#!/usr/bin/env python # Various statistical pr0nography fun and games # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 James Troup # $Id: saffron,v 1.1 2003-01-02 18:06:19 troup Exp $ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ################################################################################ import pg, sys; import utils; import apt_pkg; ################################################################################ Cnf = None; projectB = None; ################################################################################ def usage(exit_code=0): print """Usage: saffron STAT Print various stats. -h, --help show this help and exit. The following STAT modes are available: arch-space - displays space used by each architecture pkg-nums - displays the number of packages by suite/architecture daily-install - displays daily install stats suitable for graphing """ sys.exit(exit_code) ################################################################################ def per_arch_space_use(): q = projectB.query(""" SELECT a.arch_string as Architecture, sum(f.size) FROM files f, binaries b, architecture a WHERE a.id=b.architecture AND f.id=b.file GROUP BY a.arch_string"""); print q; ################################################################################ def daily_install_stats(): stats = {}; file = utils.open_file("2001-11"); for line in file.readlines(): split = line.strip().split('~'); program = split[1]; if program != "katie": continue; action = split[2]; if action != "installing changes" and action != "installed": continue; date = split[0][:8]; if not stats.has_key(date): stats[date] = {}; stats[date]["packages"] = 0; stats[date]["size"] = 0.0; if action == "installing changes": stats[date]["packages"] += 1; elif action == "installed": stats[date]["size"] += float(split[5]); dates = stats.keys(); dates.sort(); for date in dates: packages = stats[date]["packages"] size = int(stats[date]["size"] / 1024.0 / 1024.0) print "%s %s %s" % (date, packages, size); ################################################################################ def longest(list): longest = 0; for i in list: l = len(i); if l > longest: longest = l; return longest; def suite_sort(a, b): a_priority = int(Cnf["Suite::%s::Priority" % (a)]); b_priority = int(Cnf["Suite::%s::Priority" % (b)]); return cmp(a_priority, b_priority); def output_format(suite): output_suite = []; for word in suite.split("-"): output_suite.append(word[0]); return output_suite.join("-"); # Obvious query with GROUP BY and mapped names -> 50 seconds # GROUP BY but ids instead of suite/architecture names -> 28 seconds # Simple query -> 14 seconds # Simple query into large dictionary + processing -> 21 seconds # Simple query into large pre-created dictionary + processing -> 18 seconds def number_of_packages(): arches = {}; arch_ids = {}; suites = {}; suite_ids = {}; d = {}; # Build up suite mapping q = projectB.query("SELECT id, suite_name FROM suite"); suite_ql = q.getresult(); for i in suite_ql: (id, name) = i; suites[id] = name; suite_ids[name] = id; # Build up architecture mapping q = projectB.query("SELECT id, arch_string FROM architecture"); for i in q.getresult(): (id, name) = i; arches[id] = name; arch_ids[name] = id; # Pre-create the dictionary for suite_id in suites.keys(): d[suite_id] = {}; for arch_id in arches.keys(): d[suite_id][arch_id] = 0; # Get the raw data for binaries q = projectB.query(""" SELECT ba.suite, b.architecture FROM binaries b, bin_associations ba WHERE b.id = ba.bin"""); # Simultate 'GROUP by suite, architecture' with a dictionary for i in q.getresult(): (suite_id, arch_id) = i; d[suite_id][arch_id] = d[suite_id][arch_id] + 1; # Get the raw data for source arch_id = arch_ids["source"]; q = projectB.query(""" SELECT suite, count(suite) FROM src_associations GROUP BY suite;"""); for i in q.getresult(): (suite_id, count) = i; d[suite_id][arch_id] = d[suite_id][arch_id] + count; ## Print the results # Setup suite_list = suites.values(); suite_list.sort(suite_sort); suite_id_list = []; suite_arches = {}; for suite in suite_list: suite_id = suite_ids[suite]; suite_arches[suite_id] = {}; for arch in Cnf.ValueList("Suite::%s::Architectures" % (suite)): suite_arches[suite_id][arch] = ""; suite_id_list.append(suite_id); output_list = map(lambda x: output_format(x), suite_list); longest_suite = longest(output_list); arch_list = arches.values(); arch_list.sort(); longest_arch = longest(arch_list); # Header output = (" "*longest_arch) + " |" for suite in output_list: output = output + suite.center(longest_suite)+" |"; output = output + "\n"+(len(output)*"-")+"\n"; # per-arch data arch_list = arches.values(); arch_list.sort(); longest_arch = longest(arch_list); for arch in arch_list: arch_id = arch_ids[arch]; output = output + arch.center(longest_arch)+" |"; for suite_id in suite_id_list: if suite_arches[suite_id].has_key(arch): count = repr(d[suite_id][arch_id]); else: count = "-"; output = output + count.rjust(longest_suite)+" |"; output = output + "\n"; print output; ################################################################################ def main (): global Cnf, projectB; Cnf = utils.get_conf(); Arguments = [('h',"help","Saffron::Options::Help")]; for i in [ "help" ]: if not Cnf.has_key("Saffron::Options::%s" % (i)): Cnf["Saffron::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""; args = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf, Arguments, sys.argv); Options = Cnf.SubTree("Saffron::Options") if Options["Help"]: usage(); if len(args) < 1: utils.warn("saffron requires at least one argument"); usage(1); elif len(args) > 1: utils.warn("saffron accepts only one argument"); usage(1); mode = args[0].lower(); projectB = pg.connect(Cnf["DB::Name"], Cnf["DB::Host"], int(Cnf["DB::Port"])); if mode == "arch-space": per_arch_space_use(); elif mode == "pkg-nums": number_of_packages(); elif mode == "daily-install": daily_install_stats(); else: utils.warn("unknown mode '%s'" % (mode)); usage(1); ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()