#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # dqueued-watcher -- for regularily watching the queue daemon # # This script is intended to check periodically (e.g. started by cron) that # everything is ok with debianqueued. If the daemon isn't running, it notifies # the maintainer. It also checks if a new Debian keyring is available (in a # Debian mirror aera, f.i.) and then updates the keyring used by debianqueued. # # Copyright (C) 1997 Roman Hodek # # This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation: either version 2 or # (at your option) any later version. # This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! # # $Id: dqueued-watcher,v 1.28 1999/07/08 09:43:22 ftplinux Exp $ # # $Log: dqueued-watcher,v $ # Revision 1.28 1999/07/08 09:43:22 ftplinux # Bumped release number to 0.9 # # Revision 1.27 1999/07/07 11:58:22 ftplinux # Also update gpg keyring if $conf::gpg_keyring is set. # # Revision 1.26 1998/07/06 14:24:36 ftplinux # Some changes to handle debian-keyring.tar.gz files which expand to a # directory including a date. # # Revision 1.25 1998/05/14 14:21:45 ftplinux # Bumped release number to 0.8 # # Revision 1.24 1998/03/30 12:31:05 ftplinux # Don't count "already reported" or "ignored for now" errors as .changes errors. # Also list files for several error types. # Also print out names of processed jobs. # # Revision 1.23 1998/03/30 11:27:37 ftplinux # If called with args, make summaries for the log files given. # make_summary: New arg $to_stdout, for printing report directly. # # Revision 1.22 1998/03/23 14:05:15 ftplinux # Bumped release number to 0.7 # # Revision 1.21 1997/12/16 13:19:29 ftplinux # Bumped release number to 0.6 # # Revision 1.20 1997/11/20 15:18:48 ftplinux # Bumped release number to 0.5 # # Revision 1.19 1997/10/31 12:26:31 ftplinux # Again added new counters in make_summary: suspicious_files, # transient_changes_errs. # Extended tests for bad_changes. # Quotes in pattern seem not to work, replaced by '.'. # # Revision 1.18 1997/10/30 14:17:32 ftplinux # In make_summary, implemented some new counters for command files. # # Revision 1.17 1997/10/17 09:39:09 ftplinux # Fixed wrong args to plural_s # # Revision 1.16 1997/09/25 11:20:42 ftplinux # Bumped release number to 0.4 # # Revision 1.15 1997/09/17 12:16:33 ftplinux # Added writing summaries to a file # # Revision 1.14 1997/09/16 11:39:29 ftplinux # In make_summary, initialize all counters to avoid warnings about uninited # values. # # Revision 1.13 1997/09/16 10:53:36 ftplinux # Made logging more verbose in queued and dqueued-watcher # # Revision 1.12 1997/08/18 13:07:15 ftplinux # Implemented summary mails # # Revision 1.11 1997/08/18 12:11:44 ftplinux # Replaced timegm by timelocal in parse_date; times in log file are # local times... # # Revision 1.10 1997/08/18 11:27:20 ftplinux # Revised age calculation of log file for rotating # # Revision 1.9 1997/08/12 09:54:40 ftplinux # Bumped release number # # Revision 1.8 1997/08/11 12:49:10 ftplinux # Implemented logfile rotating # # Revision 1.7 1997/07/28 13:20:38 ftplinux # Added release numner to startup message # # Revision 1.6 1997/07/25 10:23:04 ftplinux # Made SIGCHLD handling more portable between perl versions # # Revision 1.5 1997/07/09 10:13:55 ftplinux # Alternative implementation of status file as plain file (not FIFO), because # standard wu-ftpd doesn't allow retrieval of non-regular files. New config # option $statusdelay for this. # # Revision 1.4 1997/07/08 08:39:56 ftplinux # Need to remove -z from tar options if --use-compress-program # # Revision 1.3 1997/07/08 08:34:15 ftplinux # If dqueued-watcher runs as cron job, $PATH might not contain gzip. Use extra # --use-compress-program option to tar, and new config var $gzip. # # Revision 1.2 1997/07/03 13:05:57 ftplinux # Added some verbosity if stdin is a terminal # # Revision 1997/07/03 12:54:59 ftplinux # Import initial sources # # require 5.002; use strict; use POSIX; require "timelocal.pl"; sub LINEWIDTH { 79 } my $batchmode = !(-t STDIN); $main::curr_year = (localtime)[5]; do { my $version; ($version = 'Release: 0.9 $Revision: 1.28 $ $Date: 1999/07/08 09:43:22 $ $Author: ftplinux $') =~ s/\$ ?//g; print "dqueued-watcher $version\n" if !$batchmode; }; package conf; ($conf::queued_dir = (($0 !~ m,^/,) ? POSIX::getcwd()."/" : "") . $0) =~ s,/[^/]+$,,; require "$conf::queued_dir/config"; my # avoid spurious warnings about unused vars $junk = $conf::gzip; $junk = $conf::maintainer_mail; $junk = $conf::log_age; package main; # prototypes sub check_daemon(); sub daemon_running(); sub rotate_log(); sub logf($); sub parse_date($); sub make_summary($$$); sub stimes($); sub plural_s($); sub format_list($@); sub mail($@); sub logger(@); sub format_time(); # the main program: if (@ARGV) { # with arguments, make summaries (to stdout) for the logfiles given foreach (@ARGV) { make_summary( 1, undef, $_ ); } } else { # without args, just do normal maintainance actions check_daemon(); rotate_log(); } exit 0; # # check if the daemon is running, notify maintainer if not # sub check_daemon() { my $daemon_down_text = "Daemon is not running\n"; my( $line, $reported ); if (daemon_running()) { print "Daemon is running\n" if !$batchmode; return; } print "Daemon is NOT running!\n" if !$batchmode; $reported = 0; if ($conf::statusfile && -f $conf::statusfile && ! -p _ && open( STATUSFILE, "<$conf::statusfile" )) { $line = ; close( STATUSFILE ); $reported = $line eq $daemon_down_text; } if (!$reported) { mail( "debianqueued down", "The Debian queue daemon isn't running!\n", "Please start it up again.\n" ); logger( "Found that daemon is not running\n" ); } # remove unnecessary pid file # also remove status FIFO, so opening it for reading won't block # forever unlink( $conf::pidfile, $conf::statusfile ); # replace status FIFO by a file that tells the user the daemon is down if ($conf::statusfile) { open( STATUSFILE, ">$conf::statusfile" ) or die "Can't open $conf::statusfile: $!\n"; print STATUSFILE $daemon_down_text; close( STATUSFILE ); } } # # check if daemon is running # sub daemon_running() { my $pid; local( *PIDFILE ); if (open( PIDFILE, "<$conf::pidfile" )) { chomp( $pid = ); close( PIDFILE ); $main::daemon_pid = $pid, return 1 if $pid && kill( 0, $pid ); } return 0; } # # check if new keyring is available, if yes extract it # sub rotate_log() { my( $first_date, $f1, $f2, $i ); local( *F ); return if !defined $main::daemon_pid || !-f $conf::logfile; open( F, "<$conf::logfile" ) or die "Can't open $conf::logfile: $!\n"; while( ) { last if $first_date = parse_date( $_ ); } close( F ); # Simply don't rotate if nothing couldn't be parsed as date -- probably # the file is empty. return if !$first_date; # assume year-wrap if $first_date is in the future $first_date -= 365*24*60*60 if $first_date > time; # don't rotate if first date too young return if time - $first_date < $conf::log_age*24*60*60; logger( "Logfile older than $conf::log_age days, rotating\n" ); # remove oldest log $f1 = logf($conf::log_keep-1); if (-f $f1) { unlink( $f1 ) or warn "Can't remove $f1: $!\n"; } # rename other logs for( $i = $conf::log_keep-2; $i > 0; --$i ) { $f1 = logf($i); $f2 = logf($i+1); if ($i == 0) { } if (-f $f1) { rename( $f1, $f2 ) or warn "Can't rename $f1 to $f2: $!\n"; } } # compress newest log $f1 = "$conf::logfile.0"; $f2 = "$conf::logfile.1.gz"; if (-f $f1) { system $conf::gzip, "-9f", $f1 and die "gzip failed on $f1 (status $?)\n"; rename( "$f1.gz", $f2 ) or warn "Can't rename $f1.gz to $f2: $!\n"; } # rename current log and signal the daemon to open a new logfile rename( $conf::logfile, $f1 ); kill( 1, $main::daemon_pid ); print "Rotated log files\n" if !$batchmode; make_summary( 0, $first_date, $f1 ) if $conf::mail_summary || $conf::summary_file; } sub logf($) { my $num = shift; return sprintf( "$conf::logfile.%d.gz", $num ); } sub parse_date($) { my $date = shift; my( $mon, $day, $hours, $mins, $month, $year, $secs ); my %month_num = ( "jan", 0, "feb", 1, "mar", 2, "apr", 3, "may", 4, "jun", 5, "jul", 6, "aug", 7, "sep", 8, "oct", 9, "nov", 10, "dec", 11 ); warn "Invalid date: $date\n", return 0 unless $date =~ /^(\w\w\w)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s/; ($mon, $day, $hours, $mins, $secs) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); $mon =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return 0 if !exists $month_num{$mon}; $month = $month_num{$mon}; return timelocal( $secs, $mins, $hours, $day, $month, $main::curr_year ); } sub make_summary($$$) { my $to_stdout = shift; my $startdate = shift; my $file = shift; my( $starts, $statusd_starts, $suspicious_files, $transient_errs, $upl_failed, $success, $commands, $rm_cmds, $mv_cmds, $msg, $uploader ); my( @pgp_fail, %transient_errs, @changes_errs, @removed_changes, @already_present, @del_stray, %uploaders, %cmd_uploaders ); local( *F ); if (!open( F, "<$file" )) { mail( "debianqueued summary failed", "Couldn't open $file to make summary of events." ); return; } $starts = $statusd_starts = $suspicious_files = $transient_errs = $upl_failed = $success = $commands = $rm_cmds = $mv_cmds = 0; while( ) { $startdate = parse_date( $_ ) if !$startdate; ++$starts if /daemon \(pid \d+\) started$/; ++$statusd_starts if /forked status daemon/; push( @pgp_fail, $1 ) if /PGP signature check failed on (\S+)/; ++$suspicious_files if /found suspicious filename/; ++$transient_errs, ++$transient_errs{$1} if /(\S+) (doesn.t exist|is too small) \(ignored for now\)/; push( @changes_errs, $1 ) if (!/\((already reported|ignored for now)\)/ && (/(\S+) doesn.t exist/ || /(\S+) has incorrect (size|md5)/)) || /(\S+) doesn.t contain a Maintainer: field/ || /(\S+) isn.t signed with PGP/ || /(\S+) doesn.t mention any files/; push( @removed_changes, $1 ) if /(\S+) couldn.t be processed for \d+ hours and is now del/ || /(\S+) couldn.t be uploaded for \d+ times/; push( @already_present, $1 ) if /(\S+) is already present on master/; ++$upl_failed if /Upload to \S+ failed/; ++$success, push( @{$uploaders{$2}}, $1 ) if /(\S+) processed successfully \(uploader (\S*)\)$/; push( @del_stray, $1 ) if /Deleted stray file (\S+)/; ++$commands if /processing .*\.commands$/; ++$rm_cmds if / > rm /; ++$mv_cmds if / > mv /; ++$cmd_uploaders{$1} if /\(command uploader (\S*)\)$/; } close( F ); $msg .= "Queue Daemon Summary from " . localtime($startdate) . " to " . localtime(time) . ":\n\n"; $msg .= "Daemon started ".stimes($starts)."\n" if $starts; $msg .= "Status daemon restarted ".stimes($statusd_starts-$starts)."\n" if $statusd_starts > $starts; $msg .= @pgp_fail." job".plural_s(@pgp_fail)." failed PGP check:\n" . format_list(2,@pgp_fail) if @pgp_fail; $msg .= "$suspicious_files file".plural_s($suspicious_files)." with ". "suspicious names found\n" if $suspicious_files; $msg .= "Detected ".$transient_errs." transient error". plural_s($transient_errs)." in .changes files:\n". format_list(2,keys %transient_errs) if $transient_errs; $msg .= "Detected ".@changes_errs." error".plural_s(@changes_errs). " in .changes files:\n".format_list(2,@changes_errs) if @changes_errs; $msg .= @removed_changes." job".plural_s(@removed_changes). " removed due to persistent errors:\n". format_list(2,@removed_changes) if @removed_changes; $msg .= @already_present." job".plural_s(@already_present). " were already present on master:\n".format_list(2,@already_present) if @already_present; $msg .= @del_stray." stray file".plural_s(@del_stray)." deleted:\n". format_list(2,@del_stray) if @del_stray; $msg .= "$commands command file".plural_s($commands)." processed\n" if $commands; $msg .= " ($rm_cmds rm, $mv_cmds mv commands)\n" if $rm_cmds || $mv_cmds; $msg .= "$success job".plural_s($success)." processed successfully\n"; if ($success) { $msg .= "\nPeople who used the queue:\n"; foreach $uploader ( keys %uploaders ) { $msg .= " $uploader (".@{$uploaders{$uploader}}."):\n". format_list(4,@{$uploaders{$uploader}}); } } if (%cmd_uploaders) { $msg .= "\nPeople who used command files:\n"; foreach $uploader ( keys %cmd_uploaders ) { $msg .= " $uploader ($cmd_uploaders{$uploader})\n"; } } if ($to_stdout) { print $msg; } else { if ($conf::mail_summary) { mail( "debianqueued summary", $msg ); } if ($conf::summary_file) { local( *F ); open( F, ">>$conf::summary_file" ) or die "Cannot open $conf::summary_file for appending: $!\n"; print F "\n", "-"x78, "\n", $msg; close( F ); } } } sub stimes($) { my $num = shift; return $num == 1 ? "once" : "$num times"; } sub plural_s($) { my $num = shift; return $num == 1 ? "" : "s"; } sub format_list($@) { my $indent = shift; my( $i, $pos, $ret, $item, $len ); $ret = " " x $indent; $pos += $indent; while( $item = shift ) { $len = length($item); $item .= ", ", $len += 2 if @_; if ($pos+$len > LINEWIDTH) { $ret .= "\n" . " "x$indent; $pos = $indent; } $ret .= $item; $pos += $len; } $ret .= "\n"; return $ret; } # # send mail to maintainer # sub mail($@) { my $subject = shift; local( *MAIL ); open( MAIL, "|$conf::mail -s '$subject' '$conf::maintainer_mail'" ) or (warn( "Could not open pipe to $conf::mail: $!\n" ), return); print MAIL @_; print MAIL "\nGreetings,\n\n\tYour Debian queue daemon watcher\n"; close( MAIL ) or warn( "$conf::mail failed (exit status $?)\n" ); } # # log something to logfile # sub logger(@) { my $now = format_time(); local( *LOG ); if (!open( LOG, ">>$conf::logfile" )) { warn( "Can't open $conf::logfile\n" ); return; } print LOG "$now dqueued-watcher: ", @_; close( LOG ); } # # return current time as string # sub format_time() { my $t; # omit weekday and year for brevity ($t = localtime) =~ /^\w+\s(.*)\s\d+$/; return $1; } # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4 # fill-column: 78 # End: