-- -- ion/mod_statusbar/ion-statusd/statusd_load.lua -- -- Copyright (c) Tuomo Valkonen 2004-2006. -- -- Ion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- -- We should really use getloadavg(3) instead and move the meter to -- Ion side to get properly up-to-date loads. But until such an export -- is made, and we use potentially blocking files and external programs, -- this meter must be in ion-statusd. -- local defaults={ update_interval=10*1000, load_hint="1min", important_threshold=1.5, critical_threshold=4.0 } local settings=table.join(statusd.get_config("load"), defaults) local load_timer local function get_hint(v) local i="normal" if v then if v>settings.critical_threshold then i="critical" elseif v>settings.important_threshold then i="important" end end return i end local function fmt(l) if not l then return "?" else return string.format("%0.2f", l) end end local function update_load() local lds = statusd.getloadavg() f1, f5, f15 = fmt(lds["1min"]), fmt(lds["5min"]), fmt(lds["15min"]) statusd.inform("load", f1..", "..f5..", "..f15) statusd.inform("load_hint", get_hint(lds[settings.load_hint])) statusd.inform("load_1min", f1) statusd.inform("load_1min_hint", get_hint(lds["1min"])) statusd.inform("load_5min", f5) statusd.inform("load_5min_hint", get_hint(lds["5min"])) statusd.inform("load_15min", f15) statusd.inform("load_15min_hint", get_hint(lds["15min"])) load_timer:set(settings.update_interval, update_load) end -- Init --statusd.inform("load_template", "0.00, 0.00, 0.00"); load_timer=statusd.create_timer() update_load()