#!/usr/bin/env python # Clean incoming of old unused files # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 James Troup # $Id: shania,v 1.3 2001-03-02 02:43:49 troup Exp $ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Caveat Emptor: If run with -m/--mail argument, expects to be in # Incoming/REJECT or somewhere with .reason files. ################################################################################ import os, re, stat, string, sys, time import utils import apt_pkg; ################################################################################ re_ischanges = re.compile(r"\.changes$") re_isdsc = re.compile(r"\.dsc$") ################################################################################ def file_to_string (filename): try: file = utils.open_file(filename, 'r'); except utils.cant_open_exc: return ""; contents = ""; for line in file.readlines(): contents = contents + line; return contents; ################################################################################ def main (): Cnf = None; all_files = {}; changes_files = []; apt_pkg.init(); Cnf = apt_pkg.newConfiguration(); apt_pkg.ReadConfigFileISC(Cnf,utils.which_conf_file()); Arguments = [('D',"debug","Shania::Options::Debug", "IntVal"), ('h',"help","Shania::Options::Help"), ('V',"version","Shania::Options::Version"), ('d',"days","Shania::Options::Days", "IntVal"), ('i',"incoming","Shania::Options::Incoming", "HasArg"), ('m',"mail","Shania::Options::Mail"), ('n',"no-action","Shania::Options::No-Action"), ('v',"verbose","Shania::Options::Verbose")]; apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv); delete_date = int(time.time())-(int(Cnf["Shania::Options::Days"])*84600); del_dir = Cnf["Dir::Morgue"] + '/' + Cnf["Shania::MorgueSubDir"]; if not os.path.exists(del_dir): sys.stderr.write("W: Creating morgue directory '%s'.\n" % (del_dir)); os.mkdir(del_dir); elif not os.path.isdir(del_dir): sys.stderr.write("E: %s must be a directory.\n" % (del_dir)); incoming = Cnf["Shania::Options::Incoming"]; if incoming == "": incoming = Cnf["Dir::IncomingDir"]; os.chdir(incoming); # Build up the list of all files in the directory for i in os.listdir('.'): if os.path.isfile(i): all_files[i] = 1; if re_ischanges.search(i) != None: changes_files.append(i); # Proces all .changes and .dsc files. for changes_filename in changes_files: try: changes = utils.parse_changes(changes_filename, 0) except: continue; try: files = utils.build_file_list(changes, ""); except: continue; dsc_files = {}; for file in files.keys(): if re_isdsc.search(file) != None: try: dsc = utils.parse_changes(file, 0) except: continue; try: dsc_files = utils.build_file_list(dsc, 1) except: continue; # If passed -m/--mail, assume in REJECT/ and send appropriate mails if Cnf["Shania::Options::Mail"]: reason_filename = re_ischanges.sub('.reason', changes_filename); if not os.access(reason_filename, os.R_OK): sys.stderr.write("W: %s lacks a (readable) reason file ('%s').\n" % (changes_filename, reason_filename)); continue; if os.stat(reason_filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] > delete_date: # Ensure the files aren't later deleted. for keys in (files.keys(), dsc_files.keys(), changes_filename, reason_filename): for i in keys: if all_files.has_key(i): del all_files[i]; # Grab a copy of the .changes and .reason files for inclusion in the mail try: changes_contents = file_to_string(changes_filename); except utils.cant_open_exc: sys.stderr.write("W: %s lacks a (readable) changes file ('%s').\n" % (changes_filename, changes_filename)); continue; reason_contents = file_to_string(reason_filename); # Fix the maintainer address to be RFC-822 compatible (changes["maintainer822"], changes["maintainername"], changes["maintaineremail"]) = utils.fix_maintainer (changes["maintainer"]) if Cnf["Shania::Options::No-Action"]: print "Would send a reminder email to %s." % (changes["maintainer822"]); else: # FIXME: need msg to be configurable mail_message = """Return-Path: %s From: %s To: %s Bcc: troup@auric.debian.org Subject: Reminder: %s was rejected This is an automated reminder. Your Debian upload was rejected. Its files are in %s/REJECT on %s. If the upload has been superceded, please delete it. If not, please correct the error. You do not have to reupload good files; simply move them from incoming/REJECT to incoming. Do erase any bad files. This reminder is sent on Monday mornings. After two reminders, the upload is deleted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Debian distribution maintenance software """ % (Cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"], Cnf["Dinstall::MyEmailAddress"], changes["maintainer822"], changes_filename, Cnf["Dir::IncomingDir"], Cnf["Archive::%s::OriginServer" % (utils.where_am_i())], changes_contents, reason_contents) utils.send_mail(mail_message, ""); if Cnf["Shania::Options::Verbose"]: print "Sent reminder email to %s." % (changes["maintainer822"]); else: # Ensure the files aren't deleted keys = []; for i in (files.keys(), dsc_files.keys(), [changes_filename]): keys.extend(i); for key in keys: if all_files.has_key(key): del all_files[key]; # Anthing left at this stage is not referenced by a .changes or # .dsc and should be deleted if old enough. for file in all_files.keys(): if os.stat(file)[stat.ST_MTIME] < delete_date: if Cnf["Shania::Options::No-Action"]: print "Would delete '%s'." % (os.path.basename(file)); else: if Cnf["Shania::Options::Verbose"]: print "Removing '%s' (to '%s')." % (os.path.basename(file), del_dir); utils.move(file, del_dir); else: if Cnf["Shania::Options::Verbose"]: print "Skipping, too new, '%s'." % (os.path.basename(file)); ####################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main()