#!/bin/sh -ue # Tarball to read, compressed with gzip INPUT="${1:?"Usage: $0 filename"}" # Regular expression used to validate tag lines CHECKRE='^[a-z0-9A-Z.+-]+[[:space:]]+Tag[[:space:]]+[a-z0-9:. ,+-]+$' # This must end with / TARGET=/srv/ftp.debian.org/scripts/external-overrides/ # Read the main directory from the tarball DIR="`tar ztf \"$INPUT\" | tac | tail -n 1`" # Create temporary files where to store the validated data umask 002 OUTMAIN="`mktemp \"$TARGET\"tag.new.XXXXXX`" OUTCONTRIB="`mktemp \"$TARGET\"tag.contrib.new.XXXXXX`" OUTNONFREE="`mktemp \"$TARGET\"tag.non-free.new.XXXXXX`" # If we fail somewhere, cleanup the temporary files cleanup() { rm -f "$OUTMAIN" rm -f "$OUTCONTRIB" rm -f "$OUTNONFREE" } trap cleanup EXIT # Extract the data into the temporary files tar -O -zxf "$INPUT" "$DIR"tag | grep -E "$CHECKRE" > "$OUTMAIN" tar -O -zxf "$INPUT" "$DIR"tag.contrib | grep -E "$CHECKRE" > "$OUTCONTRIB" tar -O -zxf "$INPUT" "$DIR"tag.non-free | grep -E "$CHECKRE" > "$OUTNONFREE" # Move the data to the final location mv "$OUTMAIN" "$TARGET"tag mv "$OUTCONTRIB" "$TARGET"tag.contrib mv "$OUTNONFREE" "$TARGET"tag.non-free chmod 644 "$TARGET"tag "$TARGET"tag.contrib "$TARGET"tag.non-free trap - EXIT exit 0