Welcome to Ion! If you have never used Ion before, it is highly recommended that you study the Ion manual page before proceeding further. It is reproduced below, but you can also access it later on, for example, by pressing and then or, by running 'man ion3' in a terminal. All this supposing that you have installed Ion in a standard location so that the system commands can find the manual page. If you are too eager to try out Ion and against all recommendation want to skip reading the manual page, you should at least know that pressing should start a terminal emulator (xterm) and that the main menu can be accessed with . When you feel ready to write customized configuration files (you're going to do that in any case), please see the configuration manual available from the Ion webpage listed at the end of the user manual below. It may, however, be beneficial to become well acquainted with Ion before delving into this so that you have grasped the basic concepts necessary to understand the binding configuration files. ---- Manual page follows ----