From: __DAK_ADDRESS__ To: __MAINTAINER_TO__ __CC__ __BCC__ Reply-To: __STABLE_MAIL__ X-Debian: DAK X-Debian-Package: __SOURCE__ Precedence: bulk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Subject: __CHANGES_FILENAME__ REJECTED from proposed-updates Your package was rejected by an ftp master on behalf of __STABLE_REJECTOR__, if you have any questions or comments regarding this rejection, please address them to __STABLE_REJECTOR__ by replying to this mail. The reason given for rejection was: __MANUAL_REJECT_MESSAGE__ Please see: __MORE_INFO_URL__ for more details. === Your rejected .changes files is in queue/REJECT/; the other files have been removed from proposed-updates and will be auto-cleaned as normal.