#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # debianqueued -- daemon for managing Debian upload queues # # Copyright (C) 1997 Roman Hodek # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Ryan Murray # Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Viehmann # # This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation: either version 2 or # (at your option) any later version. # This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! # require 5.002; no lib '.'; use strict; use POSIX; use POSIX qw( strftime sys_stat_h sys_wait_h signal_h ); use Net::Ping; use Net::FTP; use Socket qw( PF_INET AF_INET SOCK_STREAM ); use Config; use Sys::Hostname; use File::Copy; use Digest::MD5; setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, "C"); $ENV{"LC_ALL"} = "C"; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- package conf; ( $conf::queued_dir = ( ( $0 !~ m,^/, ) ? POSIX::getcwd() . "/" : "" ) . $0 ) =~ s,/[^/]+$,,; require "$conf::queued_dir/config"; my $junk = $conf::debug; # avoid spurious warnings about unused vars $junk = $conf::ssh_key_file; $junk = $conf::stray_remove_timeout; $junk = $conf::problem_report_timeout; $junk = $conf::queue_delay; $junk = $conf::keep_files; $junk = $conf::valid_files; $junk = $conf::max_upload_retries; $junk = $conf::upload_delay_1; $junk = $conf::upload_delay_2; $junk = $conf::check_md5sum; #$junk = $conf::ls; $junk = $conf::ftpdebug; $junk = $conf::ftptimeout; $junk = @conf::nonus_packages; $junk = @conf::test_binaries; $junk = @conf::maintainer_mail; $junk = @conf::targetdir_delayed; $junk = $conf::mail ||= '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $junk = $conf::overridemail; $conf::target = "localhost" if $conf::upload_method eq "copy"; package main; ( $main::progname = $0 ) =~ s,.*/,,; ($main::hostname, undef, undef, undef, undef) = gethostbyname(hostname()); my %packages = (); my $re_file_safe_prefix = qr/\A([a-zA-Z0-9.][a-zA-Z0-9_.:~+-]*)/s; my $re_file_safe = qr/$re_file_safe_prefix\z/s; # extract -r and -k args $main::arg = ""; if ( @ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-[rk]$/ ) { $main::arg = ( $ARGV[0] eq '-k' ) ? "kill" : "restart"; shift @ARGV; } # test for another instance of the queued already running my ( $pid, $delayed_dirs, $adelayedcore ); if ( open( PIDFILE, "<", $conf::pidfile ) ) { chomp( $pid = ); close(PIDFILE); if ( !$pid ) { # remove stale pid file unlink($conf::pidfile); } elsif ($main::arg) { local ($|) = 1; print "Killing running daemon (pid $pid) ..."; kill( 15, $pid ); my $cnt = 20; while ( kill( 0, $pid ) && $cnt-- > 0 ) { sleep 1; print "."; } if ( kill( 0, $pid ) ) { print " failed!\nProcess $pid still running.\n"; exit 1; } print "ok\n"; if ( -e "$conf::incoming/core" ) { unlink("$conf::incoming/core"); print "(Removed core file)\n"; } for ( $delayed_dirs = 0 ; $delayed_dirs <= $conf::max_delayed ; $delayed_dirs++ ) { $adelayedcore = sprintf( "$conf::incoming_delayed/core", $delayed_dirs ); if ( -e $adelayedcore ) { unlink($adelayedcore); print "(Removed core file)\n"; } } ## end for ( $delayed_dirs = 0... exit 0 if $main::arg eq "kill"; } else { die "Another $main::progname is already running (pid $pid)\n" if $pid && kill( 0, $pid ); } } elsif ( $main::arg eq "kill" ) { die "No daemon running\n"; } elsif ( $main::arg eq "restart" ) { print "(No daemon running; starting anyway)\n"; } # if started without arguments (initial invocation), then fork if ( !@ARGV ) { # now go to background die "$main::progname: fork failed: $!\n" unless defined( $pid = fork ); if ($pid) { # parent: wait for signal from child (SIGCHLD or SIGUSR1) and exit my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(); $sigset->emptyset(); $SIG{"CHLD"} = sub { }; $SIG{"USR1"} = sub { }; POSIX::sigsuspend($sigset); waitpid( $pid, WNOHANG ); if ( kill( 0, $pid ) ) { print "Daemon (on $main::hostname) started in background (pid $pid)\n"; exit 0; } else { exit 1; } } else { # child setsid; if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { # exec an ssh-agent that starts us again # force shell to be /bin/sh, ssh-agent may base its decision # whether to use a fd or a Unix socket on the shell... $ENV{"SHELL"} = "/bin/sh"; exec $conf::ssh_agent, $0, "startup", getppid(); die "$main::progname: Could not exec $conf::ssh_agent: $!\n"; } else { # no need to exec, just set up @ARGV as expected below @ARGV = ( "startup", getppid() ); } } ## end else [ if ($pid) } ## end if ( !@ARGV ) die "Please start without any arguments.\n" if @ARGV != 2 || $ARGV[0] ne "startup"; my $parent_pid = $ARGV[1]; do { my $version; ( $version = 'Release: 0.95' ) =~ s/\$ ?//g; print "debianqueued $version\n"; }; # check if all programs exist my $prg; foreach $prg ( $conf::gpg, $conf::ssh, $conf::scp, $conf::ssh_agent, $conf::ssh_add, $conf::mail, $conf::mkfifo ) { die "Required program $prg doesn't exist or isn't executable\n" if !-x $prg; # check for correct upload method die "Bad upload method '$conf::upload_method'.\n" if $conf::upload_method ne "ssh" && $conf::upload_method ne "ftp" && $conf::upload_method ne "copy"; die "No keyrings\n" if !@conf::keyrings; } ## end foreach $prg ( $conf::gpg, ... die "statusfile path must be absolute." if $conf::statusfile !~ m,^/,; die "upload and target queue paths must be absolute." if $conf::incoming !~ m,^/, || $conf::incoming_delayed !~ m,^/, || $conf::targetdir !~ m,^/, || $conf::targetdir_delayed !~ m,^/,; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # initializations # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # prototypes sub calc_delta(); sub check_dir(); sub get_filelist_from_known_good_changes($); sub age_delayed_queues(); sub process_changes($\@); sub process_commands($); sub age_delayed_queues(); sub is_on_target($\@); sub copy_to_target(@); sub pgp_check($); sub check_alive(;$); sub check_incoming_writable(); sub fork_statusd(); sub write_status_file(); sub print_status($$$$$$); sub format_status_num(\$$); sub format_status_str(\$$); sub send_status(); sub ftp_open(); sub ftp_cmd($@); sub ftp_close(); sub ftp_response(); sub ftp_code(); sub ftp_error(); sub ssh_cmd($); sub scp_cmd(@); sub check_alive(;$); sub check_incoming_writable(); sub rm(@); sub md5sum($); sub msg($@); sub debug(@); sub init_mail(;$); sub finish_mail(); sub send_mail($$$); sub try_to_get_mail_addr($$); sub format_time(); sub print_time($); sub block_signals(); sub unblock_signals(); sub close_log($); sub kid_died($); sub restart_statusd(); sub fatal_signal($); $ENV{"PATH"} = "/bin:/usr/bin"; $ENV{"IFS"} = "" if defined( $ENV{"IFS"} && $ENV{"IFS"} ne "" ); # constants for stat sub ST_DEV() { 0 } sub ST_INO() { 1 } sub ST_MODE() { 2 } sub ST_NLINK() { 3 } sub ST_UID() { 4 } sub ST_GID() { 5 } sub ST_RDEV() { 6 } sub ST_SIZE() { 7 } sub ST_ATIME() { 8 } sub ST_MTIME() { 9 } sub ST_CTIME() { 10 } # fixed lengths of data items passed over status pipe sub STATNUM_LEN() { 30 } sub STATSTR_LEN() { 128 } # init list of signals defined $Config{sig_name} or die "$main::progname: No signal list defined!\n"; my $i = 0; my $name; foreach $name ( split( ' ', $Config{sig_name} ) ) { $main::signo{$name} = $i++; } @main::fatal_signals = qw( INT QUIT ILL TRAP ABRT BUS FPE USR2 SEGV PIPE TERM XCPU XFSZ PWR ); $main::block_sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new; $main::block_sigset->addset( $main::signo{"INT"} ); $main::block_sigset->addset( $main::signo{"TERM"} ); # some constant net stuff $main::tcp_proto = ( getprotobyname('tcp') )[2] or die "Cannot get protocol number for 'tcp'\n"; my $used_service = ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) ? "ssh" : "ftp"; $main::echo_port = ( getservbyname( $used_service, 'tcp' ) )[2] or die "Cannot get port number for service '$used_service'\n"; # clear queue of stored mails @main::stored_mails = (); # run ssh-add to bring the key into the agent (will use stdin/stdout) if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { system "$conf::ssh_add $conf::ssh_key_file" and die "$main::progname: Running $conf::ssh_add failed " . "(exit status ", $? >> 8, ")\n"; } # change to queue dir chdir($conf::incoming) or die "$main::progname: cannot cd to $conf::incoming: $!\n"; # needed before /dev/null redirects, some system send a SIGHUP when loosing # the controlling tty $SIG{"HUP"} = "IGNORE"; # open logfile, make it unbuffered open( LOG, ">>", $conf::logfile ) or die "Cannot open my logfile $conf::logfile: $!\n"; chmod( 0644, $conf::logfile ) or die "Cannot set modes of $conf::logfile: $!\n"; select( ( select(LOG), $| = 1 )[0] ); sleep(1); $SIG{"HUP"} = \&close_log; # redirect stdin, ... to /dev/null open( STDIN, "<", "/dev/null" ) or die "$main::progname: Can't redirect stdin to /dev/null: $!\n"; open( STDOUT, ">&", \*LOG ) or die "$main::progname: Can't redirect stdout to $conf::logfile: $!\n"; open( STDERR, ">&", \*LOG ) or die "$main::progname: Can't redirect stderr to $conf::logfile: $!\n"; # ok, from this point usually no "die" anymore, stderr is gone! msg( "log", "daemon (pid $$) (on $main::hostname) started\n" ); # initialize variables used by send_status before launching the status daemon $main::dstat = "i"; format_status_num( $main::next_run, time + 10 ); format_status_str( $main::current_changes, "" ); check_alive(); $main::incoming_writable = 1; # assume this for now # start the daemon watching the 'status' FIFO if ( $conf::statusfile && $conf::statusdelay == 0 ) { $main::statusd_pid = fork_statusd(); $SIG{"CHLD"} = \&kid_died; # watch out for dead status daemon # SIGUSR1 triggers status info $SIG{"USR1"} = \&send_status; } ## end if ( $conf::statusfile... $main::maind_pid = $$; END { kill( $main::signo{"ABRT"}, $$ ) if defined $main::signo{"ABRT"}; } # write the pid file open( PIDFILE, ">", $conf::pidfile ) or msg( "log", "Can't open $conf::pidfile: $!\n" ); printf PIDFILE "%5d\n", $$; close(PIDFILE); chmod( 0644, $conf::pidfile ) or die "Cannot set modes of $conf::pidfile: $!\n"; # other signals will just log an error and exit foreach (@main::fatal_signals) { $SIG{$_} = \&fatal_signal; } # send signal to user-started process that we're ready and it can exit kill( $main::signo{"USR1"}, $parent_pid ); # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the mainloop # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # default to classical incoming/target $main::current_incoming = $conf::incoming; $main::current_targetdir = $conf::targetdir; $main::dstat = "i"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; while (1) { # ping target only if there is the possibility that we'll contact it (but # also don't wait too long). my @have_changes = <*.changes *.commands *.dak-commands>; for ( my $delayed_dirs = 0 ; $delayed_dirs <= $conf::max_delayed ; $delayed_dirs++ ) { my $adelayeddir = sprintf( "$conf::incoming_delayed", $delayed_dirs ); push( @have_changes, <$adelayeddir/*.changes> ); } ## end for ( my $delayed_dirs ... check_alive() if @have_changes || ( time - $main::last_ping_time ) > 8 * 60 * 60; if ( @have_changes && $main::target_up ) { check_incoming_writable if !$main::incoming_writable; check_dir() if $main::incoming_writable; } $main::dstat = "i"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; if ( $conf::upload_method eq "copy" ) { age_delayed_queues(); } # sleep() returns if we received a signal (SIGUSR1 for status FIFO), so # calculate the end time once and wait for it being reached. format_status_num( $main::next_run, time + $conf::queue_delay ); my $delta; while ( ( $delta = calc_delta() ) > 0 ) { debug("mainloop sleeping $delta secs"); sleep($delta); # check if statusd died, if using status FIFO, or update status file if ($conf::statusdelay) { write_status_file(); } else { restart_statusd(); } } ## end while ( ( $delta = calc_delta... } ## end while (1) sub calc_delta() { my $delta; $delta = $main::next_run - time; $delta = $conf::statusdelay if $conf::statusdelay && $conf::statusdelay < $delta; return $delta; } ## end sub calc_delta() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main working functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # main function for checking the incoming dir # sub check_dir() { my ( @files, @changes, @keep_files, @this_keep_files, @stats, $file, $adelay ); debug("starting checkdir"); $main::dstat = "c"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; # test if needed binaries are available; this is if they're on maybe # slow-mounted NFS filesystems foreach (@conf::test_binaries) { next if -f $_; # maybe the mount succeeds now sleep 5; next if -f $_; msg( "log", "binary test failed for $_; delaying queue run\n" ); goto end_run; } ## end foreach (@conf::test_binaries) for ( $adelay = -1 ; $adelay <= $conf::max_delayed ; $adelay++ ) { if ( $adelay == -1 ) { $main::current_incoming = $conf::incoming; $main::current_incoming_short = ""; $main::current_targetdir = $conf::targetdir; } else { $main::current_incoming = sprintf( $conf::incoming_delayed, $adelay ); $main::current_incoming_short = sprintf( "DELAYED/%d-day", $adelay ); $main::current_targetdir = sprintf( $conf::targetdir_delayed, $adelay ); } # need to clear directory specific variables undef(@keep_files); undef(@this_keep_files); chdir($main::current_incoming) or ( msg( "log", "Cannot change to dir " . "${main::current_incoming_short}: $!\n" ), return ); # look for *.commands and *.dak-commands files but not in delayed queues if ( $adelay == -1 ) { foreach $file (<*.commands>) { next unless $file =~ /$re_file_safe/; init_mail($file); block_signals(); process_commands($file); unblock_signals(); $main::dstat = "c"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; finish_mail(); } ## end foreach $file (<*.commands>) foreach $file (<*.dak-commands>) { next unless $file =~ /$re_file_safe/; init_mail($file); block_signals(); process_dak_commands($file); unblock_signals(); $main::dstat = "c"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; finish_mail(); } } ## end if ( $adelay == -1 ) opendir( INC, "." ) or ( msg( "log", "Cannot open dir ${main::current_incoming_short}: $!\n" ), return ); @files = readdir(INC); closedir(INC); # process all .changes files found @changes = grep /\.changes$/, @files; push( @keep_files, @changes ); # .changes files aren't stray foreach $file (@changes) { next unless $file =~ /$re_file_safe/; init_mail($file); # wrap in an eval to allow jumpbacks to here with die in case # of errors block_signals(); eval { process_changes( $file, @this_keep_files ); }; unblock_signals(); msg( "log,mail", $@ ) if $@; $main::dstat = "c"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; # files which are ok in conjunction with this .changes debug("$file tells to keep @this_keep_files"); push( @keep_files, @this_keep_files ); finish_mail(); # break out of this loop if the incoming dir has become unwritable goto end_run if !$main::incoming_writable; } ## end foreach $file (@changes) ftp_close() if $conf::upload_method eq "ftp"; # find files which aren't related to any .changes foreach $file (@files) { # filter out files we never want to delete next if !-f $file || # may have disappeared in the meantime $file eq "." || $file eq ".." || ( grep { $_ eq $file } @keep_files ) || $file =~ /$conf::keep_files/; # Delete such files if they're older than # $stray_remove_timeout; they could be part of an # yet-incomplete upload, with the .changes still missing. # Cannot send any notification, since owner unknown. next if !( @stats = stat($file) ); my $age = time - $stats[ST_MTIME]; my ( $maint, $pattern, @job_files ); if ( $file =~ /^junk-for-writable-test/ || $file !~ m,$conf::valid_files, || $file !~ /$re_file_safe/ || $age >= $conf::stray_remove_timeout ) { msg( "log", "Deleted stray file ${main::current_incoming_short}/$file\n" ) if rm($file); } else { debug( "found stray file ${main::current_incoming_short}/$file, deleting in ", print_time( $conf::stray_remove_timeout - $age ) ); } ## end else [ if ( $file =~ /^junk-for-writable-test/... } ## end foreach $file (@files) } ## end for ( $adelay = -1 ; $adelay... chdir($conf::incoming); end_run: $main::dstat = "i"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; } ## end sub check_dir() sub get_filelist_from_known_good_changes($) { my $changes = shift; local (*CHANGES); my (@filenames); # parse the .changes file open( CHANGES, "<", $changes ) or die "$changes: $!\n"; outer_loop: while () { if (/^Files:/i) { while () { redo outer_loop if !/^\s/; my @field = split(/\s+/); next if @field != 6; # forbid shell meta chars in the name, we pass it to a # subshell several times... $field[5] =~ /$re_file_safe/; if ( $1 ne $field[5] ) { msg( "log", "found suspicious filename $field[5]\n" ); next; } push( @filenames, $field[5] ); } ## end while () } ## end if (/^Files:/i) } ## end while () close(CHANGES); return @filenames; } ## end sub get_filelist_from_known_good_changes($) # # process one .changes file # sub process_changes($\@) { my $changes = shift; my $keep_list = shift; my ( $pgplines, @files, @filenames, @changes_stats, $failure_file, $retries, $last_retry, $upload_time, $file, $do_report, $ls_l, $problems_reported, $errs, $pkgname, $signator, $extralines ); local (*CHANGES); local (*FAILS); format_status_str( $main::current_changes, "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes" ); $main::dstat = "c"; $main::mail_addr = ""; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; @$keep_list = (); msg( "log", "processing ${main::current_incoming_short}/$changes\n" ); # run PGP on the file to check the signature if ( !( $signator = pgp_check($changes) ) ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes has bad PGP/GnuPG signature!\n" ); goto remove_only_changes; } elsif ( $signator eq "LOCAL ERROR" ) { # An error has appened when starting pgp... Don't process the file, # but also don't delete it debug( "Can't PGP/GnuPG check $main::current_incoming_short/$changes -- don't process it for now" ); return; } ## end elsif ( $signator eq "LOCAL ERROR") # parse the .changes file open( CHANGES, "<", $changes ) or die "Cannot open ${main::current_incoming_short}/$changes: $!\n"; $pgplines = 0; $extralines = 0; @files = (); outer_loop: while () { if (/^---+(BEGIN|END) PGP .*---+$/) { ++$pgplines; next; } if ( $pgplines < 1 or $pgplines >= 3 ) { $extralines++ if length $_ > 1; next; } if (/^Maintainer:\s*/i) { chomp( $main::mail_addr = $' ); $main::mail_addr = $1 if $main::mail_addr =~ /<([^>]*)>/; } elsif (/^Source:\s*/i) { chomp( $pkgname = $' ); $pkgname =~ s/\s+$//; $main::packages{$pkgname}++; } elsif (/^Files:/i) { while () { redo outer_loop if !/^\s/; my @field = split(/\s+/); next if @field != 6; # forbid shell meta chars in the name, we pass it to a # subshell several times... $field[5] =~ /$re_file_safe/; if ( $1 ne $field[5] ) { msg( "log", "found suspicious filename $field[5]\n" ); msg( "mail", "File '$field[5]' mentioned in $main::current_incoming_short/$changes\n", "has bad characters in its name. Removed.\n" ); rm( $field[5] ); next; } ## end if ( $1 ne $field[5] ) push( @files, { md5 => $field[1], size => $field[2], name => $field[5] } ); push( @filenames, $field[5] ); debug( "includes file $field[5], size $field[2], ", "md5 $field[1]" ); } ## end while () } ## end elsif (/^Files:/i) } ## end while () close(CHANGES); # tell check_dir that the files mentioned in this .changes aren't stray, # we know about them somehow @$keep_list = @filenames; # some consistency checks if ( $extralines ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes contained lines outside the pgp signed " ."part, cannot process\n" ); goto remove_only_changes; } ## end if ( $extralines ) if ( !$main::mail_addr ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes doesn't contain a Maintainer: field; " . "cannot process\n" ); goto remove_only_changes; } ## end if ( !$main::mail_addr) if ( $main::mail_addr !~ /^(buildd_\S+-\S+|\S+\@\S+\.\S+)/ ) { # doesn't look like a mail address, maybe only the name my ( $new_addr, @addr_list ); if ( $new_addr = try_to_get_mail_addr( $main::mail_addr, \@addr_list ) ) { # substitute (unique) found addr, but give a warning msg( "mail", "(The Maintainer: field didn't contain a proper " . "mail address.\n" ); msg( "mail", "Looking for `$main::mail_addr' in the Debian " . "keyring gave your address\n" ); msg( "mail", "as unique result, so I used this.)\n" ); msg( "log", "Substituted $new_addr for malformed " . "$main::mail_addr\n" ); $main::mail_addr = $new_addr; } else { # not found or not unique: hold the job and inform queue maintainer my $old_addr = $main::mail_addr; $main::mail_addr = $conf::maintainer_mail; msg( "mail", "The job ${main::current_incoming_short}/$changes doesn't have a correct email\n" ); msg( "mail", "address in the Maintainer: field:\n" ); msg( "mail", " $old_addr\n" ); msg( "mail", "A check for this in the Debian keyring gave:\n" ); msg( "mail", @addr_list ? " " . join( ", ", @addr_list ) . "\n" : " nothing\n" ); msg( "mail", "Please fix this manually\n" ); msg( "log", "Bad Maintainer: field in ${main::current_incoming_short}/$changes: $old_addr\n" ); goto remove_only_changes; } ## end else [ if ( $new_addr = try_to_get_mail_addr... } ## end if ( $main::mail_addr ... if ( $pgplines < 3 ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes isn't signed with PGP/GnuPG\n" ); msg( "log", "(uploader $main::mail_addr)\n" ); goto remove_only_changes; } ## end if ( $pgplines < 3 ) if ( !@files ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes doesn't mention any files\n" ); msg( "log", "(uploader $main::mail_addr)\n" ); goto remove_only_changes; } ## end if ( !@files ) # check for packages that shouldn't be processed if ( grep( $_ eq $pkgname, @conf::nonus_packages ) ) { msg( "log,mail", "$pkgname is a package that must be uploaded " . "to nonus.debian.org\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "instead of target.\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "Job rejected and removed all files belonging " . "to it:\n" ); msg( "log,mail", " ", join( ", ", @filenames ), "\n" ); rm( $changes, @filenames ); return; } ## end if ( grep( $_ eq $pkgname... $failure_file = $changes . ".failures"; $retries = $last_retry = 0; if ( -f $failure_file ) { open( FAILS, "<", $failure_file ) or die "Cannot open $main::current_incoming_short/$failure_file: $!\n"; my $line = ; close(FAILS); ( $retries, $last_retry ) = ( $1, $2 ) if $line =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/; push( @$keep_list, $failure_file ); } ## end if ( -f $failure_file ) die "Cannot stat ${main::current_incoming_short}/$changes (??): $!\n" if !( @changes_stats = stat($changes) ); # Make $upload_time the maximum of all modification times of files # related to this .changes (and the .changes it self). This is the # last time something changes to these files. $upload_time = $changes_stats[ST_MTIME]; for $file (@files) { my @stats; next if !( @stats = stat( $file->{"name"} ) ); $file->{"stats"} = \@stats; $upload_time = $stats[ST_MTIME] if $stats[ST_MTIME] > $upload_time; } ## end for $file (@files) $do_report = ( time - $upload_time ) > $conf::problem_report_timeout; $problems_reported = $changes_stats[ST_MODE] & S_ISGID; # if any of the files is newer than the .changes' ctime (the time # we sent a report and set the sticky bit), send new problem reports if ( $problems_reported && $changes_stats[ST_CTIME] < $upload_time ) { $problems_reported = 0; chmod +( $changes_stats[ST_MODE] &= ~S_ISGID ), $changes; debug("upload_time>changes-ctime => resetting problems reported"); } debug("do_report=$do_report problems_reported=$problems_reported"); # now check all files for correct size and md5 sum for $file (@files) { my $filename = $file->{"name"}; if ( !defined( $file->{"stats"} ) ) { # could be an upload that isn't complete yet, be quiet, # but don't process the file; msg( "log,mail", "$filename doesn't exist\n" ) if $do_report && !$problems_reported; msg( "log", "$filename doesn't exist (ignored for now)\n" ) if !$do_report; msg( "log", "$filename doesn't exist (already reported)\n" ) if $problems_reported; ++$errs; } elsif ( $file->{"stats"}->[ST_SIZE] < $file->{"size"} && !$do_report ) { # could be an upload that isn't complete yet, be quiet, # but don't process the file msg( "log", "$filename is too small (ignored for now)\n" ); ++$errs; } elsif ( $file->{"stats"}->[ST_SIZE] != $file->{"size"} ) { msg( "log,mail", "$filename has incorrect size; deleting it\n" ); rm($filename); ++$errs; } elsif ( md5sum($filename) ne $file->{"md5"} ) { msg( "log,mail", "$filename has incorrect md5 checksum; ", "deleting it\n" ); rm($filename); ++$errs; } ## end elsif ( md5sum($filename)... } ## end for $file (@files) if ($errs) { if ( ( time - $upload_time ) > $conf::bad_changes_timeout ) { # if a .changes fails for a really long time (several days # or so), remove it and all associated files msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes couldn't be processed for ", int( $conf::bad_changes_timeout / ( 60 * 60 ) ), " hours and is now deleted\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "All files it mentions are also removed:\n" ); msg( "log,mail", " ", join( ", ", @filenames ), "\n" ); rm( $changes, @filenames, $failure_file ); } elsif ( $do_report && !$problems_reported ) { # otherwise, send a problem report, if not done already msg( "mail", "Due to the errors above, the .changes file couldn't ", "be processed.\n", "Please fix the problems for the upload to happen.\n" ); # remember we already have sent a mail regarding this file debug("Sending problem report mail and setting SGID bit"); my $mode = $changes_stats[ST_MODE] |= S_ISGID; msg( "log", "chmod failed: $!" ) if ( chmod( $mode, $changes ) != 1 ); } ## end elsif ( $do_report && !$problems_reported) # else: be quiet return; } ## end if ($errs) # if this upload already failed earlier, wait until the delay requirement # is fulfilled if ( $retries > 0 && ( time - $last_retry ) < ( $retries == 1 ? $conf::upload_delay_1 : $conf::upload_delay_2 ) ) { msg( "log", "delaying retry of upload\n" ); return; } ## end if ( $retries > 0 && (... return if !ftp_open(); # check if the job is already present on target # (moved to here, to avoid bothering target as long as there are errors in # the job) if ( $ls_l = is_on_target( $changes, @filenames ) ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$changes is already present on target host:\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "$ls_l\n" ); msg( "mail", "Either you already uploaded it, or someone else ", "came first.\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "Job $changes removed.\n" ); rm( $changes, @filenames, $failure_file ); return; } ## end if ( $ls_l = is_on_target... # clear sgid bit before upload, scp would copy it to target. We don't need # it anymore, we know there are no problems if we come here. Also change # mode of files to 644 if this should be done locally. $changes_stats[ST_MODE] &= ~S_ISGID; if ( !$conf::chmod_on_target ) { $changes_stats[ST_MODE] &= ~0777; $changes_stats[ST_MODE] |= 0644; } chmod +( $changes_stats[ST_MODE] ), $changes; # try uploading to target if ( !copy_to_target( $changes, @filenames ) ) { # if the upload failed, increment the retry counter and remember the # current time; both things are written to the .failures file. Don't # increment the fail counter if the error was due to incoming # unwritable. return if !$main::incoming_writable; if ( ++$retries >= $conf::max_upload_retries ) { msg( "log,mail", "$changes couldn't be uploaded for $retries times now.\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "Giving up and removing it and its associated files:\n" ); msg( "log,mail", " ", join( ", ", @filenames ), "\n" ); rm( $changes, @filenames, $failure_file ); } else { $last_retry = time; if ( open( FAILS, ">", $failure_file ) ) { print FAILS "$retries $last_retry\n"; close(FAILS); chmod( 0600, $failure_file ) or die "Cannot set modes of $failure_file: $!\n"; } ## end if ( open( FAILS, ">$failure_file"... push( @$keep_list, $failure_file ); debug("now $retries failed uploads"); msg( "mail", "The upload will be retried in ", print_time( $retries == 1 ? $conf::upload_delay_1 : $conf::upload_delay_2 ), "\n" ); } ## end else [ if ( ++$retries >= $conf::max_upload_retries) return; } ## end if ( !copy_to_target( ... # If the files were uploaded ok, remove them rm( $changes, @filenames, $failure_file ); msg( "mail", "$changes uploaded successfully to $conf::target\n" ); msg( "mail", "along with the files:\n ", join( "\n ", @filenames ), "\n" ); msg( "log", "$changes processed successfully (uploader $main::mail_addr)\n" ); return; remove_only_changes: msg( "log,mail", "Removing $main::current_incoming_short/$changes, but keeping its " . "associated files for now.\n" ); rm($changes); return; # Check for files that have the same stem as the .changes (and weren't # mentioned there) and delete them. It happens often enough that people # upload a .orig.tar.gz where it isn't needed and also not in the # .changes. Explicitly deleting it (and not waiting for the # $stray_remove_timeout) reduces clutter in the queue dir and maybe also # educates uploaders :-) # my $pattern = debian_file_stem( $changes ); # my $spattern = substr( $pattern, 0, -1 ); # strip off '*' at end # my @other_files = glob($pattern); # filter out files that have a Debian revision at all and a different # revision. Those belong to a different upload. # if ($changes =~ /^\Q$spattern\E-([\d.+-]+)/) { # my $this_rev = $1; # @other_files = grep( !/^\Q$spattern\E-([\d.+-]+)/ || $1 eq $this_rev, # @other_files); #} # Also do not remove those files if a .changes is among them. Then there # is probably a second upload for another version or another architecture. # if (@other_files && !grep( /\.changes$/, @other_files )) { # rm( @other_files ); # msg( "mail", "\nThe following file(s) seemed to belong to the same ". # "upload, but weren't listed\n" ); # msg( "mail", "in the .changes file:\n " ); # msg( "mail", join( "\n ", @other_files ), "\n" ); # msg( "mail", "They have been deleted.\n" ); # msg( "log", "Deleted files in upload not in $changes: @other_files\n" ); #} } ## end sub process_changes($\@) # # process one .dak-commands file # sub process_dak_commands { my $commands = shift; msg("log", "processing ${main::current_incoming_short}/$commands\n"); # TODO: get mail address from signed contents # and NOT implement a third parser for armored PGP... $main::mail_addr = undef; # check signature my $signator = pgp_check($commands); if (!$signator) { msg("log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands has bad PGP/GnuPG signature!\n"); msg("log,mail", "Removing $main::current_incoming_short/$commands\n"); rm($commands); return; } elsif ($signator eq 'LOCAL ERROR') { debug("Can't check signature for $main::current_incoming_short/$commands -- don't process it for now"); return; } msg("log,mail", "(PGP/GnuPG signature by $signator)\n"); return if !ftp_open(); # check target my @filenames = ($commands); if (my $ls_l = is_on_target($commands, @filenames)) { msg("log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands is already present on target host:\n"); msg("log,mail", "$ls_l\n"); msg("log,mail", "Job $commands removed.\n"); rm($commands); return; } if (!copy_to_target($commands)) { msg("log,mail", "$commands couldn't be uploaded to target.\n"); msg("log,mail", "Giving up and removing it.\n"); rm($commands); return; } rm($commands); msg("mail", "$commands uploaded successfully to $conf::target\n"); } # # process one .commands file # sub process_commands($) { my $commands = shift; my ( @cmds, $cmd, $pgplines, $signator ); local (*COMMANDS); my ($file, @removed, $target_delay ); format_status_str( $main::current_changes, $commands ); $main::dstat = "c"; $main::mail_addr = ""; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; msg( "log", "processing $main::current_incoming_short/$commands\n" ); # run PGP on the file to check the signature if ( !( $signator = pgp_check($commands) ) ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands has bad PGP/GnuPG signature!\n" ); goto remove; } elsif ( $signator eq "LOCAL ERROR" ) { # An error has appened when starting pgp... Don't process the file, # but also don't delete it debug( "Can't PGP/GnuPG check $main::current_incoming_short/$commands -- don't process it for now" ); return; } ## end elsif ( $signator eq "LOCAL ERROR") msg( "log", "(PGP/GnuPG signature by $signator)\n" ); # parse the .commands file if ( !open( COMMANDS, "<", $commands ) ) { msg( "log", "Cannot open $main::current_incoming_short/$commands: $!\n" ); return; } $pgplines = 0; @cmds = (); outer_loop: while () { if (/^---+(BEGIN|END) PGP .*---+$/) { ++$pgplines; } elsif (/^Uploader:\s*/i) { chomp( $main::mail_addr = $' ); $main::mail_addr = $1 if $main::mail_addr =~ /<([^>]*)>/; } elsif (/^Commands:/i) { $_ = $'; for ( ; ; ) { s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/; # delete whitespace at both ends if ( !/^\s*$/ ) { push( @cmds, $_ ); debug("includes cmd $_"); } last outer_loop if !defined( $_ = scalar() ); chomp; redo outer_loop if !/^\s/ || /^$/; } ## end for ( ; ; ) } ## end elsif (/^Commands:/i) } ## end while () close(COMMANDS); # some consistency checks if ( !$main::mail_addr || $main::mail_addr !~ /^\S+\@\S+\.\S+/ ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands contains no or bad Uploader: field: " . "$main::mail_addr\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "cannot process $main::current_incoming_short/$commands\n" ); $main::mail_addr = ""; goto remove; } ## end if ( !$main::mail_addr... msg( "log", "(command uploader $main::mail_addr)\n" ); if ( $pgplines < 3 ) { msg( "log,mail", "$main::current_incoming_short/$commands isn't signed with PGP/GnuPG\n" ); msg( "mail", "or the uploaded file is broken. Make sure to transfer in binary mode\n" ); msg( "mail", "or better yet - use dcut for commands files\n" ); goto remove; } ## end if ( $pgplines < 3 ) # now process commands msg( "mail", "Log of processing your commands file $main::current_incoming_short/$commands:\n\n" ); foreach $cmd (@cmds) { my @word = split( /\s+/, $cmd ); msg( "mail,log", "> @word\n" ); my $selecteddelayed = -1; next if @word < 1; if ( $word[0] eq "rm" ) { my @files = (); foreach ( @word[ 1 .. $#word ] ) { my $origword = $_; if (m,^DELAYED/([0-9]+)-day/,) { $selecteddelayed = $1; s,^DELAYED/[0-9]+-day/,,; } if (m,(^|/)\*,) { msg("mail,log", "$_: filename component cannot start with a wildcard\n"); } elsif ( $origword eq "--searchdirs" ) { $selecteddelayed = -2; } elsif (m,/,) { msg( "mail,log", "$_: filename may not contain slashes except for DELAYED/#-day/ prefixes\n" ); } else { # process wildcards but also plain names my (@thesefiles); my $pat = quotemeta($_); $pat =~ s/\\\*/.*/g; $pat =~ s/\\\?/.?/g; $pat =~ s/\\([][])/$1/g; if ( $selecteddelayed < 0 ) { # scanning or explicitly incoming opendir( DIR, "." ); push( @thesefiles, grep /^$pat$/, readdir(DIR) ); closedir(DIR); } if ( $selecteddelayed >= 0 ) { my $dir = sprintf( $conf::incoming_delayed, $selecteddelayed ); opendir( DIR, $dir ); push( @thesefiles, map ( "$dir/$_", grep /^$pat$/, readdir(DIR) ) ); closedir(DIR); } elsif ( $selecteddelayed == -2 ) { for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ; ( !@thesefiles ) && $adelay <= $conf::max_delayed ; $adelay++ ) { my $dir = sprintf( $conf::incoming_delayed, $adelay ); opendir( DIR, $dir ); push( @thesefiles, map ( "$dir/$_", grep /^$pat$/, readdir(DIR) ) ); closedir(DIR); } ## end for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ... } ## end elsif ( $selecteddelayed ... push( @files, @thesefiles ); if ( !@thesefiles ) { msg( "mail,log", "$origword did not match anything\n" ); } } ## end else [ if ( $origword eq "--searchdirs") } ## end foreach ( @word[ 1 .. $#word... if ( !@files ) { msg( "mail,log", "No files to delete\n" ); } else { @removed = (); foreach $file (@files) { if ( !-f $file ) { msg( "mail,log", "$file: no such file\n" ); } elsif ( $file =~ /$conf::keep_files/ ) { msg( "mail,log", "$file is protected, cannot " . "remove\n" ); } elsif ( !unlink($file) ) { msg( "mail,log", "$file: rm: $!\n" ); } else { $file =~ s,$conf::incoming/?,,; push( @removed, $file ); } } ## end foreach $file (@files) msg( "mail,log", "Files removed: @removed\n" ) if @removed; } ## end else [ if ( !@files ) } elsif ( $word[0] eq "reschedule" ) { if ( @word != 3 ) { msg( "mail,log", "Wrong number of arguments\n" ); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method ne "copy" ) { msg( "mail,log", "reschedule not available\n" ); } elsif ( $word[1] =~ m,/, || $word[1] !~ m/\.changes/ ) { msg( "mail,log", "$word[1]: filename may not contain slashes and must be .changes\n" ); } elsif ( !( ($target_delay) = $word[2] =~ m,^([0-9]+)-day$, ) || $target_delay > $conf::max_delayed ) { msg( "mail,log", "$word[2]: rescheduling target must be #-day with # between 0 and $conf::max_delayed (in particular, no '/' allowed)\n" ); } elsif ( $word[1] =~ /$conf::keep_files/ ) { msg( "mail,log", "$word[1] is protected, cannot do stuff with it\n" ); } else { my ($adelay); for ( $adelay = 0 ; $adelay <= $conf::max_delayed && !-f ( sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $adelay ) . "/$word[1]" ) ; $adelay++ ) { } ## end for ( $adelay = 0 ; $adelay... if ( $adelay > $conf::max_delayed ) { msg( "mail,log", "$word[1] not found\n" ); } elsif ( $adelay == $target_delay ) { msg( "mail,log", "$word[1] already is in $word[2]\n" ); } else { my (@thesefiles); my ($dir) = sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $adelay ); my ($target_dir) = sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $target_delay ); push( @thesefiles, $word[1] ); push( @thesefiles, get_filelist_from_known_good_changes("$dir/$word[1]") ); for my $afile (@thesefiles) { if ( $afile =~ m/\.changes$/ ) { utime undef, undef, ("$dir/$afile"); } if ( !move("$dir/$afile", "$target_dir/$afile") ) { msg( "mail,log", "move: $!\n" ); } else { msg( "mail,log", "$afile moved to $target_delay-day\n" ); } } ## end for my $afile (@thesefiles) } ## end else [ if ( $adelay > $conf::max_delayed) } ## end else [ if ( @word != 3 ) } elsif ( $word[0] eq "cancel" ) { if ( @word != 2 ) { msg( "mail,log", "Wrong number of arguments\n" ); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method ne "copy" ) { msg( "mail,log", "cancel not available\n" ); } elsif ( $word[1] !~ m,$re_file_safe_prefix\.changes\z, ) { msg( "mail,log", "argument to cancel must be one .changes filename without path\n" ); } ## end elsif ( $word[1] !~ ... my (@files) = (); for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ; $adelay <= $conf::max_delayed ; $adelay++ ) { my ($dir) = sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $adelay ); if ( -f "$dir/$word[1]" ) { @removed = (); push( @files, "$word[1]" ); push( @files, get_filelist_from_known_good_changes("$dir/$word[1]") ); foreach $file (@files) { if ( !-f "$dir/$file" ) { msg( "mail,log", "$dir/$file: no such file\n" ); } elsif ( "$dir/$file" =~ /$conf::keep_files/ ) { msg( "mail,log", "$dir/$file is protected, cannot " . "remove\n" ); } elsif ( !unlink("$dir/$file") ) { msg( "mail,log", "$dir/$file: rm: $!\n" ); } else { push( @removed, $file ); } } ## end foreach $file (@files) msg( "mail,log", "Files removed from $adelay-day: @removed\n" ) if @removed; } ## end if ( -f "$dir/$word[1]") } ## end for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ... if ( !@files ) { msg( "mail,log", "No upload found: $word[1]\n" ); } } else { msg( "mail,log", "unknown command $word[0]\n" ); } } ## end foreach $cmd (@cmds) rm($commands); msg( "log", "-- End of $main::current_incoming_short/$commands processing\n" ); return; remove: msg("log,mail", "Removing $main::current_incoming_short/$commands\n"); rm($commands); return; } ## end sub process_commands($) sub age_delayed_queues() { for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ; $adelay <= $conf::max_delayed ; $adelay++ ) { my ($dir) = sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $adelay ); my ($target_dir); if ( $adelay == 0 ) { $target_dir = $conf::targetdir; } else { $target_dir = sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $adelay - 1 ); } for my $achanges (<$dir/*.changes>) { my $mtime = ( stat($achanges) )[9]; if ( $mtime + 24 * 60 * 60 <= time || $adelay == 0 ) { utime undef, undef, ($achanges); my @thesefiles = ( $achanges =~ m,.*/([^/]*), ); push( @thesefiles, get_filelist_from_known_good_changes($achanges) ); for my $afile (@thesefiles) { if ( !move("$dir/$afile", "$target_dir/$afile") ) { msg( "log", "move: $!\n" ); } else { msg( "log", "$afile moved to $target_dir\n" ); } } ## end for my $afile (@thesefiles) } ## end if ( $mtime + 24 * 60 ... } ## end for my $achanges (<$dir/*.changes>) } ## end for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ... } ## end sub age_delayed_queues() # # check if a file is already on target # sub is_on_target($\@) { my $file = shift; my $filelist = shift; my $msg; my $stat; if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { ( $msg, $stat ) = ssh_cmd("ls -l $file"); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) { my $err; ( $msg, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "dir", $file ); if ($err) { $stat = 1; $msg = $err; } elsif ( !$msg ) { $stat = 1; $msg = "ls: no such file\n"; } else { $stat = 0; $msg = join( "\n", @$msg ); } } else { my @allfiles = ($file); push( @allfiles, @$filelist ); $stat = 1; $msg = "no such file"; for my $afile (@allfiles) { if ( -f "$conf::targetdir/$afile" ) { $stat = 0; $msg = "$afile"; } } ## end for my $afile (@allfiles) for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ; $adelay <= $conf::max_delayed && $stat ; $adelay++ ) { for my $afile (@allfiles) { if ( -f ( sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed", $adelay ) . "/$afile" ) ) { $stat = 0; $msg = sprintf( "%d-day", $adelay ) . "/$afile"; } ## end if ( -f ( sprintf( "$conf::targetdir_delayed"... } ## end for my $afile (@allfiles) } ## end for ( my ($adelay) = 0 ... } ## end else [ if ( $conf::upload_method... chomp($msg); debug("exit status: $stat, output was: $msg"); return "" if $stat && $msg =~ /no such file/i; # file not present msg( "log", "strange ls -l output on target:\n", $msg ), return "" if $stat || $@; # some other error, but still try to upload # ls -l returned 0 -> file already there $msg =~ s/\s\s+/ /g; # make multiple spaces into one, to save space return $msg; } ## end sub is_on_target($\@) # # copy a list of files to target # sub copy_to_target(@) { my @files = @_; my ( @md5sum, @expected_files, $sum, $name, $msgs, $stat ); $main::dstat = "u"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; # copy the files if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { ( $msgs, $stat ) = scp_cmd(@files); goto err if $stat; } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) { my ( $rv, $file ); if ( !$main::FTP_chan->cwd($main::current_targetdir) ) { msg( "log,mail", "Can't cd to $main::current_targetdir on $conf::target\n" ); goto err; } foreach $file (@files) { ( $rv, $msgs ) = ftp_cmd( "put", $file ); goto err if !$rv; } } else { for my $file (@files) { eval { File::Copy::copy($file, $main::current_targetdir) }; if ($@) { $stat = 1; $msgs = $@; goto err; } } } # check md5sums or sizes on target against our own my $have_md5sums = 1; if ($conf::check_md5sum) { if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { ( $msgs, $stat ) = ssh_cmd("md5sum @files"); goto err if $stat; @md5sum = split( "\n", $msgs ); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) { my ( $rv, $err, $file ); foreach $file (@files) { ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "quot", "site", "md5sum", $file ); if ($err) { next if ftp_code() == 550; # file not found if ( ftp_code() == 500 ) { # unimplemented $have_md5sums = 0; goto get_sizes_instead; } $msgs = $err; goto err; } ## end if ($err) chomp( my $t = ftp_response() ); push( @md5sum, $t ); } ## end foreach $file (@files) if ( !$have_md5sums ) { get_sizes_instead: foreach $file (@files) { ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "size", $file ); if ($err) { next if ftp_code() == 550; # file not found $msgs = $err; goto err; } push( @md5sum, "$rv $file" ); } ## end foreach $file (@files) } ## end if ( !$have_md5sums ) } else { for my $file (@files) { my $md5 = eval { md5sum("$main::current_targetdir/$file") }; if ($@) { $msgs = $@; goto err; } push @md5sum, "$md5 $file" if $md5; } } @expected_files = @files; foreach (@md5sum) { chomp; ( $sum, $name ) = split; next if !grep { $_ eq $name } @files; # a file we didn't upload?? next if $sum eq "md5sum:"; # looks like an error message if ( ( $have_md5sums && $sum ne md5sum($name) ) || ( !$have_md5sums && $sum != ( -s $name ) ) ) { msg( "log,mail", "Upload of $name to $conf::target failed ", "(" . ( $have_md5sums ? "md5sum" : "size" ) . " mismatch)\n" ); goto err; } ## end if ( ( $have_md5sums &&... # seen that file, remove it from expect list @expected_files = map { $_ eq $name ? () : $_ } @expected_files; } ## end foreach (@md5sum) if (@expected_files) { msg( "log,mail", "Failed to upload the files\n" ); msg( "log,mail", " ", join( ", ", @expected_files ), "\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "(Not present on target after upload)\n" ); goto err; } ## end if (@expected_files) } ## end if ($conf::check_md5sum) if ($conf::chmod_on_target) { # change file's mode explicitly to 644 on target if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { ( $msgs, $stat ) = ssh_cmd("chmod 644 @files"); goto err if $stat; } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) { my ( $rv, $file ); foreach $file (@files) { ( $rv, $msgs ) = ftp_cmd( "quot", "site", "chmod", "644", $file ); msg( "log", "Can't chmod $file on target:\n$msgs" ) if $msgs; goto err if !$rv; } ## end foreach $file (@files) } else { for my $file (@files) { unless (chmod 0644, "$main::current_targetdir/$file") { $msgs = "Could not chmod $file: $!"; goto err; } } } } ## end if ($conf::chmod_on_target) $main::dstat = "c"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; return 1; err: msg( "log,mail", "Upload to $conf::target failed", $? ? ", last exit status " . sprintf( "%s", $? >> 8 ) : "", "\n" ); msg( "log,mail", "Error messages:\n", $msgs ) if $msgs; # If "permission denied" was among the errors, test if the incoming is # writable at all. if ( $msgs && $msgs =~ /(permission denied|read-?only file)/i ) { if ( !check_incoming_writable() ) { msg( "log,mail", "(The incoming directory seems to be ", "unwritable.)\n" ); } } ## end if ( $msgs =~ /(permission denied|read-?only file)/i) # remove bad files or an incomplete upload on target if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { ssh_cmd("rm -f @files"); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) { my $file; foreach $file (@files) { my ( $rv, $err ); ( $rv, $err ) = ftp_cmd( "delete", $file ); msg( "log", "Can't delete $file on target:\n$err" ) if $err; } ## end foreach $file (@files) } else { my @tfiles = map { "$main::current_targetdir/$_" } @files; debug("executing unlink(@tfiles)"); rm(@tfiles); } $main::dstat = "c"; write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; return 0; } ## end sub copy_to_target(@) # # check if a file is correctly signed with PGP # sub pgp_check($) { my $file = shift; my $output = ""; my $signator; my $found = 0; my $stat = 1; local (*PIPE); local $_; if ($file =~ /$re_file_safe/) { $file = $1; } else { msg( "log", "Tainted filename, skipping: $file\n" ); return "LOCAL ERROR"; } # check the file has only one clear-signed section my $fh; unless (open $fh, "<", $file) { msg("log,mail", "Could not open $file\n"); return ""; } unless (<$fh> eq "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n") { msg("log,mail", "$file: does not start with a clearsigned message\n"); return ""; } my $pgplines = 1; while (<$fh>) { if (/\A- /) { msg("log,mail", "$file: dash-escaped messages are not accepted\n"); return ""; } elsif ($_ eq "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n" || $_ eq "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n") { $pgplines++; } elsif (/\A--/) { msg("log,mail", "$file: unexpected OpenPGP armor\n"); return ""; } elsif ($pgplines > 3 && /\S/) { msg("log,mail", "$file: found text after end of signature\n"); return ""; } } if ($pgplines != 3) { msg("log,mail", "$file: doesn't seem to be a valid clearsigned OpenPGP message\n"); return ""; } close $fh; if ( -x $conf::gpg ) { my @command = ("$conf::gpg", "--no-options", "--batch", "--no-tty", "--trust-model", "always", "--no-default-keyring", (map +("--keyring" => $_), @conf::keyrings), "--verify", "-"); debug( "executing " . join(" ", @command) ); my $child = open(PIPE, "-|"); if (!defined($child)) { msg("log", "Can't open pipe to $conf::gpg: $!\n"); return "LOCAL ERROR"; } if ($child == 0) { unless (open(STDERR, ">&", \*STDOUT)) { print "Could not redirect STDERR."; exit(-1); } unless (open(STDIN, "<", $file)) { print "Could not open $file: $!"; exit(-1); } { exec(@command) }; # BLOCK avoids warning about likely unreachable code print "Could not exec gpg: $!"; exit(-1); } $output .= $_ while (); close(PIPE); $stat = $?; } ## end if ( -x $conf::gpg ) if ($stat) { msg( "log,mail", "GnuPG signature check failed on $file\n" ); msg( "mail", $output ); msg( "log,mail", "(Exit status ", $stat >> 8, ")\n" ); return ""; } ## end if ($stat) $output =~ /^(gpg: )?good signature from (user )?"(.*)"\.?$/im; ( $signator = $3 ) ||= "unknown signator"; if ($conf::debug) { debug("GnuPG signature ok (by $signator)"); } return $signator; } ## end sub pgp_check($) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the status daemon # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # fork a subprocess that watches the 'status' FIFO # # that process blocks until someone opens the FIFO, then sends a # signal (SIGUSR1) to the main process, expects # sub fork_statusd() { my $statusd_pid; my $main_pid = $$; my $errs; local (*STATFIFO); $statusd_pid = open( STATUSD, "|-" ); die "cannot fork: $!\n" if !defined($statusd_pid); # parent just returns if ($statusd_pid) { msg( "log", "forked status daemon (pid $statusd_pid)\n" ); return $statusd_pid; } # child: the status FIFO daemon # ignore SIGPIPE here, in case some closes the FIFO without completely # reading it $SIG{"PIPE"} = "IGNORE"; # also ignore SIGCLD, we don't want to inherit the restart-statusd handler # from our parent $SIG{"CHLD"} = "DEFAULT"; rm($conf::statusfile); $errs = `$conf::mkfifo $conf::statusfile`; die "$main::progname: cannot create named pipe $conf::statusfile: $errs" if $?; chmod( 0644, $conf::statusfile ) or die "Cannot set modes of $conf::statusfile: $!\n"; # close log file, so that log rotating works close(LOG); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); while (1) { my ( $status, $mup, $incw, $ds, $next_run, $last_ping, $currch, $l ); # open the FIFO for writing; this blocks until someone (probably ftpd) # opens it for reading open( STATFIFO, ">", $conf::statusfile ) or die "Cannot open $conf::statusfile\n"; select(STATFIFO); # tell main daemon to send us status infos kill( $main::signo{"USR1"}, $main_pid ); # get the infos from stdin; must loop until enough bytes received! my $expect_len = 3 + 2 * STATNUM_LEN + STATSTR_LEN; for ( $status = "" ; ( $l = length($status) ) < $expect_len ; ) { sysread( STDIN, $status, $expect_len - $l, $l ); } # disassemble the status byte stream my $pos = 0; foreach ( [ mup => 1 ], [ incw => 1 ], [ ds => 1 ], [ next_run => STATNUM_LEN ], [ last_ping => STATNUM_LEN ], [ currch => STATSTR_LEN ] ) { eval "\$$_->[0] = substr( \$status, $pos, $_->[1] );"; $pos += $_->[1]; } ## end foreach ( [ mup => 1 ], [ incw... $currch =~ s/\n+//g; print_status( $mup, $incw, $ds, $next_run, $last_ping, $currch ); close(STATFIFO); # This sleep is necessary so that we can't reopen the FIFO # immediately, in case the reader hasn't closed it yet if we get to # the open again. Is there a better solution for this?? sleep 1; } ## end while (1) } ## end sub fork_statusd() # # update the status file, in case we use a plain file and not a FIFO # sub write_status_file() { return if !$conf::statusfile; open( STATFILE, ">", $conf::statusfile ) or ( msg( "log", "Could not open $conf::statusfile: $!\n" ), return ); my $oldsel = select(STATFILE); print_status( $main::target_up, $main::incoming_writable, $main::dstat, $main::next_run, $main::last_ping_time, $main::current_changes ); select($oldsel); close(STATFILE); } ## end sub write_status_file() sub print_status($$$$$$) { my $mup = shift; my $incw = shift; my $ds = shift; my $next_run = shift; my $last_ping = shift; my $currch = shift; my $approx; my $version; ( $version = 'Release: 0.9 $Revision: 1.51 $' ) =~ s/\$ ?//g; print "debianqueued $version\n"; $approx = $conf::statusdelay ? "approx. " : ""; if ( $mup eq "0" ) { print "$conf::target is down, queue pausing\n"; return; } elsif ( $conf::upload_method ne "copy" ) { print "$conf::target seems to be up, last ping $approx", print_time( time - $last_ping ), " ago\n"; } if ( $incw eq "0" ) { print "The incoming directory is not writable, queue pausing\n"; return; } if ( $ds eq "i" ) { print "Next queue check in $approx", print_time( $next_run - time ), "\n"; return; } elsif ( $ds eq "c" ) { print "Checking queue directory\n"; } elsif ( $ds eq "u" ) { print "Uploading to $conf::target\n"; } else { print "Bad status data from daemon: \"$mup$incw$ds\"\n"; return; } print "Current job is $currch\n" if $currch; } ## end sub print_status($$$$$$) # # format a number for sending to statusd (fixed length STATNUM_LEN) # sub format_status_num(\$$) { my $varref = shift; my $num = shift; $$varref = sprintf "%" . STATNUM_LEN . "d", $num; } ## end sub format_status_num(\$$) # # format a string for sending to statusd (fixed length STATSTR_LEN) # sub format_status_str(\$$) { my $varref = shift; my $str = shift; $$varref = substr( $str, 0, STATSTR_LEN ); $$varref .= "\n" x ( STATSTR_LEN - length($$varref) ); } ## end sub format_status_str(\$$) # # send a status string to the status daemon # # Avoid all operations that could call malloc() here! Most libc # implementations aren't reentrant, so we may not call it from a # signal handler. So use only already-defined variables. # sub send_status() { local $! = 0; # preserve errno # re-setup handler, in case we have broken SysV signals $SIG{"USR1"} = \&send_status; syswrite( STATUSD, $main::target_up, 1 ); syswrite( STATUSD, $main::incoming_writable, 1 ); syswrite( STATUSD, $main::dstat, 1 ); syswrite( STATUSD, $main::next_run, STATNUM_LEN ); syswrite( STATUSD, $main::last_ping_time, STATNUM_LEN ); syswrite( STATUSD, $main::current_changes, STATSTR_LEN ); } ## end sub send_status() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FTP functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # open FTP connection to target host if not already open # sub ftp_open() { return 1 unless $conf::upload_method eq "ftp"; if ($main::FTP_chan) { # is already open, but might have timed out; test with a cwd return $main::FTP_chan if $main::FTP_chan->cwd($main::current_targetdir); # cwd didn't work, channel is closed, try to reopen it $main::FTP_chan = undef; } ## end if ($main::FTP_chan) if ( !( $main::FTP_chan = Net::FTP->new( $conf::target, Debug => $conf::ftpdebug, Timeout => $conf::ftptimeout, Passive => 1, ) ) ) { msg( "log,mail", "Cannot open FTP server $conf::target\n" ); goto err; } ## end if ( !( $main::FTP_chan... if ( !$main::FTP_chan->login() ) { msg( "log,mail", "Anonymous login on FTP server $conf::target failed\n" ); goto err; } if ( !$main::FTP_chan->binary() ) { msg( "log,mail", "Can't set binary FTP mode on $conf::target\n" ); goto err; } if ( !$main::FTP_chan->cwd($main::current_targetdir) ) { msg( "log,mail", "Can't cd to $main::current_targetdir on $conf::target\n" ); goto err; } debug("opened FTP channel to $conf::target"); return 1; err: $main::FTP_chan = undef; return 0; } ## end sub ftp_open() sub ftp_cmd($@) { my $cmd = shift; my ( $rv, $err ); my $direct_resp_cmd = ( $cmd eq "quot" ); debug( "executing FTP::$cmd(" . join( ", ", @_ ) . ")" ); $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "timeout in FTP::$cmd\n" }; alarm($conf::remote_timeout); eval { $rv = $main::FTP_chan->$cmd(@_); }; alarm(0); $err = ""; $rv = ( ftp_code() =~ /^2/ ) ? 1 : 0 if $direct_resp_cmd; if ($@) { $err = $@; undef $rv; } elsif ( !$rv ) { $err = ftp_response(); } return ( $rv, $err ); } ## end sub ftp_cmd($@) sub ftp_close() { if ($main::FTP_chan) { $main::FTP_chan->quit(); $main::FTP_chan = undef; } return 1; } ## end sub ftp_close() sub ftp_response() { return join( '', @{ ${*$main::FTP_chan}{'net_cmd_resp'} } ); } sub ftp_code() { return ${*$main::FTP_chan}{'net_cmd_code'}; } sub ftp_error() { my $code = ftp_code(); return ( $code =~ /^[45]/ ) ? 1 : 0; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ssh_cmd($) { my $cmd = shift; my ( $msg, $stat ); my $ecmd = "$conf::ssh $conf::ssh_options $conf::target " . "-l $conf::targetlogin \'cd $main::current_targetdir; $cmd\'"; debug("executing $ecmd"); $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "timeout in ssh command\n" }; alarm($conf::remote_timeout); eval { $msg = `$ecmd 2>&1`; }; alarm(0); if ($@) { $msg = $@; $stat = 1; } else { $stat = $?; } return ( $msg, $stat ); } ## end sub ssh_cmd($) sub scp_cmd(@) { my ( $msg, $stat ); my $ecmd = "$conf::scp $conf::ssh_options @_ " . "$conf::targetlogin\@$conf::target:$main::current_targetdir"; debug("executing $ecmd"); $SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "timeout in scp\n" }; alarm($conf::remote_timeout); eval { $msg = `$ecmd 2>&1`; }; alarm(0); if ($@) { $msg = $@; $stat = 1; } else { $stat = $?; } return ( $msg, $stat ); } ## end sub scp_cmd(@) # # check if target is alive (code stolen from Net::Ping.pm) # sub check_alive(;$) { my $timeout = shift; my ( $saddr, $ret, $target_ip ); local (*PINGSOCK); if ( $conf::upload_method eq "copy" ) { format_status_num( $main::last_ping_time, time ); $main::target_up = 1; return; } $timeout ||= 30; if ( !( $target_ip = ( gethostbyname($conf::target) )[4] ) ) { msg( "log", "Cannot get IP address of $conf::target\n" ); $ret = 0; goto out; } $saddr = pack( 'S n a4 x8', AF_INET, $main::echo_port, $target_ip ); $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die }; alarm($timeout); $ret = $main::tcp_proto; # avoid warnings about unused variable $ret = 0; eval <<'EOM' ; return unless socket( PINGSOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $main::tcp_proto ); return unless connect( PINGSOCK, $saddr ); $ret = 1; EOM alarm(0); close(PINGSOCK); msg( "log", "pinging $conf::target: " . ( $ret ? "ok" : "down" ) . "\n" ); out: $main::target_up = $ret ? "1" : "0"; format_status_num( $main::last_ping_time, time ); write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; } ## end sub check_alive(;$) # # check if incoming dir on target is writable # sub check_incoming_writable() { my $testfile = ".debianqueued-testfile"; my ( $msg, $stat ); if ( $conf::upload_method eq "ssh" ) { ( $msg, $stat ) = ssh_cmd( "rm -f $testfile; touch $testfile; " . "rm -f $testfile" ); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "ftp" ) { my $file = "junk-for-writable-test-" . format_time(); $file =~ s/[ :.]/-/g; local (*F); open( F, ">", $file ); close(F); my $rv; ( $rv, $msg ) = ftp_cmd( "put", $file ); $stat = 0; $msg = "" if !defined $msg; unlink $file; ftp_cmd( "delete", $file ); } elsif ( $conf::upload_method eq "copy" ) { unless(POSIX::access($main::current_targetdir, &POSIX::W_OK)) { $msg = "No write access: $!"; $stat = 1; } } chomp($msg); debug("exit status: $stat, output was: $msg"); if ( !$stat ) { # change incoming_writable only if ssh didn't return an error $main::incoming_writable = ( $msg =~ /(permission denied|read-?only file|cannot create)/i ) ? "0" : "1"; } else { debug("local error, keeping old status"); } debug("incoming_writable = $main::incoming_writable"); write_status_file() if $conf::statusdelay; return $main::incoming_writable; } ## end sub check_incoming_writable() # # remove a list of files, log failing ones # sub rm(@) { my $done = 0; foreach (@_) { ( unlink $_ and ++$done ) or $! == ENOENT or msg( "log", "Could not delete $_: $!\n" ); } return $done; } ## end sub rm(@) # # get md5 checksum of a file # sub md5sum($) { my $file = shift; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; open my $fh, "<", $file or return ""; $md5->addfile($fh); close $fh; return $md5->hexdigest; } ## end sub md5sum($) # # output a messages to several destinations # # first arg is a comma-separated list of destinations; valid are "log" # and "mail"; rest is stuff to be printed, just as with print # sub msg($@) { my @dest = split( ',', shift ); if ( grep /log/, @dest ) { my $now = format_time(); print LOG "$now ", @_; } if ( grep /mail/, @dest ) { $main::mail_text .= join( '', @_ ); } } ## end sub msg($@) # # print a debug messages, if $debug is true # sub debug(@) { return if !$conf::debug; my $now = format_time(); print LOG "$now DEBUG ", @_, "\n"; } # # intialize the "mail" destination of msg() (this clears text, # address, subject, ...) # sub init_mail(;$) { my $file = shift; $main::mail_addr = ""; $main::mail_text = ""; %main::packages = (); $main::mail_subject = $file ? "Processing of $file" : ""; } ## end sub init_mail(;$) # # finalize mail to be sent from msg(): check if something present, and # then send out # sub finish_mail() { debug("No mail for $main::mail_addr") if $main::mail_addr && !$main::mail_text; return unless $main::mail_addr && $main::mail_text; if ( !send_mail( $main::mail_addr, $main::mail_subject, $main::mail_text ) ) { # store this mail in memory so it isn't lost if executing sendmail # failed. push( @main::stored_mails, { addr => $main::mail_addr, subject => $main::mail_subject, text => $main::mail_text } ); } ## end if ( !send_mail( $main::mail_addr... init_mail(); # try to send out stored mails my $mailref; while ( $mailref = shift(@main::stored_mails) ) { if ( !send_mail( $mailref->{'addr'}, $mailref->{'subject'}, $mailref->{'text'} ) ) { unshift( @main::stored_mails, $mailref ); last; } ## end if ( !send_mail( $mailref... } ## end while ( $mailref = shift(... } ## end sub finish_mail() # # send one mail # sub send_mail($$$) { my $addr = shift; my $subject = shift; my $text = shift; my $package = keys %main::packages ? join( ' ', keys %main::packages ) : ""; use Email::Sender::Simple; if ($conf::overridemail) { $addr = $conf::overridemail; } my $date = sprintf "%s", strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z", ( localtime(time) ) ); my $message = <<__MESSAGE__; To: $addr From: Debian FTP Masters Subject: $subject Date: $date X-Debian: DAK X-DAK: DAK Precedence: bulk Auto-Submitted: auto-generated __MESSAGE__ if ( length $package ) { $message .= "X-Debian-Package: $package\n"; } $message .= "\n$text"; $message .= "\nGreetings,\n\n\tYour Debian queue daemon (running on host $main::hostname)\n"; return Email::Sender::Simple->try_to_send($message); } ## end sub send_mail($$$) # # try to find a mail address for a name in the keyrings # sub try_to_get_mail_addr($$) { my $name = shift; my $listref = shift; @$listref = (); open( F, "$conf::gpg --no-options --batch --no-default-keyring " . "--always-trust --keyring " . join( " --keyring ", @conf::keyrings ) . " --list-keys |" ) or return ""; while () { if ( /^pub / && / $name / ) { /<([^>]*)>/; push( @$listref, $1 ); } } ## end while () close(F); return ( @$listref >= 1 ) ? $listref->[0] : ""; } ## end sub try_to_get_mail_addr($$) # # return current time as string # sub format_time() { my $t; # omit weekday and year for brevity ( $t = localtime ) =~ /^\w+\s(.*)\s\d+$/; return $1; } ## end sub format_time() sub print_time($) { my $secs = shift; my $hours = int( $secs / ( 60 * 60 ) ); $secs -= $hours * 60 * 60; return sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", $hours, int( $secs / 60 ), $secs % 60; } ## end sub print_time($) # # block some signals during queue processing # # This is just to avoid data inconsistency or uploads being aborted in the # middle. Only "soft" signals are blocked, i.e. SIGINT and SIGTERM, try harder # ones if you really want to kill the daemon at once. # sub block_signals() { POSIX::sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, $main::block_sigset ); } sub unblock_signals() { POSIX::sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, $main::block_sigset ); } # # process SIGHUP: close log file and reopen it (for logfile cycling) # sub close_log($) { close(LOG); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); open( LOG, ">>", $conf::logfile ) or die "Cannot open my logfile $conf::logfile: $!\n"; chmod( 0644, $conf::logfile ) or msg( "log", "Cannot set modes of $conf::logfile: $!\n" ); select( ( select(LOG), $| = 1 )[0] ); open( STDOUT, ">&", \*LOG ) or msg( "log", "$main::progname: Can't redirect stdout to " . "$conf::logfile: $!\n" ); open( STDERR, ">&", \*LOG ) or msg( "log", "$main::progname: Can't redirect stderr to " . "$conf::logfile: $!\n" ); msg( "log", "Restart after SIGHUP\n" ); } ## end sub close_log($) # # process SIGCHLD: check if it was our statusd process # sub kid_died($) { my $pid; # reap statusd, so that it's no zombie when we try to kill(0) it waitpid( $main::statusd_pid, WNOHANG ); # Uncomment the following line if your Perl uses unreliable System V signal # (i.e. if handlers reset to default if the signal is delivered). # (Unfortunately, the re-setup can't be done in any case, since on some # systems this will cause the SIGCHLD to be delivered again if there are # still unreaped children :-(( ) # $SIG{"CHLD"} = \&kid_died; # resetup handler for SysV } ## end sub kid_died($) sub restart_statusd() { # restart statusd if it died if ( !kill( 0, $main::statusd_pid ) ) { close(STATUSD); # close out pipe end $main::statusd_pid = fork_statusd(); } } ## end sub restart_statusd() # # process a fatal signal: cleanup and exit # sub fatal_signal($) { my $signame = shift; my $sig; # avoid recursions of fatal_signal in case of BSD signals foreach $sig (qw( ILL ABRT BUS FPE SEGV PIPE )) { $SIG{$sig} = "DEFAULT"; } if ( $$ == $main::maind_pid ) { # only the main daemon should do this kill( $main::signo{"TERM"}, $main::statusd_pid ) if defined $main::statusd_pid; unlink( $conf::statusfile, $conf::pidfile ); } ## end if ( $$ == $main::maind_pid) msg( "log", "Caught SIG$signame -- exiting (pid $$)\n" ); exit 1; } ## end sub fatal_signal($) # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4 # fill-column: 78 # End: