Initialising a dak database schema ================================== The following packages are needed: * postgresql-9.0 postgresql-client-9.0 postgresql-plperl-9.0 postgresql-plpython-9.0 postgresql-9.0-debversion (the schema assumes at least postgresql 9.0; ftpmaster in Debian currently uses the squeeze postgresql 9.0 backport) The following roles are assumed to exist: * dak: database superuser: needs to be an actual user * ftpmaster: role which should be given to archive administrators * ftpteam: people who can do NEW processing, overrides, removals, etc * ftptrainee: people who can add notes to packages in NEW For the purposes of this document, we'll be working in /srv/dak Set up the dak user on both the system and in postgres: # sudo adduser dak # sudo addgroup ftpmaster # sudo addgroup dak ftpmaster # sudo -u postgres createuser -s dak Set up the dak directory: # sudo mkdir /etc/dak # sudo mkdir /srv/dak # sudo chown dak:ftpmaster /srv/dak # sudo chmod 2775 /srv/dak Create a symlink to /srv/dak/dak.conf in /etc/dak (we'll create the config file in a bit) # sudo ln -s /srv/dak/dak.conf /etc/dak/dak.conf Become the dak user: # sudo -u dak -s -H Create the additional roles: # createuser -S -R -D ftpmaster # createuser -S -R -D ftpteam # createuser -S -R -D ftptrainee Create an empty database with SQL_ASCII encoding: # createdb -T template0 -E SQL_ASCII -O dak projectb Import the schema: # psql -f current_schema.sql -d projectb Set up some core data in projectb to get started (read the init_vars file if you wish to customise various aspects): # ./init_core Create a minimal dak.conf # ./init_minimal_conf > /srv/dak/dak.conf Set up a symlink somewhere # mkdir ~dak/bin # ln -s /path/to/ ~dak/bin/dak At this point, you should be able to test that the database schema is up-to-date # dak update-db Run dak init-dirs to set up the initial /srv/dak tree # dak init-dirs Copy the email templates into the /srv/dak tree. WARNING: Please check these templates over and customise as necessary # cp templates/* /srv/dak/templates/ Set up a private signing key: don't set a passphrase as dak will not pass one through to gpg. Guard this key carefully # gpg --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /srv/dak/keyrings/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/secring.gpg --keyring /srv/dak/keyrings/s3kr1t/dot-gnupg/pubring.gpg --gen-key Remember the signing key id for when creating the suite below. Here we'll pretend it is DDDDDDDD for convenience Import some developer keys. Either import from keyservers (here AAAAAAAA): # gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /srv/dak/keyrings/upload-keyring.gpg --recv-key AAAAAAAA or import from files: # gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /srv/dak/keyrings/upload-keyring.gpg --import /path/to/keyfile Import the developer keys into the database The -U '%s' tells dak to add UIDs automatically # dak import-keyring -U '%s' /srv/dak/keyrings/upload-keyring.gpg Add some architectures you care about: # dak admin architecture add i386 "Intel x86 port" # dak admin architecture add amd64 "AMD64 port" Add a suite (origin=, label= and codename= are optional) signingkey= will ensure that Release files are signed # dak admin suite add-all-arches unstable x.y.z origin=MyDistro label=Master codename=sid signingkey=DDDDDDDD Re-run dak init-dirs to add new suite directories to /srv/dak # dak init-dirs ####################################################################### # Example package flow ####################################################################### For this example, we've grabbed and built the hello source package for AMD64 and copied it into /srv/dak/queue/unchecked. We start by performing initial package checks which will result in the package being moved to NEW # cd /srv/dak/queue/unchecked # dak process-upload *.changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello_2.6-1_amd64.changes NEW for unstable (new) hello_2.6-1.debian.tar.gz optional devel (new) hello_2.6-1.dsc optional devel (new) hello_2.6-1_amd64.deb optional devel The classic greeting, and a good example The GNU hello program produces a familiar, friendly greeting. It allows non-programmers to use a classic computer science tool which would otherwise be unavailable to them. . Seriously, though: this is an example of how to do a Debian package. It is the Debian version of the GNU Project's `hello world' program (which is itself an example for the GNU Project). (new) hello_2.6.orig.tar.gz optional devel Changes: hello (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New upstream release. * Drop unused INSTALL_PROGRAM stuff. * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format. * Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no special changes for this). Override entries for your package: Announcing to [N]ew, Skip, Quit ?N Moving to NEW queue. Sending new ack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We can now look at the NEW queue-report # dak queue-report ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW --- hello | 2.6-1 | source amd64 | 5 seconds old 1 new source package / 1 new package in total. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And we can then process the NEW queue: # cd /srv/dak/queue/new # dak process-new *.changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello_2.6-1_amd64.changes NEW hello optional devel Add overrides, Edit overrides, Check, Manual reject, Note edit, Prod, [S]kip, Quit ?A ACCEPT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At this stage, the package has been ACCEPTed from NEW into NEWSTAGE. We now need to finally ACCEPT it into the pool: # cd /srv/dak/queue/newstage # dak process-upload *.changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello_2.6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPT hello_2.6-1.debian.tar.gz to main/h/hello/hello_2.6-1.debian.tar.gz hello_2.6-1.dsc to main/h/hello/hello_2.6-1.dsc hello_2.6-1_amd64.deb to main/h/hello/hello_2.6-1_amd64.deb hello_2.6.orig.tar.gz to main/h/hello/hello_2.6.orig.tar.gz Override entries for your package: hello_2.6-1.dsc - optional devel hello_2.6-1_amd64.deb - optional devel Announcing to [A]ccept, Skip, Quit ?A Installing. Installed 1 package set, 646 KB. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We can now see that dak knows about the package: # dak ls -S hello ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello | 2.6-1 | unstable | source, amd64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # dak control-suite -l unstable ----------------------------------------------------------------------- hello 2.6-1 amd64 hello 2.6-1 source ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, we can generate the packages and sources files: # dak generate-packages-sources2 (zcat /srv/dak/ftp/dists/unstable/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz for instance) And finally, we can generate the signed Release files: # dak generate-release ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing unstable ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Look at /srv/dak/ftp/dists/unstable/Release, Release.gpg and InRelease) ####################################################################### # Next steps ####################################################################### The debian archive automates most of these steps in jobs called cron.unchecked, cron.hourly and cron.dinstall. TODO: Write example (simplified) versions of these cronjobs which will do for most installs.