=head1 TODO List =head2 Advanced searching I'm already using AbstractSearch, so I need to put the operators as form fields in the templates, then extract them again in the search method. The code is almost there. =head2 Ordering of results Should be able to sort up and down by column name. =head2 Ordering of columns What order do the columns appear in the lists and edit boxes? It B already possible to customize this by overriding C in an individual model class, but it might be better to do that in the config. Excluding some columns from list display might be worth doing. Again, it can be done in the templates, but might be better in config. =head2 Pages with several ?(different kinds) of objects? I don't know if this is actually a useful concept. Maybe someone will find a case for it. =head2 ACLs? Users? Last-updated? Probably not. These are handled in subclasses =head2 Paging results Class::DBI::Page is a very handy thing; got to work it in somehow. =head2 Documentation, documentation, documentation As ever. Maybe I can write a few articles about it too. =head2 Error handling When happens if authentication is denied, for instance? Currently we just get an Apache 403.