes templates within examples - closes: #409324 * Updated my email address * Removed dependency on libapache-request-perl and recommendation of libapache-mod-perl - closes: #432463 * Removed dependency of new upstream version on File::MMagic::XS pending packaging of that (201_no-file-mmagic-xs.diff) * Fixed minimum length of file extension for file type inference (101_fix-extension-mime-type.diff) * Fixed apache_mvc test to work with Apache2 modules (102_fix-apache_mvc-test.diff) * Removed subroutine definition which is replaced at run-time and otherwise results in a warning (103_fix-view_object-warning.diff) * Added watch file * Added md5sums * Updated policy version to 3.7.2 (no other changes required). * Added error propagation through CGI front-end (104_add-cgi-error-status.diff) * Fixed reporting of template warnings (105_dont-use-warn-method.diff) * Fixed method name clash with Class::DBI::mysql (106_fix-_column_info-clash.diff) * Fixed some inconsistencies between examples and tutorial (107_make-examples-consistent.diff) * Fixed generation of some URIs in standard templates (108_fix-uris.diff) * Adjusted examples and tutorial for use in the package (202_fix-example-references.diff) * Added README.Debian explaining use with Debian Apache/mod_perl packages -- Ben Hutchings Sun, 16 Sep 2007 20:12:12 +0100 maypole (2.10-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release - closes: #345275 -- Ben Hutchings Sat, 31 Dec 2005 14:55:42 +0000