#!/usr/bin/env python # Create all the Release files # Copyright (C) 2001 Anthony Towns # $Id: ziyi,v 1.1 2001-03-02 02:25:15 troup Exp $ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ``Bored now'' ################################################################################ import pg, sys, os, stat, string, time import utils, db_access import apt_pkg ################################################################################ Cnf = None projectB = None ################################################################################ def compressnames (tree,type,file): compress = AptCnf.get("%s::%s::Compress" % (tree,type), AptCnf.get("Default::%s::Compress" % (type), ". gzip")) result = [] for mode in string.split(compress): if mode == ".": result.append(file) elif mode == "gzip": result.append(file + ".gz") elif mode == "bzip2": result.append(file + ".bz2") return result def print_file (tree, name): path = Cnf["Dir::RootDir"] + tree + "/" try: file_handle = utils.open_file(path + name, "r") except utils.cant_open.exc: print "ALERT: Couldn't open " + path + name else: md5 = apt_pkg.md5sum(file_handle) file_handle.close() size = os.stat(path + name)[stat.ST_SIZE] out.write(" %s %8d %s\n" % (md5, size, name)) ################################################################################ def main (): global Cnf, AptCnf, projectB, out out = sys.stdout; apt_pkg.init() Cnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration() apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,utils.which_conf_file()) AptCnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration() apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(AptCnf,utils.which_apt_conf_file()) print "APT.CONF IS: " + utils.which_apt_conf_file() Arguments = [('d',"debug","Ziyi::Options::Debug", "IntVal"), ('h',"help","Ziyi::Options::Help"), ('v',"version","Ziyi::Options::Version")] suites = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv) if suites == []: suites = Cnf.SubTree("Suite").List() def real_arch(x): return x != "source" and x != "all" for suite in suites: print "Processing: " + suite SuiteBlock = Cnf.SubTree("Suite::" + suite) if SuiteBlock.has_key("Untouchable"): print "Skipping: " + suite + " (untouchable)" continue suite = string.lower(suite) origin = SuiteBlock["Origin"] label = SuiteBlock.get("Label", origin) version = SuiteBlock.get("Version", "") codename = SuiteBlock.get("CodeName", "") if SuiteBlock.has_key("Components"): components = SuiteBlock.SubTree("Components").List() else: components = [] nonus = 1 if components != []: for c in components: if c[:7] != "non-US/": nonus = 0 else: nonus = 0 if nonus: longsuite = suite + "/non-US" else: longsuite = suite tree = SuiteBlock.get("Tree", "dists/%s" % (longsuite)) print Cnf["Dir::RootDir"] + tree + "/Release" out = open(Cnf["Dir::RootDir"] + tree + "/Release", "w") out.write("Origin: %s\n" % (origin)) out.write("Label: %s\n" % (label)) out.write("Suite: %s\n" % (suite)) if version != "": out.write("Version: %s\n" % (version)) if codename != "": out.write("Codename: %s\n" % (codename)) out.write("Date: %s\n" % (time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(time.time())))) out.write("Architectures: %s\n" % (string.join(filter(real_arch, SuiteBlock.SubTree("Architectures").List())))) if components != []: out.write("Components: %s\n" % (string.join(components))) out.write("Description: %s\n" % (SuiteBlock["Description"])) out.write("MD5Sum:\n") if AptCnf.has_key("tree::%s" % (tree)): for sec in string.split(AptCnf["tree::%s::Sections" % (tree)]): for arch in string.split(AptCnf["tree::%s::Architectures" % (tree)]): if arch == "source": for file in compressnames("tree::%s" % (tree), "Sources", "%s/%s/Sources" % (sec, arch)): print_file(tree,file) else: rel = "%s/binary-%s/Release" % (sec, arch) relpath = Cnf["Dir::RootDir"]+tree+"/"+rel if os.path.exists(relpath): try: release = open(relpath, "w") #release = open(string.replace(longsuite,"/","_") + "_" + arch + "_" + sec + "_Release", "w") except IOError: print "Couldn't write to " + relpath else: release.write("Archive: %s\n" % (suite)) if version != "": release.write("Version: %s\n" % (version)) if nonus: release.write("Component: non-US/%s\n" % (sec)) else: release.write("Component: %s\n" % (sec)) release.write("Origin: %s\n" % (origin)) release.write("Label: %s\n" % (label)) release.write("Architecture: %s\n" % (arch)) release.close() print_file(tree,"%s/binary-%s/Release" % (sec,arch)) for file in compressnames("tree::%s" % (tree), "Packages", "%s/binary-%s/Packages" % (sec, arch)): print_file(tree,file) elif AptCnf.has_key("bindirectory::%s" % (tree)): for file in compressnames("bindirectory::%s" % (tree), "Packages", AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Packages" % (tree)]): print_file(tree,string.replace(file,tree+"/","",1)) for file in compressnames("bindirectory::%s" % (tree), "Sources", AptCnf["bindirectory::%s::Sources" % (tree)]): print_file(tree,string.replace(file,tree+"/","",1)) else: print "ALERT: no tree/bindirectory for %s" % (tree) ####################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main()