#!/usr/bin/env python # Handles NEW and BYHAND packages # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 James Troup # $Id: lisa,v 1.10 2002-05-10 00:24:23 troup Exp $ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ################################################################################ # 23:12| I will not hush! # 23:12| :> # 23:12| Where there is injustice in the world, I shall be there! # 23:13| I shall not be silenced! # 23:13| The world shall know! # 23:13| The world *must* know! # 23:13| oh dear, he's gone back to powerpuff girls... ;-) # 23:13| yay powerpuff girls!! # 23:13| buttercup's my favourite, who's yours? # 23:14| you're backing away from the keyboard right now aren't you? # 23:14| *AREN'T YOU*?! # 23:15| I will not be treated like this. # 23:15| I shall have my revenge. # 23:15| I SHALL!!! ################################################################################ # TODO # ---- # We don't check error codes very thoroughly; the old 'trust jennifer' # chess nut... db_access calls in particular # Possible TODO # ------------- # Handle multiple different section/priorities (?) # hardcoded debianness (debian-installer, source priority etc.) (?) # Slang/ncurses interface (?) # write changed sections/priority back to katie for later processing (?) ################################################################################ import copy, errno, os, readline, string, stat, sys, tempfile; import apt_pkg, apt_inst; import db_access, fernanda, katie, logging, utils; # Globals lisa_version = "$Revision: 1.10 $"; Cnf = None; Options = None; Katie = None; projectB = None; Logger = None; Priorities = None; Sections = None; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def determine_new (changes, files): new = {}; # Build up a list of potentially new things for file in files.keys(): f = files[file]; # Skip byhand elements if f["type"] == "byhand": continue; pkg = f["package"]; priority = f["priority"]; section = f["section"]; # FIXME: unhardcode if section == "non-US/main": section = "non-US"; type = get_type(f); component = f["component"]; if type == "dsc": priority = "source"; if not new.has_key(pkg): new[pkg] = {}; new[pkg]["priority"] = priority; new[pkg]["section"] = section; new[pkg]["type"] = type; new[pkg]["component"] = component; new[pkg]["files"] = []; else: old_type = new[pkg]["type"]; if old_type != type: # source gets trumped by deb or udeb if old_type == "dsc": new[pkg]["priority"] = priority; new[pkg]["section"] = section; new[pkg]["type"] = type; new[pkg]["component"] = component; new[pkg]["files"].append(file); if f.has_key("othercomponents"): new[pkg]["othercomponents"] = f["othercomponents"]; for suite in changes["suite"].keys(): suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite); for pkg in new.keys(): component_id = db_access.get_component_id(new[pkg]["component"]); type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(new[pkg]["type"]); q = projectB.query("SELECT package FROM override WHERE package = '%s' AND suite = %s AND component = %s AND type = %s" % (pkg, suite_id, component_id, type_id)); ql = q.getresult(); if ql: for file in new[pkg]["files"]: if files[file].has_key("new"): del files[file]["new"]; del new[pkg]; if changes["suite"].has_key("stable"): print "WARNING: overrides will be added for stable!"; for pkg in new.keys(): if new[pkg].has_key("othercomponents"): print "WARNING: %s already present in %s distribution." % (pkg, new[pkg]["othercomponents"]); return new; ################################################################################ # Sort by 'have source', by ctime, by source name, by source version number, by filename def changes_compare_by_time (a, b): try: a_changes = utils.parse_changes(a, 0) except: return 1; try: b_changes = utils.parse_changes(b, 0) except: return -1; utils.cc_fix_changes (a_changes); utils.cc_fix_changes (b_changes); # Sort by 'have source' a_has_source = a_changes["architecture"].get("source") b_has_source = b_changes["architecture"].get("source") if a_has_source and not b_has_source: return -1; elif b_has_source and not a_has_source: return 1; # Sort by ctime a_ctime = os.stat(a)[stat.ST_CTIME]; b_ctime = os.stat(b)[stat.ST_CTIME]; q = cmp (a_ctime, b_ctime); if q: return q; # Sort by source name a_source = a_changes.get("source"); b_source = b_changes.get("source"); q = cmp (a_source, b_source); if q: return q; # Sort by source version a_version = a_changes.get("version"); b_version = b_changes.get("version"); q = apt_pkg.VersionCompare(a_version, b_version); if q: return q # Fall back to sort by filename return cmp(a, b); ################################################################################ class Section_Completer: def __init__ (self): self.sections = []; q = projectB.query("SELECT section FROM section"); for i in q.getresult(): self.sections.append(i[0]); def complete(self, text, state): if state == 0: self.matches = []; n = len(text); for word in self.sections: if word[:n] == text: self.matches.append(word); try: return self.matches[state] except IndexError: return None ############################################################ class Priority_Completer: def __init__ (self): self.priorities = []; q = projectB.query("SELECT priority FROM priority"); for i in q.getresult(): self.priorities.append(i[0]); def complete(self, text, state): if state == 0: self.matches = []; n = len(text); for word in self.priorities: if word[:n] == text: self.matches.append(word); try: return self.matches[state] except IndexError: return None ################################################################################ def check_valid (new): for pkg in new.keys(): section = new[pkg]["section"]; priority = new[pkg]["priority"]; type = new[pkg]["type"]; new[pkg]["section id"] = db_access.get_section_id(section); new[pkg]["priority id"] = db_access.get_priority_id(new[pkg]["priority"]); # Sanity checks if (section == "debian-installer" and type != "udeb") or \ (section != "debian-installer" and type == "udeb"): new[pkg]["section id"] = -1; if (priority == "source" and type != "dsc") or \ (priority != "source" and type == "dsc"): new[pkg]["priority id"] = -1; ################################################################################ def print_new (new, indexed, file=sys.stdout): check_valid(new); ret_code = 0; index = 0; for pkg in new.keys(): index = index + 1; section = new[pkg]["section"]; priority = new[pkg]["priority"]; if new[pkg]["section id"] == -1: section = section + "[!]"; ret_code = 1; if new[pkg]["priority id"] == -1: priority = priority + "[!]"; ret_code = 1; if indexed: line = "(%s): %-20s %-20s %-20s" % (index, pkg, priority, section); else: line = "%-20s %-20s %-20s" % (pkg, priority, section); line = string.strip(line)+'\n'; file.write(line); return ret_code; ################################################################################ def get_type (f): # Determine the type if f.has_key("dbtype"): type = f["dbtype"]; elif f["type"] == "orig.tar.gz" or f["type"] == "tar.gz" or f["type"] == "diff.gz" or f["type"] == "dsc": type = "dsc"; else: utils.fubar("invalid type (%s) for new. Dazed, confused and sure as heck not continuing." % (type)); # Validate the override type type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(type); if type_id == -1: utils.fubar("invalid type (%s) for new. Say wha?" % (type)); return type; ################################################################################ def index_range (index): if index == 1: return "1"; else: return "1-%s" % (index); ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def spawn_editor (new): # Write the current data to a temporary file temp_filename = tempfile.mktemp(); fd = os.open(temp_filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL, 0700); os.close(fd); temp_file = utils.open_file(temp_filename, 'w'); print_new (new, 0, temp_file); temp_file.close(); # Spawn an editor on that file editor = os.environ.get("EDITOR","vi") result = os.system("%s %s" % (editor, temp_filename)) if result != 0: utils.fubar ("vi invocation failed for `%s'!" % (temp_filename), result) # Read the (edited) data back in file = utils.open_file(temp_filename); for line in file.readlines(): line = string.strip(line[:-1]); if line == "": continue; s = string.split(line); # Pad the list if necessary s[len(s):3] = [None] * (3-len(s)); (pkg, priority, section) = s[:3]; if not new.has_key(pkg): utils.warn("Ignoring unknown package '%s'" % (pkg)); else: # Strip off any invalid markers, print_new will readd them. if section[-3:] == "[!]": section = section[:-3]; if priority[-3:] == "[!]": priority = priority[:-3]; for file in new[pkg]["files"]: Katie.pkg.files[file]["section"] = section; Katie.pkg.files[file]["priority"] = priority; new[pkg]["section"] = section; new[pkg]["priority"] = priority; os.unlink(temp_filename); ################################################################################ def edit_index (new, index): priority = new[index]["priority"] section = new[index]["section"] type = new[index]["type"]; done = 0 while not done: print string.join([index, priority, section], '\t'); answer = "XXX"; if type != "dsc": prompt = "[B]oth, Priority, Section, Done ? "; else: prompt = "[S]ection, Done ? "; edit_priority = edit_section = 0; while string.find(prompt, answer) == -1: answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt); m = katie.re_default_answer.match(prompt) if answer == "": answer = m.group(1) answer = string.upper(answer[:1]) if answer == 'P': edit_priority = 1; elif answer == 'S': edit_section = 1; elif answer == 'B': edit_priority = edit_section = 1; elif answer == 'D': done = 1; # Edit the priority if edit_priority: readline.set_completer(Priorities.complete); got_priority = 0; while not got_priority: new_priority = string.strip(utils.our_raw_input("New priority: ")); if Priorities.priorities.count(new_priority) == 0: print "E: '%s' is not a valid priority, try again." % (new_priority); else: got_priority = 1; priority = new_priority; # Edit the section if edit_section: readline.set_completer(Sections.complete); got_section = 0; while not got_section: new_section = string.strip(utils.our_raw_input("New section: ")); if Sections.sections.count(new_section) == 0: print "E: '%s' is not a valid section, try again." % (new_section); else: got_section = 1; section = new_section; # Reset the readline completer readline.set_completer(None); for file in new[index]["files"]: Katie.pkg.files[file]["section"] = section; Katie.pkg.files[file]["priority"] = priority; new[index]["priority"] = priority; new[index]["section"] = section; return new; ################################################################################ def edit_overrides (new): print; done = 0 while not done: print_new (new, 1); new_index = {}; index = 0; for i in new.keys(): index = index + 1; new_index[index] = i; prompt = "(%s) edit override , Editor, Done ? " % (index_range(index)); got_answer = 0 while not got_answer: answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt); answer = string.upper(answer[:1]); if answer == "E" or answer == "D": got_answer = 1; elif katie.re_isanum.match (answer): answer = int(answer); if (answer < 1) or (answer > index): print "%s is not a valid index (%s). Please retry." % (index_range(index), answer); else: got_answer = 1; if answer == 'E': spawn_editor(new); elif answer == 'D': done = 1; else: edit_index (new, new_index[answer]); return new; ################################################################################ def check_pkg (): try: less_fd = os.popen("less -", 'w', 0); stdout_fd = sys.stdout; try: sys.stdout = less_fd; fernanda.display_changes(Katie.pkg.changes_file); files = Katie.pkg.files; for file in files.keys(): if files[file].has_key("new"): type = files[file]["type"]; if type == "deb": fernanda.check_deb(file); elif type == "dsc": fernanda.check_dsc(file); finally: sys.stdout = stdout_fd; except IOError, e: if errno.errorcode[e.errno] == 'EPIPE': utils.warn("[fernanda] Caught EPIPE; skipping."); pass; else: raise; except KeyboardInterrupt: utils.warn("[fernanda] Caught C-c; skipping."); pass; ################################################################################ ## FIXME: horribly Debian specific def do_bxa_notification(): files = Katie.pkg.files; summary = ""; for file in files.keys(): if files[file]["type"] == "deb": control = apt_pkg.ParseSection(apt_inst.debExtractControl(utils.open_file(file))); summary = summary + "\n"; summary = summary + "Package: %s\n" % (control.Find("Package")); summary = summary + "Description: %s\n" % (control.Find("Description")); Katie.Subst["__BINARY_DESCRIPTIONS__"] = summary; bxa_mail = utils.TemplateSubst(Katie.Subst,Cnf["Dir::Templates"]+"/lisa.bxa_notification"); utils.send_mail(bxa_mail,""); ################################################################################ def add_overrides (new): changes = Katie.pkg.changes; files = Katie.pkg.files; projectB.query("BEGIN WORK"); for suite in changes["suite"].keys(): suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite); for pkg in new.keys(): component_id = db_access.get_component_id(new[pkg]["component"]); type_id = db_access.get_override_type_id(new[pkg]["type"]); priority_id = new[pkg]["priority id"]; section_id = new[pkg]["section id"]; projectB.query("INSERT INTO override (suite, component, type, package, priority, section) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, '%s', %s, %s)" % (suite_id, component_id, type_id, pkg, priority_id, section_id)); for file in new[pkg]["files"]: if files[file].has_key("new"): del files[file]["new"]; del new[pkg]; projectB.query("COMMIT WORK"); if Cnf.FindB("Dinstall::BXANotify"): do_bxa_notification(); ################################################################################ def do_new(): print "NEW\n"; files = Katie.pkg.files; changes = Katie.pkg.changes; # Make a copy of distribution we can happily trample on changes["suite"] = copy.copy(changes["distribution"]); # Fix up the list of target suites for suite in changes["suite"].keys(): override = Cnf.Find("Suite::%s::OverrideSuite" % (suite)); if override: del changes["suite"][suite]; changes["suite"][override] = 1; # Validate suites for suite in changes["suite"].keys(): suite_id = db_access.get_suite_id(suite); if suite_id == -1: utils.fubar("%s has invalid suite '%s' (possibly overriden). say wha?" % (changes, suite)); # The main NEW processing loop done = 0; while not done: # Find out what's new new = determine_new(changes, files); if not new: break; answer = "XXX"; if Options["No-Action"] or Options["Automatic"]: answer = 'S'; broken = print_new(new, 0); prompt = ""; if not broken: prompt = "Add overrides, "; else: print "W: [!] marked entries must be fixed before package can be processed."; if answer == 'A': answer = 'E'; prompt = prompt + "Edit overrides, Check, Manual reject, [S]kip, Quit ?"; while string.find(prompt, answer) == -1: answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt); m = katie.re_default_answer.search(prompt); if answer == "": answer = m.group(1) answer = string.upper(answer[:1]) if answer == 'A': done = add_overrides (new); elif answer == 'C': check_pkg(); elif answer == 'E': new = edit_overrides (new); elif answer == 'M': aborted = Katie.do_reject(1, Options["Manual-Reject"]); if not aborted: os.unlink(Katie.pkg.changes_file[:-8]+".katie"); done = 1; elif answer == 'S': done = 1; elif answer == 'Q': sys.exit(0) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def usage (exit_code=0): print """Usage: lisa [OPTION]... [CHANGES]... -a, --automatic automatic run -h, --help show this help and exit. -m, --manual-reject=MSG manual reject with `msg' -n, --no-action don't do anything -s, --sort=TYPE sort type ('time' or 'normal') -V, --version display the version number and exit""" sys.exit(exit_code) ################################################################################ def init(): global Cnf, Options, Logger, Katie, projectB, Sections, Priorities; Cnf = utils.get_conf(); Arguments = [('a',"automatic","Lisa::Options::Automatic"), ('h',"help","Lisa::Options::Help"), ('m',"manual-reject","Lisa::Options::Manual-Reject", "HasArg"), ('n',"no-action","Lisa::Options::No-Action"), ('s',"sort","Lisa::Options::Sort","HasArg"), ('V',"version","Lisa::Options::Version")]; for i in ["automatic", "help", "manual-reject", "no-action", "version"]: if not Cnf.has_key("Lisa::Options::%s" % (i)): Cnf["Lisa::Options::%s" % (i)] = ""; if not Cnf.has_key("Lisa::Options::Sort"): Cnf["Lisa::Options::Sort"] = "time"; changes_files = apt_pkg.ParseCommandLine(Cnf,Arguments,sys.argv); Options = Cnf.SubTree("Lisa::Options") if Options["Help"]: usage(); if Options["Version"]: print "lisa %s" % (lisa_version); sys.exit(0); if Options["Sort"] != "time" and Options["Sort"] != "normal": utils.fubar("Unrecognised sort type '%s'. (Recognised sort types are: time and normal)" % (Options["Sort"])); Katie = katie.Katie(Cnf); if not Options["No-Action"]: Logger = Katie.Logger = logging.Logger(Cnf, "lisa"); projectB = Katie.projectB; Sections = Section_Completer(); Priorities = Priority_Completer(); readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete"); return changes_files; ################################################################################ def do_byhand(): done = 0; while not done: files = Katie.pkg.files; will_install = 1; byhand = []; for file in files.keys(): if files[file]["type"] == "byhand": if os.path.exists(file): print "W: %s still present; please process byhand components and try again." % (file); will_install = 0; else: byhand.append(file); answer = "XXXX"; if Options["No-Action"]: answer = "S"; if will_install: if Options["Automatic"] and not Options["No-Action"]: answer = 'A'; prompt = "[A]ccept, Manual reject, Skip, Quit ?"; else: prompt = "Manual reject, [S]kip, Quit ?"; while string.find(prompt, answer) == -1: answer = utils.our_raw_input(prompt); m = katie.re_default_answer.search(prompt); if answer == "": answer = m.group(1); answer = string.upper(answer[:1]); if answer == 'A': done = 1; for file in byhand: del files[file]; elif answer == 'M': Katie.do_reject(1, Options["Manual-Reject"]); os.unlink(Katie.pkg.changes_file[:-8]+".katie"); done = 1; elif answer == 'S': done = 1; elif answer == 'Q': sys.exit(0); ################################################################################ def do_accept(): print "ACCEPT"; if not Options["No-Action"]: (summary, short_summary) = Katie.build_summaries(); Katie.accept(summary, short_summary); os.unlink(Katie.pkg.changes_file[:-8]+".katie"); def check_status(files): new = byhand = 0; for file in files.keys(): if files[file]["type"] == "byhand": byhand = 1; elif files[file].has_key("new"): new = 1; return (new, byhand); def do_pkg(changes_file): Katie.pkg.changes_file = changes_file; Katie.init_vars(); Katie.update_vars(); Katie.update_subst(); files = Katie.pkg.files; (new, byhand) = check_status(files); if new or byhand: if new: do_new(); if byhand: do_byhand(); (new, byhand) = check_status(files); if not new and not byhand: do_accept(); ################################################################################ def end(): accept_count = Katie.accept_count; accept_bytes = Katie.accept_bytes; if accept_count: sets = "set" if accept_count > 1: sets = "sets" sys.stderr.write("Accepted %d package %s, %s.\n" % (accept_count, sets, utils.size_type(int(accept_bytes)))); Logger.log(["total",accept_count,accept_bytes]); if not Options["No-Action"]: Logger.close(); ################################################################################ def main(): changes_files = init(); # Sort the changes files if Options["Sort"] == "time": changes_files.sort(changes_compare_by_time); else: changes_files.sort(utils.changes_compare); # Kill me now? **FIXME** Cnf["Dinstall::Options::No-Mail"] = ""; bcc = "X-Katie: %s" % (lisa_version); if Cnf.has_key("Dinstall::Bcc"): Katie.Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc + "\nBcc: %s" % (Cnf["Dinstall::Bcc"]); else: Katie.Subst["__BCC__"] = bcc; for changes_file in changes_files: changes_file = utils.validate_changes_file_arg(changes_file, 0); if not changes_file: continue; print "\n" + changes_file; do_pkg (changes_file); end(); ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': main()